March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

I hate baby baths! It always used to make my back ache leaning over the darn thing and Roh used to scream the place down! We gave up and got in with him pretty fast, ditched the bath and never looked back! :thumbup: Try a shower too, they are ace! :)

Freyja is seriously on one tonight, its just boob, burp, boob, poo, boob, burp, poo, boob, boob, boob, boob! :shock: Think she might be asleep now, but also just pooed so i need to try to change her without waking her up :dohh:
Mrs Crow - your birth story has really touched me :cry: it's very similar to my first (without the forceps) and I know how scary that heart rate dipping can be. You did amazingly well embracing what was happening at the time and being in the moment.
I know you might not have exactly had the birth you wanted but it sounds like the MW's tried to accomodate you the best they could which is refreshing to hear.

Glad BF seems to be going well. Hopefully when my little guy arrives we can meet up for a Becks (not blue this time :haha:)!!

Loved reading your birth stories, Emera, MrsC and Mitch. All really wonderful in different ways. :hugs:

Emera, your DH has every right to be smug! :)

How are you all coping with feedings? We are getting better at it, but it continues to be really time consuming. For those of you BF, how long does your LO nurse? My guys love the boob, so they stay on it forever! (35 minutes each plus burping and changing makes for a 1-1.5 hour operation).

In spite of that, I still don't want to give up BF. Bottles/formula have their own headaches, and nursing is definitely easier in the middle of the night since I can doze through it.
WT it really varies on feed length here. If she's being efficient then she'll be done in 10-15 mins and go back to sleep again. She seems to do that n the middle of the day. Mornings and evenings she's just on and off all the time, maybe 30 mins feeds, but she'll do that then come off, doze/need burping for 5-10 mins then want to go back on again for another 15 minutes. This evening its been like that since about 8pm to 12am. I'm seriously hoping she'll have a nice long snooze now :) fingers crossed!
I know with Roh it all settled down at about 2 months or so and feeding got loads less gruelling and time consuming :thumbup: he got more efficient and the spacing between feeds go less random, more predictable, which helped a lot. He still would cluster feed in the evening but I didn't mind that as he started sleeping for long spells at night! :thumbup:
Emera, I long for the days where feeds are only 15 minutes! That will be awesome. Enjoy you're snooze.
WT- My little man was doing 20-30min feeds in hospital but once my milk came in his only doing 10mins. I have to lay back while feeding as my flow is to fast for him and he spews if I don't. The midwife said that should settle by 6 weeks and then I don't know if that means his feed time will increase or not!
Oh god, I'm lay here is floods of tears after reading Eneras and MsCrows birthing stories. Seriously, I can't get a grip of myself.

I've had a hard couple of days, not getting easier by my milk just coming in and Dharma deciding she wants feeding all the time with no settling between feeds. I am an emotional and exhausted wreck and know I just need to stand back and look at the bigger picture and realise that this is normal.

We have finally found some micro nappies for Dharma (size one flooded her despite being within the correct weight:shrug:), and bought her some clothes that fit though not many as I'm assuming she will have a little growth spurt soon?

She has great mornings where she feeds and then sleeps for 3 hours, less great afternoons where she just wants to feed and grizzle and evenings/nights are hit and miss. These are the only bits of information I can grasp about my life at the moment.

Home life is a bit crap. Dad and I had another mother of all rows last night. It is such a mess between us, but there is nothing me can do. We don't have a house that is fit for moving into so we have to grit our teeth and stay out of the way for a few days again.

Aah. Dharma has just woken up again crying. I guess she gave me an hour and a half, which is something, just not sure why I used it on bnb rather than catching up on missed sleep!!! :haha:
Loo :hugs: just take things one feed at a time. Ignore your dad, forget everything, just focus on you and Dharma. She's getting to know the world and everything is strange to her. About the only reaction she has available is to cry, so don't worry too much when she does. What City said about her tummy is right too, it will get bigger and things will go easier. Also let yourself have time to get to know and understand her. The more you know her the easier it gets to work out what you need to do for her to settle her down. Oh and do accept that being an emotional wreck at this point is totally normal and to be expected. That too will get easier as the hormones settle down again. :hugs:
Ok just put mia down from another bf.....sorry about spellibg as i am goibg to.type quick...i usually get a couple of hours kip at this time. Well yesterday i.did hsh a

ok so mia is 3 day old today...a yyou know i but the bullet and tried bf in hospital and i must it did not "bother' me as much as i helped with latchibg yesterday and sore left boob is not as sore. I needhelp to understand whether feeding patterns etc are normak so i can decide how to carry on and ff or switch to ff totally.

So only had colostrum to can see proper milk.

Mw said demand feeding fine but to.not let mia go longer than 3-4 betweeb cos os slight jaundice in eyes. Fine....

It is nights that are the problem....she goes on boob for about 10 minutes...bit of winding then sleep. She falls asleep on boob....i tickle to wake. During day she may take another 10 said to do from same boob..yeah? But last night....seriously....

10:20....took 5 min worth hardly anything
12:10....about 10 min
2:20.....played around at boob nit really consuming much
4....big ish feeding session....20 mibs at least
6:45....10-15 min after nappy change
7:40....another 10 min

Basically i reall want to couple some of these together. Daytime feeds are much less frequent but not much longer in.duration weirdly. Broken sleeo a nightmare....xan i.encourage a swap around in day and night

also how did yours settle between feeds....its inpotant to me to try ant sleep in.between but she doesnt settle herself well in basket...and too scarex to let her fall asleep on mw...both for bad routine but also worrief i will fall asleep on her :-(

Thanks ladies.

Oh and funny taste in mouth this morning...assoc with milk in or just random!??!
Glow, YES, we really do need to plan a meet, with proper beer, even just one, sipped slowly with a glass of water after a breastfeed!

Thanks for the comments about the story, but sorry it made you cry Loo! It's comforting to know others have had similar experiences. At the beginning, I didn't know what to do with the residual anxiety.

WT, Edith can often go that long. Sometimes the feeds are shorter about 15 minutes, in which case, during the night I pay for it as she's awake two hours later hungry again. If I can get her to feed and burp, I'll feed her again, or let her have a little rest on my lap in between. I joke that the restaurant is open but rarely does she make it to dessert.

Wouldluv, I find Edith spits up far more frequently when I feed her sitting up, when I use the biological nurturing positions she feeds for longer but never spits up and rarely gets the hiccups. Loo, you could try it with Dharma as it'll have the dual effect of providing her with a lot of comfort through skin to skin. I seriously don't know why they don't advocate it in hospital, especially when they're halfway there by advocating skin to skin. It's far easier for both mother and baby, no wrestling with little hands and perfect latches as their heads naturally bob into place.

Loo, the mad long feeds are GRUELLING but you're right, go with the flow. She's feeding a lot to regulate your milk, soon, your breasts will go softer and it will start to feel slightly more manageable. Though I have to say I've gone through a recent small low feeling alone and like a milk machine. I can't face the thought of MrC going back to work next week.

Why on earth is the temperature up between you and your dad? Without wishing to pry, I'm sorry he's not biting his tongue and just offering quiet support, but everyone has their own ways I suppose. I fell out with MrC one dead of night when I stumbled back in to the bedroom to feed and dropped a glass of water everywhere, promptly bursting into floods of tears. MrC tried to keep me on track but I just felt like I was being ordered about and had another mini breakdown. Having a new baby home is hard, really hard. My midwife said, the first two weeks are hell, then it does start to get better.

Grab the small pockets of good times when you can. When my day went to pot with 4 hour comfort feeds a couple of days ago, I redeemed the day by going to meet MrC off the train with Edith in the pram. Went went and drank coffee in the sun and suddenly the world seemed slightly less shitty.
Hey Mitch

First of all, chuck the notion of a routine out of the window. You're both learning and as Mia's stomach gets bigger, as her jaundice peaks around day 5, as you both get to grips with feeding now your milk is in and as she heads into a growth spurt, no day will be quite like the one before. If you can come to terms with this a lot of stress will go.

Mia is likely a little mucousy still and sleepy. A tip I was given to wake the baby up in between short feeds was to gently wipe their face with a damp bit of cotton wool. You could also try different positions for each stage of the feed as she'll draw from a different part of the breast. Lastly, try to wind her when she nods off as it will likely wake her, make space in her tiny stomach so she can go again.

The advice I got is to put her back on the same breast if it's less than an hour that she fed from it as you want her to continue past the fore milk to the fattier and more sustaining hind milk. I know if I can get Edith to feed for longer she definitely zonks for longer. Stick with it. You're doing so well.
Thank you msC and Mitch. Thank you thank you. xxxx

Looking for bright points (apart from the fact that I have my beautiful naked daughter resting on me)... My left handed typing on my phone is coming on a treat!

Still crying, but had a good chat with oh about what was dragging me down. Midwife again this morning so can discuss some of my concerns.

MsC, would love to know more about these bf techniques?!?

Didn't say that I cried in tesco yesterday when I found micro nappies, I then cried at the checkout because someone commented on them, and also in the car when I pulled one out and saw how small they were. This was despite the fact that I really need them and they are a bit of a lifesaver!!!! Anyonyine else having such strange reactions to great things?!?!? :haha:
Mrs Crow - excellent advice...can't anymore to what you have said about BF :thumbup:

Just wanted to say regarding routine etc. It's way to early to try and establish anything too concrete at the moment, work on one thing at a time...mainly enjoying baby and then getting comfortable with BF.

Ok...does anyone want to admit that they have had a sudden panic and thought....what the hell have I done???? I know I did with DD1 and just want you to know I think it's totally normal to feel that get's easier...promise :hugs::hugs:
Glow, yes, I feel that! Sometimes I dare look at the near future and think, how am I going to cope? God, just scheduling a trip for a photocall 5 minutes walk away seems like a logistical nightmare. I block it out at the moment and will deal with it all when I have to.

Loo, the biological nurturing stuff at first light seems like hippy faff but it's definitely not! The woman who termed it as such is a well renowned researcher and it makes a lot of sense, to me anyway. You can just use the position with others, it's not the only solution, and it's really helpful in the first few weeks. I WISH I had known about it sooner.

Here's a video showing it:
Here's the main site:
An article about it:
Another article about it:
Thank you thank you thank you i have started witb bf i think.i deserve to.give it my best shot.....

Mw just popped round as bp.still too high butshe is ok.monitoring it for now as i feel ok

i think.i.pulled a muscle in my lower right abdomen aaaargh...thats lifting her off me on bed...swinging legs over and getting her in basket...i hope :-(
Mitch, like the other girls said, forget routine for now! There isn't likely to be a pattern to feeds at this point, except that they "should" be about 8 feeds in 24 hours. That means 7-9 feeds is well within "normal". Its sodding hard to wake a really sleepy baby though, eh? What i did with Roh, and have done a couple of times with Freyja (but to be honest she's such a pig i'm not waking her anymore as she's already gaining weight!) is wake them up, strip off all their clothes , put a fresh nappy on, and then feed them in just a nappy. Wind them well, and then take the nappy back off, blow on them briefly, then get them dressed and feed again. The being naked and cooler wakes them back up again, so if they are hungry at that point, they'll feed better.
To be honest if they come off the breast with milk drooling out and they are content after a winding then a 10 minute feed is probably doing the trick.
As far as settling in the basket its early days, try putting your pillowcase in the bottom of the basket so it smells like you, try warming the basket first with a hot water bottle. Try swaddling and try not swaddling. Try sitting with your hand on their chest so they feel secure, try playing pink/white noise. There are lots of things to try, some work, some don't. :shrug:

As for day and night, babies often have these back to front, so sleep brill in the day and are more active at night. Feed in the day in a bright room, sing and chat to them as you feed them, have the tv/radio on, and when you put them down, keep it bright do the hoovering etc. Also put them for day sleeps in a bouncer chair or in a pram or something. At night put them in their basket, keep it dark and quiet, if you do play music keep it soothing and low level (babies like piano and relaxed classical music by the way) use a dim night light for feeds and don't talk to or make eye contact with them whilst feeding. All of that will help to set their natural Circadian rhythm when it kicks in at about 3 weeks or so :thumbup:

Hope some of that helps! xx

Oh, and yes the hormones and broken sleep are a nightmare! :sleep: It does get better lads, i promise! :hugs:

And about the random crying, its not been so bad for me this time, maybe because its soo much easier second time round (ask me that at 3am i might not feel the same! :haha:) but last time i remember crying literally for about 5 hours because OH made me a cup of tea...... explain that one!?! :shrug:
i just read the birth stories - sounds amazing but scary. Im ready and just want to get on with it now.

Mitch - sounds like the other mummys have good advice.

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