FT i had no pain relief with Roh, tried gas and air but got pissed off with it as the mouth piece kept falling off and i couldn't get it close enough to me for some reason, so threw it at the midwife. I had it for the stitching afterwards though, and oh my its lovely stuff! I was off my face!
I would have LOVED some gas and air this time round to be honest, it really took the edge off with the stitching, and i had planned to use it. Sadly it just didn't arrive in time, so i had another birth with no pain relief!
Was pretty intense!
Mitch, bleeding for me, its still going, but its very watery now, like the very end of a period. It was watery and red and heavy for a few days, then went a bit like a regular period but a heavy one. Its really slowed now, i'm using about 4-5 pads a day and they aren't full at all, i just change them for freshness! I have had some clots pass. On day 2 or 3 i think i felt pretty unwell and felt some pressure, not so nice. Went to the loo and nearly fainted. that was a clot i guess about the size of a tennis ball, it freaked me out! Apparently its something called cervical shock where your cervix spasms when the clot passes and it can make you feel a bit ill and dizzy.
Anyway i had some tenderness on one side of my uterus after that and the midwife warned me it might be some more clots. I passed those about day 5 and again they were about tennis ball sized and 4 of them. I felt better and better after each one, which was good because the MW was concerned i was brewing a uterine infection. Happily not, and actually i am feeling pretty normal now! I have a little graze i think that the MWs didn't mention, and weirdly that hurts more than my tear, which seems to be healing fine! The only thing i'm struggling with still is crouching down to play with Roh as it seems to put pressure on my lady bits, maybe with incresed blood flow or something. Sitting, walking and standing are all fine though
Wow, that ended up being weirdly detailed!