March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Ahh cots, poor Lozza, your post made me sad and anxious, it must have been very strange not to have Z in with you. For the record, we have E in with us in the cradle and will continue to in a cot until I think 6 months. I said to MrC I wasn't ready to let her go next door....not that the room is ready yet anyway....and he said he wasn't either. Part of it is pure laziness with regards to breast feeding.

On high chairs, we were given folding plasticky thing which I hate. I really would rather a bolt on the table one so have a few in my eBay watch list.

Woohoo for lovely toy givers Glow!
MsC / it was weird! But he's outgrown the pram and the travel cot is awkward to lower him into without waking so ge'll be much comfier in his proper cot with lovely pocket spring mattress, it should be like lying on our bed! It was hard at half 12 to get properly out of bed though but at least the glider chair will get used. If I struggle to get him back down he's coming back in with me!

Also massive hugs for you and your dad, and mum. Hope little E is giving him something cheerful to focus on as he recovers :hugs:

Glow - how nice of her!

Christmas - I think we'll buy bare minimum this year, I just don't see the point as he won't understand. How we'll stop the inlaws going crazy is anyone's guess based on what I've seen them spend on the others before. I like the idea of a limit, or gift receipts :haha: I just don't want to be living in plastic hell! Maybe when they ask what he wants I'll send them his bank account number and sort code.
Crow - thank you hunni x You and your dad have been on my mind, im glad he is moving ward and has come through this. You are really going through it at the moment and i think your so brave xxx and im glad E is being a little star for you. Even on our toughest of days, our LOs are like little shining lights of happiness xxx

Glow - yay for strangers!! :)

Lozza - ''plastic hell''.... i couldnt have put it any better. I have a confession to make.... im slightly OCD. slightly. I wont admit to any more than that :haha: i literally panic if a coaster is out of place. So toys here there and everywhere is actually my idea of hell.

Im actually going to ask the grandparents to just buy one SMALL gift (if they want to) but we would rather money go into his account.

I love that we are talking about Christmas..... in August :rofl:

Can we talk about cake instead??? I saw the advert for the 'great british bake off' and there was a union jack cake with blue sponge.... OMG... looked delish

Glow...thats amazing. i.really.should pop into some of these charity shops...pick up some bargains

Mscrow...glad to hear your dad is doing much better....may he continue to do so x x x

Woooooop jumperoo arrived....hubby working from home so building it. Going to.hopefully get M in it during pre bedtime excited!!!

Other news...have just made both carrot and parsnip puree...currentky freezing in ice cube trays before moving to.freezer bags. M shows no.signs still but thought it cant hurt...they'll keep. Of course she may go.til 6 mths on milk only and then purees not required....can always mix lumps in :haha: weight is hovering around 10st now...want to get down to about 9st 10 ish....9 1/2 would be ace but not.too concerned. Shred at 6:30 tonight!!!!! Get on it laddies x
I love cake :cake: my friend tried to make a blue wedding cake using blueberries, think she gave up in the end as it was more green than blue!

Also those whatchamacallit bars are lovely!

I don't mind toys everywhere, I would just rather we had fewer quality toys than tonnes of plastic like I know his cousins have. They get so much at Christmas they've no idea what they've received or who it's from so lots of stuff I'm sure never gets touched. 2 years ago at aged 7, 5 and 6 months you literally could have filled a skip with the packaging from theur presents for the 3 of them (and that was the year the 7 & 5 yr olds got their own tv/dvd players for their rooms )It just seems such a waste. If I can't do reusable nappies I guess I can try for reusable/more sustainable toys!
J is still in our room but in his cot, he's been it since around 10 weeks.
It's only really because we only have 2 bedrooms and have nowhere else to put him :wacko:
Technically I could have redecorated the 2nd bedroom as a nursery, at the moment it's a guest bedroom but the girls use it when they are here. I couldn't face turfing them out of their room even though they aren't here much but the alternative is a blow-up bed for them and I really felt that was unfair.
Hopefully we might be able to move in the next 6 months and then J can have his own room but kind of sad by that time it probably won't be appropriate to decorate it as a nursery :cry:

I like getting toys from Charity shops, I've given LOADS over the years, including clothing etc and because I won't be having anymore kids I can gift them all back when he outgrows them so it's win win really :thumbup:

I'm about 4lbs lighter than I was pre-preg, not sure how I've managed that to be honest because I hate exercising :blush:

Ooooo Mitch - excited for M and her jumperoo....boing boing :happydance:

Meant to say before - I got the results of my scan back and basically they want to wait until November and then re-scan again when my hormone levels have gone back to normal, stupid really because I've had 3 periods already so would have thought they would be OK by now :shrug:
I also had to go the Dr's on Wednesday because I keep having problems with my left arm/hand. I had a bit of numbness in my arm a few days after having J and the MW said it was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
It's progressively getting worse and some of my fingers are getting really painful, my arm is numb and my wrist keeps giving way.
Dr thinks it's a trapped nerve in my elbow and given me some tablets to take for a week and then take them as and when needed. If no improvement I've to go for some kind of tests on the nerve endings :shrug:

Anyhoo - that was all a bit me me me :rofl: :wacko:
Crow- :hugs: So lovely to hear from you, and I'm glad your dad is doing a bit better.

Lozza- I feel pretty much the same about the wastefulness of toys. There is a kid's consignment shop here that does ~3 big blowout sales a year. They have great deals on gently used toys, baby gear and clothes. I plan to hit up their next sale for sure!

FT- I'm more than a little bit OCD about clutter. Having twins is a good antidote though because even if I get the smallest and fewest items possible, there's still a lot of stuff. :shrug: So, it's forced me to relax a bit. :thumbup:

I probably mentioned this last Christmas, but last year, I made the decision to do 4 gifts for DS1: 1 gift he really wanted; 1 gift to wear; 1 gift to read and 1 gift to give away. It worked out really well, and led him to really appreciate that one gift that he wanted. Of course, he's 12, so the thrill of Christmas is different than a 5 year old. I'll never forget the look on his face that first Christmas that he really understood the joy of getting presents. Every single thing that he opened (even the socks) generated squeals of pure delight. It was hilarious and heartwarming.

Mitch- sounds like your weight is great!! I'm stuck at 150 (90% of which is in my belly, butt and thighs). I attribute this entirely to cake. How did we get on the topic of cake? Yum! (or a Whatchamacallit would hit the spot too!)

EDIT TO ADD: Hi Kaz!! We've missed you. :)
glow - sorry ur arm is in pain hunni :( and yer - i thought our hormones were ALMOST back to norm now, more so if had some AFs? But i guess they know best :shrug: Must be horrible having it drawn out tho. just keep us up to date :hugs: and there is nothing wrong with a me me me post now and again :winkwink: esp a deserved one xxx
WT - thats a great idea regarding gifts!

Mitch - yer i agree, i think u look fab and defo dont need to lose any more weight hun xxxx
MrsC - I'm so glad your Dad is improving!

Glow - Wow! That is really great! What a nice thing to do for a complete stranger!

Keira is kind of in between her room and our room right now still. I'm need to get a board to get the motion detector installed in her crib before we send her there overnight or I will never sleep. Especially since It's gone off a few times lately.

Edit: She was in her exersaucer today when she accidentally flung herself back in excitement and hit her head on one of the toys (not hard). I wasn't really concerned because it didn't bother her but then she started doing it on purpose! She was sitting there leaning back and hitting her head backwards on to the toy?! What is that about??? I took her out to get her to stop, it was so weird!
skadi - that IS weird lol x

right lads - naught friday.... would you have: chinese, indian, burger, fish, pizza, yadda yadda... for dinner? x (yadda yadda sounds yum :haha: )
Glow yay lovely strangers and free toys, but sorry to hear about your arm/hand pain, and the ongoing (still, poor you!) Monitoring with the cyst. I'd be going spare in your position, I hate it when things don't resolve! Also thanks again on the heads up for tthe bargain jumperoo, its gone down a treat! ;)

MsC, massive :hugs: you must be just so washed out going through the last week (year) of turmoil, it takes its toll on the emotions and physically too. :hugs: You are one strong mama. Xx

Re: "Plastic Hell". Yeah, it can really get like that! :wacko: I'm not a neat freak, but by mid-afternoon on a rainy day I'm lucky if I can see the carpet! :shock: It drives me mental! However, when they go to bed, everything is put away, and the only thing that's visable now is the jumperoo, and Roh's garage. :) We have a big chest where at least 50% of Roh's toys are at any one time, and the rest will be available to play with. If there is too many out he won't play properly, he just empties all the toys out of his boxes, and throws them about, so a lot of them get put away in the locked chest, and we rotate them out every couple of weeks.

MIL drives me nuts because she never asks what we need/want for the kids, she just spends loads on big bulky items (like tricyles, rocking horses etc) we don't have space for. :dohh: the rest of the grandparents are good though and either get clothes, or ask what they want or need, which is perfect. :)
Tonight id have Chinese! I bought 2 lovely ribeye steaks though so having that instead.

I get books from charity shops but have never looked at toys. Will maybe have a look next time, not that we actually need any! Need to bundle all his clothes up that don't fit and stick on eBay actually, or I might take some to the charity shop.

Glow - my friend had a really bad wrist, it was from
Holding her baby all the time. She's had a splint put on after being referred to the physio. I think it might have been carpel tunnel but can't remember. Hope you get it sorted soon though.

So after a sleepless night Z has had 2 naps all day; an hour at half10 and 20 mins at 3pm. Not enough! He's knackered now, has fallen asleep on me but then wakes himself up sniffling!
Hi ladies

So glad to hear things are improving for your dad mrscrow

Christmas wow cant believe its only 4mths away. We are getting e a trike and another few small things. im picking up pieces as i go

Meant to say, Skadi, Roh used to bang his head on things over and over when he was small, not hard, but it did freak me out. Normal though I think ;)
Glow...a couple of my friends have been diagnosed with 'mummies thumb' i think.thats the slang for it:shrug:...caused by picking.up.the banies under their armpits and straining the joint.between thumb and forefinger....yours sounds similar but extended. They bought a brace to wear on wrist...goes between.fingers and slightly.up.arm...they wesr during the day. Perhaps see if that alleviates pain. Sure there was somehing else to.add hmmmm

FT....we are having indian...but one of the Sainsburys.readymade meals for.two:happydance:...always feels slightly.more 'healthy' than.takeaway..and cheaper:happydance:

Jumperoo is fab...sure you have seen on fb. What i.didnt say.on that is brought on a poonami:haha:...wouldnt habe been bad manovered it up the back.oooops. She loved it but too short to.bounce herself yet....she will get there. However it is MASSIVE :shrug:...oh well

What else...oh.yeah thanks for the no need to lose know when you just feel like you are a few lbs too heavy??! And toning neefed. Didnt do sjrf as i.pit M to ned
Aaargh phone...anyway...skipped shred....will start sunday....early start for hen do tomorrow and i ended up putting M down tonight you.getting on
ooh to british bake-off!

not keen on the thought of plastic hell. i think quality over quantity too. i really hope the new house (when we find it) has space for a play room. i can't bear the thought of no toy-free space.

waula - blackberry bakewells look amazing!!!!

MsC - still thinking of you and your dad and hope you enjoy the mindless chatter to egt away from it all for a few moments. thanks for the update. x

fab toys glow!

right, afm, i have had a horrible day involving tears and alsorts. R just doesnt like the bottle/formula. all he had today was 4oz!!!!!! he bf in the morn and eve but just 4oz for the whole daytime. he hates it.

plus im a clumsy lump and managed to break 2 Le Creuset ramikins and a cute pink cupcake holder thing.

it sounds pathetic now but everything was getting on top of me.

getting worried R isn't getting enough calories during the day.

any suggestions?? please x

ps the link above is a coupon for a free Plum food pouch!

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