Mitch, like the other girls said, forget routine for now! There isn't likely to be a pattern to feeds at this point, except that they "should" be about 8 feeds in 24 hours. That means 7-9 feeds is well within "normal". Its sodding hard to wake a really sleepy baby though, eh? What i did with Roh, and have done a couple of times with Freyja (but to be honest she's such a pig i'm not waking her anymore as she's already gaining weight!) is wake them up, strip off all their clothes , put a fresh nappy on, and then feed them in just a nappy. Wind them well, and then take the nappy back off, blow on them briefly, then get them dressed and feed again. The being naked and cooler wakes them back up again, so if they are hungry at that point, they'll feed better.
To be honest if they come off the breast with milk drooling out and they are content after a winding then a 10 minute feed is probably doing the trick.
As far as settling in the basket its early days, try putting your pillowcase in the bottom of the basket so it smells like you, try warming the basket first with a hot water bottle. Try swaddling and try not swaddling. Try sitting with your hand on their chest so they feel secure, try playing pink/white noise. There are lots of things to try, some work, some don't.
As for day and night, babies often have these back to front, so sleep brill in the day and are more active at night. Feed in the day in a bright room, sing and chat to them as you feed them, have the tv/radio on, and when you put them down, keep it bright do the hoovering etc. Also put them for day sleeps in a bouncer chair or in a pram or something. At night put them in their basket, keep it dark and quiet, if you do play music keep it soothing and low level (babies like piano and relaxed classical music by the way) use a dim night light for feeds and don't talk to or make eye contact with them whilst feeding. All of that will help to set their natural Circadian rhythm when it kicks in at about 3 weeks or so
Hope some of that helps! xx
Oh, and yes the hormones and broken sleep are a nightmare!
It does get better lads, i promise!
And about the random crying, its not been so bad for me this time, maybe because its soo much easier second time round (ask me that at 3am i might not feel the same!
) but last time i remember crying literally for about 5 hours because OH made me a cup of tea...... explain that one!?!