March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Hiya Blessing.....welcome!!! Such a lovely post and so pleased we could through some tough.times. And now you have your second gorgeous bubba you are truly blessed:flower:. But seriously did talk of surfboards, swamp crotch and pissy mouse (who will very soon) REALLY help:haha:. helped need to laugh during the worrying times of pregnancy.

My OH knows on here all the time...even commented on my recent posting about center parcs and wanting to book.a treehouse....that i.should take you lot:haha:...unfortunately he wouldnt pay....bah!!!!!

Regards having a daughter....that still sounds weird weird weird:haha:. But lovely!!!! She is full of personality....very smiley...shy.around new people but very inquisitive/nosey...i think.she is going laid back like hubby. She doesnt get worked up.or frustrated easily a stranger Blessing...thanks to Lozza for outing you x

I am off to bed arrives for M tomorrow
Hi Blessing, nice to hear from you! :hugs: Our babbers have the same birthday! :dance:

OH just gave me a back rub and foot rub :cloud9: Worth staying up late for!! :sleep:

Oh, and he looks at me on my phone and just says "you chatting to 'that lot' again?" :haha:
OH.MY.GOD. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are going to be my downfall. Why do I do this to myself?

In other news, P rolled from back to front this evening. He was just rocking back and forth and rolled right over like it was no big deal. Of course, I couldn't get him to do it again, so it may have been an accident. :haha:

I try to semi-hide BnB from DH. Now that so many of you are on my FB list, I can simply refer to you as my "friends." Or occasionally I'll refer to the "ladies in my mommy group." The only reason I don't tell him more explicitly is because I like to vent about him here. :thumbup:

Alrighty.... I'm off to bed soon. DH is out of town tonight and won't be back until the morning, so I figure I should try to get some early sleep.
Hi and Welcome Blessing!

Yes, it is still so weird to think that I have a daughter and I'm now a Mom! Weird weird weird but lovely.

It's cute to hear all about your babies personalities. Keira is definitely stubborn and is not afraid to let you know when she doesn't like something but is generally a very happy and bubbly baby.

It's funny about shark eyes because its so true! Keira gets them when she is hungry and I'm taking too long to get my boob out.

This is embarrassing but... I put Keira in her wrap carrier for the first time ever today. I'm now wishing I had tried it earlier as I got a ton of housework done and she was loving it!

Now you are probably all going to think I am crazy but early this morning (4ish?) about an hour after I put her down to sleep after feeding she woke me up with some crying so I got up and was trying to rock the cradle and hold the soother in. All of a sudden I got this funny bad feeling and I can't describe it right but almost felt like static all around me and then I heard a heavy footstep right beside me complete with the floor board creaking! I just grabbed Keira right up and ran to my bed with her. So creepy. This isn't the first time something like that has happened since moving to this house either so I am considering asking my priest to come and bless the house. I just think he might think I've gone batty!
Skadi- that is creepy, makes me want to turn a light on and a radio. I think a blessing sounds good for a house, even without weirdness. Is weirdness a word?

Hey blessing, glad those of us shy folk are starting to speak out!

Missy- exciting on your bathroom being done! We are saving up to fix our bathroom, though hoping it won't take as long as yours it is our only one.

MrsCrow- :hugs: for your family, I hope your dad is doing well.

Ft - We still have some coughing and sneezing daily, she still gets hiccups almost every day too.

All the high chair and jumperoo talk makes me want to go get them asap. I wasn't planning on getting a jumperoo but it seems like they are a big hit so now I'm thinking she must have one, right now.

I finally caught up on the week, it seems like every time I would try I would up having to fend off cats. Finally got the one to stop trying to climb up on me and lay next to me. I'm not good at typing on this fake keyboard on the iPad but haven't made it to the computer all week. Also exhausted, D has been squirmy about every 30-40 minutes at night we cosleep so it wakes me up. I'm guessing it's after every sleep cycle and also wanting to eat 4 times a night. I've been working on naps in the crib in her room this week to get her transitioned in there since the current sleeping arrangement is no longer working, only managed one nap in there so far, just feel like a complete failure and must be doing something wrong. Any tips on getting her to sleep by herself?
Morning lads!

Hiya Blessed! Welcome aboard the madhouse!!! Seriously tho, lovely story and so glad you've got two beautiful blessings in your life now. These lads are the best, truly. You won't regret being outed! Well done our resident outer, Lozza. :rofl:

Skadi - oooh you gave me goosebumps down my spine...creepy! Do whatever makes you feel better hon :flower: x

I speak to OH and family about you if you are my friends :haha: You've all been there through an amazing time in my life so it feels like you are! OH thinks it's nice - tho think that's partly to do with the fact me typing away on here gives him free rein of the tv remote most evenings!! :rofl:

Had a good night here - 7.30pm- 5.15am - yay!!!! She's now dozing on sofa and snoring whilst I catch up with you lot!

Got a busy weekend - out for dinner tonight with A, OH and friends. Seeing the house (gulp/ yeah!!) again on Saturday and taking my dad along as he is very good at seeing any potential probs. Then out again on Sunday for Sunday lunch (well dinner) at friends after a country walk.

On a different note...have any of you noticed that you're more constipated since birth? I am :blush: woke up this morning with tummy pains again :-(

A just woke hersellf up snoring!!! Bless - she is just brill!

Lots love xxxxx
hello Blessing! wonderful to 'hear' from you and a belated congratulations on the birth of your second blessing

and smiles!

i refer to you all as my 'march mamas' and hubby knows what that means. he is regularly asking what you lot are up to etc

FT - i asked hubby to keep an olympic 50p for him but he spent it! he had the badminton one. i will have to find another one now!
Morning my BnB friends!!

Hi Blessing, sorry for outing you! :haha: your post actually brought a tear to my eye this morning to. Lovely to have you on board, and love your names - Spanish or Italian influenced?

Ft - that motorbike is cool!
Emera - Z hardly feeds in the day either, he rarely seems hungry them when he is feeds for 5 minutes, stops and grins and then is impossible to feed again! I think that's why he wakes at night although I'm hoping he's learning to catch up in evenings.

Transition to big bed didn't go well (I found it horrible, where's my little boy gone?!! Our room seems massive again without an extra bed in it!). He woke at half 12, I tried for an hour to feed and get him back down but he ended up in our bed and was wriggly and sniffly all night. I think he's got a cold as he's bunged up and coughing. And he felt warm I thought.

I dont have a jumperoo either smiles and not planning to get one (sorry Z). I just don't have the room and to be honest he's happy on his gym or on the picnic rug trying to crawl! We've got one of those blue door bouncers so he goes in that occassionally.

Skadi - that's weird!
Nic - hope your dad likes the house and what a great night!

Rhyme time this morning if we can get out of bed...
Morning everyone

I can't believe we're in August already, where is the time going? Before we know it Xmas will be here :wacko: Are you getting LO's any presents?

Our nights aren't getting any better but at least there's a pattern to them. Last feed at 8.30, bed at 9 and then feed at 12.15, 2.15, 4.15 then up at 7ish. So I suppose we can say we have a routine :haha:

lozza - hope you have fun at rhyme time

blessing - hello :flower:

nicnak - sounds like a lovely weekend. And yes I'm the same with constiaption. I just eat plenty of fibre to try and help
Just a quick one... Skadi! I'm not bloody talking to you any more... Ha ha you freaked me right out. I'm such a wimp about ghosty things.

definately getting presents for lo at xmas! prob not too much because i think he will get a lot from family (and father christmas obviously) but i will prob wrap up clothes and things for him as well as some toys. don't know what yet.
G'day lads!

Re: Xmas, Roh's first xmas I was given a batch of 2nd hand toys from a cousin in the October, and they were a little old for him, so I wrapped them up for xmas. :shrug: the grandparents all went mad, so he had a load of stuff, and mostly just enjoyed tearing the wrapping paper up. This year I imagine I'll use xmas as an excuse to buy a couple of more expensive items for the pair of them that they might need either toys, kit or clothing. Roh is just about now getting to the age where he can appreciate getting a present, so I imagine he'll get a few little toys. I hate the thought of spoiling them with tons of gifts!

Skadi, a blessing sounds like a good plan if it sets your mind at ease! I've lived in one house where weird stuff seemed to happen. Like you said, odd bad feelings, like if you were a cat all the fur would be up on your back! Also other stuff like doors opening/closing, the tv turning on/off and sounds in the night. I'm really sceptical about the paranormal, but I definitely can't explain the weirdness in the house I rented, except maybe bad insulation/plumbing and wiring. :shrug: Still, I hated being alone in that house and was happy to move out as soon as my contract was up!
lol! I'm sorry Missy (and anyone else creeped out)! I'm still so freaked out by it. Usually I close the bedroom door while she naps in the day but I kept it open all day yesterday so I could keep an eye on her. Plus OH slept in our bed with me for the first time since she came home!

Emera - I'm pretty skeptical about it too, I tried to see if I could make the same sound myself in case maybe I was more tired than I thought and made the sound myself. There was no way I could do it though. I could make the floor creak but only if I were standing far closer to the door than what would be natural and I still couldn't get it to creak like it did and never mind that footstep.

I really miss my old place where the weirdest things happened only because of the stripper in the apartment above me. lol!

I also told my mom about it, and I thought she would be like "Don't be stupid" but after explaining it to her she said that the feeling I had before it happened (That static/vibrations in the air and bad feeling) she felt the same thing in the minute before my parents and grandparents were in the car crash that killed my Grandmother. She explained it better as like a feeling of uncontrollable doom. She said she was kind of ignoring it when it was happening and just going on with the conversation in the car but that if she ever felt it again she would pay more mind. That creeped me out even more! (Thanks mom!)

Anyway, I've rambled on...

As for Christmas I've picked her up a few toys I've seen on sale that I've had coupons for plus I've won some toys suitable for 12 months that will be either Birthday or Christmas presents. I do realise she probably won't know or care about it, it's mostly for picture taking! lol
now I am a very VERY Christmassy person and can't wait for it this year - but for us its more about the tree, the food, singing carols...not a huge fan of mountains of pressies :( poor N!!! Going to put a max £20 spend limit on pressies from g-parents and if they want to spend any more I'll ask for money and pop it into an account for him. From what I've seen LO's seem to prefer the boxes that toys come in rather than the toys!!!

Right...well vvery productive day so far (N did 10.30-6.30 last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so made some blackberry bakewells this morning, been to baby group, walked the dogs with a friend and now got a friend and her 8mo coming over this afternoon... she's done some baby led weaning so going to see it in action!

here's a pic of the blackberry bakewells...NOM.

Missy - fancy shredding later??!!! I am SO stiff from my run yesterday. Ouch.


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    noah charles 001.jpg
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I forgot to do my shred last night...honestly!!!! Put M to bed...straight into dinner for one ...bath soak...leg shaving....fake tanning....doing nails:happydance:. Have photo shoot on Sat and a hen do that night...dont want to be pastey. Tonight definately when hubby putting M down

Just been to have loads more M photos printed for the album....and droppef in the disposanle camera we used in pool at CP...asked for 1 hour dev but machine was knackered ...will collect tomorrow. Cant wait

Christmas...i.will be buying.M some pressies but.not.spending.a fortune...she wont have a clue whats going on. Might get family to get clothes....always handy
Ooh Mitch forgot you have shred too... I think I need someone to shred with or else I give up :) we could weigh in before and see if it actually works!!!!
The night before our photo session N had been up every 3hrs so I'm hoping the lighting was kind!!! There wasn't much beautification at my end :dohh:

christmas wise - We will only get that bike, we will just put money in his account. He will be thankful for it when older :winkwink:

Ghosts - im going on a ghost hunt later this month... at night... at some oxfordshire ruins.... cant wait heehee :) Im unsure how seriously i will take it but wanted to meet more people from our town and think it will be fun :)

Blessed- welcome! enjoy getting involved in our madness :hugs:

Just got back form babyclub and lunch out... drenched. Gorgeous sky now tho! :dohh: typical.

Lost my weekly 2pounds so i get to enjoy naughty friday :haha: I had a coronation wrap for lunch - plus some coffee walnut cake... yum. Tonight? maybe...just maybe... a Mcds :happydance:

Im on my own till about 9pm tho as DH is golfing it up. I need to buy some mags and snacks :)

Hope your all having a great day. sure there was something else i wanted to say about something..... gah.
oh yer, mitch .... get SHREDDING!

speaking of which i havent yet today.... will prob do tonight. My legs hurt today. Unsure if its from yesterdays shred - or zumba :shrug:

Ive only got 3 more days of level 1..... :cry:
Hey lads

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. It's been heartening to read about jumperoos, shreds and cakes. I don't think we'll get a jumperoo as much as I would like to, it's stressing me out enough finding a good, affordable cot at the moment.

*waves hello to Blessing*

Exercise, wow, I really miss the days when I was pregnant and went for a swim every morning before work. Fortunately it's very, very hilly where I live so I remain pretty fit from the peak before giving birth but still, I think it's the private headspace that doing some exercise gives. I commend you all for doing the shred and FT, with regards to feeling a loss of confidence about your body, please don't ever feel guilty for posting about that just because right now my life is a bit stressful. It really matters how you feel about yourself and you're usually such a positive person so you must feel overwhelmed about it at the moment. Give it time? Don't pressure yourself, I think it should take as long as we're pregnant, nine months, to feel like ourselves again.

Well, the good news is that my dad has a double dose of pneumonia and nothing else, no brain bleeds or pressure. All caused by a massive bout of sepsis arising from the epstein barr virus contracted from his Hickman line. It's safe to say we nearly lost him. He was deep in a sepsis shock until Tuesday and it's only since Wednesday night that we've started to see him again. He is understandably deeply troubled by what has happened. I don't know if anyone will tell him they gave him a 50% chance of living. I'm sat here next to him in critical care but he's being moved to another ward this afternoon now he's off the ventilator. He's tired. My head is mashed, I feel like I'm trying to swim out of a deep mist of days which have blurred together. I nearly lost my dad, it punches me in the stomach everytime that fact recurs in front of me. E has been amazing.

Ok, essay over. Back to watching dad and reading your posts.
:hugs::hugs: MrsC - you really have had an emotional year thus far I really hope things improve with your Dad and he gets on the mend soon. I am sure having you and E there will be a massive help for him and your Mum :hugs:

Aren't complete strangers sometimes lovely! I came out of a charity shop near me, I pop in sometimes as people hand toys in and I've got J a couple of VTech ones for £1 each that are immaculate.
Anyhoo today I came out with nothing, just as I came out the door a lady pulled up in car. She then said - do you want these toys for your little boy? She handed me a bag full of baby toys and also a Vtech sit to stand toy which is mint! just disinfecting it now!$ja=kw:vtech+sit+to+stand+dancing+tower|cgn:pre-school+toys||Vtech+sit+to+stand+dancing+tower||9088092|cgid:3787432948|tsid:13538|cn:NB||S||PPCPM||Product||Toys|cid:76986508|lid:5715403943|mt:Broad|nw:search|crid:13089134428&gclid=CKODzPrQy7ECFVAhfAodYBYAFg

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