March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

MsC - I found moving rooms a bit emotional, but only for the first night. It was just a "oh god he's growing up, sob" moment. Given that he still spends the majority of the night in with me though it's a bit irrelevant!! It's a good point that he needs
To be sleeping better by winter,it'll be freezing to feed in the middle of the night, cold enough the last 2 nights!!

Missy, that's great about the accommodation. Sure the time will fly by though it willbe tough. Bet your oh will miss T like crazy.

Had a proper poonami this afternoon. Thought I could smell something, looked behind him sat on my lap and discovered a pile of poo in my lap and up his back to his shoulder blades, nice :dohh:
G is still in our room, not sure when I'll get up the nerve to move her out. It's kind of a "chicken or the egg" situation, because I know she may sleep better in her own space, but no way am I going to get up and go to another room to feed her if she's still waking 2 times a night to eat.

Last night she flopped onto her belly and was fast asleep in that position, so I had to wake her up... today I moved the movement monitor from the nursery into our room so at least I can get some sleep without worrying if she's on her belly.

The first few times she rolled over, it was belly to back, and now she seems to have forgotten how to do that completely! So strange.

She was so sleepy tonight and kind of fussing and then I sneezed and she freaked out. She's going to be grumpy like her mom when she's tired...
Keira keeps rolling over to her belly in her sleep too. I am going to try and move her to the nursery tomorrow night as a trial but first I have to setup the movement monitor in the crib meaning I have to find a board or something to put under the mattress.

I was starting to think that since she gets up every 3 hrs lately to feed that I might delay until she starts sleeping through the night again. She also doesn't seem to roll on to her tummy in her cradle either.... hrm.
Mscrow...hope first night went well? How she do?

I know it feels like chicken.and egg at the moment but M was still wakibg about 1am and 5am ish for feeds when i moved her. I quite liked getting use out of my chair....nursing her in her room...lovely and hubby.there just me and M....That being said she lasted 2 nights. By night 3 (or may have been 2nd) she alept right through til 6:30am!!! So.yes you dont want getting up during the night but putting in own room may be what they need to not wake up.....I am not saying do it if you are not ready btw....i was ready and M was ready obviously so it worked for us. Obviously you may still end up with wake ups but suppose you dont know til you try. Mscrow ...i agree its nice we can go to bed with a cup of the paper, book...hubby watching sky sports news ha ha:haha:

Great news about accomodation Missy....Chichester is lovely...hope you get a job down that way....plenty of hospitals for sure. Would you want hospital based or community or private birthing facility? Exciting and very jealous x x

Mmmmm weeekend....shared parenting responsibilites woooop
I love weekends too, only half the nappy changes!

Mouse - Z was the same, learnt to roll front to back then as soon as he learnt back to front forgot he could originally go the other way. He refigured it out eventually. I heard somewhere that from about 6 months all babies like to sleep on their front? Don't know how true that is but if she's happy there and as long as she can lift her head to turn rather than faceplant in the mattress she's probably happy there. The first night Z did it was a night he slept well, I remember waking every hour to check he was still breathing!

Oh, I've just remembered inlaws are coming for the day tomorrow, yawn.
Mitch, I think I want to start in the hospital on delivery suite and then potentially move to one of the midwife led units possibly then community but it depends what the home birth rate is like. I'd die of boredom doing clinic all the time. Eventually I'd quite like to work in bereavement care though.
I'm definitely not ready yet! The movement monitor helps but I think I'll keep her a bit longer. Here they recommend keeping the baby with you for six months, so we'll go at least that long. Although I think I need to lower the mattress in the P&P to the second setting, because now that she can roll and push up, she keeps bonking her head on the metal bar. :dohh:

Missy, how exciting to go someplace new and start fresh!
Oh, and my sister was supposed to be here at 10 am, but she isn't here yet and I'm sure she stayed up drinking because she was fighting with her boyfriend and is still asleep.

Her loss, the baby's been napping since 10 anyway! Ha!
Mouse, they suggest 6 months here too. I only moved D because there was so much disruption to her routine with being on holiday I thought it was te best time. Didn't really feel ready though :cry: and regarding rolling, D did it front to back a total of four times and has not done it again for the best part of a month. *sigh* no rush I guess!

Lozza, sounds like a really special poonami that Z shared with you :rofl::sick:

Missy, I love fnar fnar. Hilarious!!

Emera, Glow, such varied diets :rofl: though to be fair, if I was offered a chip or ice cream over some puréed veg, I know what I'd be reaching for!

Ok. Crap night, crap day, surely we are due a good one?
Yep I only moved Z because he outgrew the pram, and it was so low down to lower him I to the travel cot (his real cot won't fit through the door into our room) that by the time I got him to the mattress he was awake! Transferring to the cot is definitely easier.

Loo - fx for a good night, you deserve one! Likewise MsC! Since I've been clock watching we actually haven't had an epic long day awake. I'll need to put my foot down tomorrow when the inlaws are here. He is not missing a nap now that I've worked so hard to get them to happen!
Loo, hope D starts to settle back at home (and is knackered out from her awake sesh) so she gives you a decent night! :hugs:

Lozza, i'm holding out for a good night from Z! He's got to do it eventually! :hugs:

Also hoping for a better night myself. Less snoring, nightmares and feeding, and more sleep!! :sleep:
Argh! Rant time!

My sister overslept. Finally I called her around 11:30 and it was fine, whatever, the baby had been asleep so I was able to get some work done. I said, "So I'll see you when you get here?" figuring she'd maybe hop in the shower and scarf some food and be here by noon. Well, no, she decided she'd like to come at 2! So she's basically working a half-day and I'm trying to appease the baby and fuming as I think about all the stuff I won't be able to get done today because she decided to go out to lunch or whatever. (Whereas I didn't really get lunch because I have no food in the house and had planned to go to the grocery store this morning.) And I just know the baby's going to want to eat as soon as she gets here and then I'll be paying her to sit on her a$$ and do nothing for 30 minutes.

I hate this... we try to look out for my family and then they just take advantage. We didn't hire her for HER convenience... we hired her because I have to work!

Time for a talk. Boo.
Ouch Mouse, time for a talk indeed, I'm really sorry your day sucked so badly, I hate the growing fuming that comes with being totally dicked about. Did she apologise? Do you really need to have a business relationship in the family? Though I do understand it has it's major plus points too.

Yes, it is generally 6 months here, E is coming up to that and if I could have the cotbed in our room I would, but I sort of recognise she needs to be in her own space as she was getting sensitive to our movements. I miss her though. Not a peep from the monitor, I desperately want to go see her but need to let her be or I'll disturb her.

And it's been such a mammoth day, as it has been for Loo, with no real naps. Sort of worried about that, I guess she needs to get used to her Cotbed, it wasn't like this on holiday, she napped fine in the travel cot.....but then the whole setting was different. God I am knackered. When MrC went out with her I should have napped but instead I was rehanging curtains, tidying up, hanging pictures, changing the bed (for the autumn duvet, brrrrr) and reading more of the baby led weaning book.

Oh, can totally recommend the Hauck Alpha chair, it is really well made and slides right up to the table. I had to send it back, a bar was missing, so the new one is on its way but the design is very nice and E thinks its the bees knees to be sat at the table. Anyone else feel a little hesitant about weaning until they've read something completeish? It's silly. I guess it's the researcher in me. It's not like she's really eating right now, just playing and tasting.
"Sleep when the baby sleeps" never worked for us, either, MsC! :hugs:

Sis came over... didn't say anything to her because she was so sad. Having major troubles with her boyfriend. It's tempting to just get a "real" nanny, but my sister loves G sooooo much and is so good with her. We got her to giggle tonight!

I'll just wait and have a talk with her when she's in better spirits. She's really good about trying harder if you ask her to (she lived with us for 9 months and I used to lecture her constantly... I'm a bossy big sister)!

G's asleep on her tummy... thank heavens for the movement monitor, or I'd be checking on her every three minutes. I read somewhere that it may help her sleep more soundly... we'll see!
City, sorry about your sister. It's always going to be a slightly tougher relationship when you are both the boss and sister. I really hope se doesn't start taking advantage of you though as it sounds like you've given her a fairly good deal.

MsC, how was your and Edith's night? As for blw, we are totally committed to it, but completely nervous about it to the point of ignoring it. We are going to get a high chair in the next week or so, and in that time I'll have hopefully have had time to read the book and got to grips with it. We have tried her with bits of food to play with on holiday (red peppers, cucumber, melon, nectarine and carrot - all raw. Oh, and a basil leaf!!!), but though she tries to nom on everything, her paws are too slimy from all the drool to keep hold of anything. She really is a slime ball!!!

Ok, progress!! We managed to get her to sleep without holding her last night (took about 20 mins), Al settled her with her dummy about midnight, then she woke at 3.30 and it took Al and I leaning over the crib, shushing and comforting for 50 minutes, but she dropped back to sleep!!! We didn't even have to pick her up!! SO pleased. She slept until 6.30. Huzzah.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the day naps though. *sigh* we will get there!
Aww, Loo that is some progress, well done! :hugs: its a case of baby steps I think, but D will get the hand of this sleeping thing eventually!

Mouse, its hard having family/business mixed. Its good that you know your sister is receptive to being asked to improve though. And if she is fab with G then never underestimate the value of that, its something that can be hard to replicate in another carer. Hope things settle down for her with her bf. X

MsC, we are doing BLW again this time, but I haven't re-read the book as I found it a bit ott last time. I prefer to be more intuitive about these things anyway than by the book. Weaning is really nothing to be nervous about once you start ;)

Well, F didn't sleep too badly so a bit of a better night here. Roh has started saying "mine" overnight, except he uses it for "my" as well so is currently sounding vaguely German ("stop eating mine food", "give mine toy"). :haha:

OH is working today but then he's off on holiday from work for a week, yay! :dance:
Bossy mouse (!) giggles make everything better hey...hope you got some lunch!!!!!
Loo that sounds like there's been improvement and that's all you can hope for. Really glad Al is good with her...and at supplying emergency hummus and olives!!!! Hope today is sleepier xxx
Emera :rofl: at Roh being all Germanic!!! How do you not laugh??!
BLW really looking forward to it, he hasn't had any play food for a week now as his bowels were struggling a bit...vinegar/green poo x10/day eeep! Going to restart slowly next the way blw says it takes ages for them to eat much...but N was eating a LOT of his play food... Exciting times ahead :)
Cloth nappies... Gone for lollipop bamboo plus wrap for nights, mix of bambino mio solo and totsbots easyfits for daytime...they're amazing at containing poo...thought they'd be worse than disposables tbh but apparently not! Even DH is convinced!!!!! :dance:
N asleep on me. Gotta love these cuddles. :cloud9:
Hey lads

Well that was a better night....she had a meltdown about 6 and was in bed by 7pm. She woke up at 2:30 for a half hour feed and then woke up properly about 8:40. My right breast was virtually crying. In all I had about 8 hour sleep, longest in ages. MrC would have had the same except he decided to have a long WOW session and came to bed at 2:30. Soooo, she was knackered from yesterday....we'll see what today brings.

Loo, so glad your night was better and you managed to settle D, that rocks, I hope you can have a similar night tonight. I'm impressed Al and you do the settling as a joint exercise.

Mouse, glad your sister came and you clearly had a lovely time together, I love the video of G laughing. I really hope it does work out.

BLW, yeah the book is a bit repetitive, I skip through those bits....I get the reasons why, I just want the method! Loo, I reckon we'll start seriously about the same time. Someone said to me that roasted batons of veg worked well and were much more grippable. Waula, I saw what great progress you and N were making, was it a particular food that caused the upset?
MsC/loo/Waula - I'm with you guys on the blw front. Read the book s few weeks ago in excitement so need to flick through it again. My friend a d her whole nct group started a month ago and it was so cute watching them all eat when I joined them for lunch. I did mean to do a first aid course first for the choking risk just in case (I know theoretically what to do but will give me a bit of confidence, and poss DH if we've both been recently shown the technique).

Great nights folks! Won't bore you with mine... I did just have a lie in from 7-10 as DH took him and got a 2 hour nap :happydance:

Mouse - love the giggles video, played it this morning and it made Z smile! Sorry your sister's taking the piss a bit though.

Right, time to finish feeding, shower and tackle the mighty pile of ironing that's accumulated. Inlaws due any moment, hopes he's happy with them this time. Then a pub lunch, hooray!
Not sure MsC what made his dicky tummy...ppl keep saying its teeth (he's a bit red cheeked too) but I'm refusing to believe my baby can get teeth just yet :haha: :ignore: so just thought I'd give him a but of a break and he's not bothered/missing it/not affected his night sleeping (two weeks now of 7-10-7!!!!!!) but just been to saino's and got some finger veg to start introducing slowly again this week...
He's sitting up now by himself, occasional wobble but I like the fact he's skipped the rolling and gone straight to more stationary poses!!! Works wonders for burps too (shame that they're not dry burps but easier to sit him up than burping him!!) and he's madly saying dadadadadadada all the time...our little babies are growing up!!!! I am looking forward to weaning a LOT!!!!

Pub lunch?! Hope it involves huge pie and chips xxx

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