March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

:hugs: Loo!

WT, I hope you're right, that would be best-case scenario. Maybe he just needed the wake-up call.

Also, what browser do you use? I use Chrome and I have a pop-up blocker... I never see ads! I know there's one for Firefox, too. You have to add them on as extensions, but it's super easy!
Also, what browser do you use? I use Chrome and I have a pop-up blocker... I never see ads! I know there's one for Firefox, too. You have to add them on as extensions, but it's super easy!

You know, now that you mention it, I don't notice a problem with Chrome (which I use at work). The banner ads are still there, but they don't expand automatically just because my mouse rolls over them. My mac at home is problem computer. I use Safari. I hadn't even considered using a pop-up blocker since I hadn't thought of them as pop-up ads. :dohh:
:hugs: Loo- We seem to be going through the same thing at the same time. Since starting work last week I can only pump about 4 oz total after all day at work... I know my supply isn't enough for her and so at night feed, I am still giving her a 4 oz bottle as well. I didn't think it would happen so fast... It's a bit sad and I can't believe how fast she's growing.
Havent posted on here for 4 days...thats just unheard was all the bump and new baby pics on fb that held me up. Plus have noticed that my.frequency of posting on bnb has droped below 9 per!!! During mat leave it was 15-20 and when i was working...well lets just say that not much work seemed to be.being.done

Loo...big hugs!!! I know exactly how you know its coming but it sneaks up on you doesnt it? I have to state some excellent advice that from another laddie....soneone by the name of WT :)flower:) who told me to.plan for my.last bf when M wasnt too fussing/overhungry and i knew my supply would be good....take a quiet moment just me and her and have that last bf...relish the moment, remember that moment as what it was...very special...a joint decision....i still remember it now and it makes me happy...very happy. Do i miss it? Not anymore but i am extremely proud of bf'ing her exclusively for 3 months...then a further month. I tell everyone i did bf and she doubled her weight through just me!!! Proud should be too x x

WT....sorry i.didnt reply when OH business going was unacceptable of him but it seems he understands the error of his ways. Horsing around yes but when they are much older and can appreciate it and hold their own x x

Cant think.of much.else sorry.....miss bnb but finding it hard with both.forums going.mental ha ha.

Off on holidays Friday so may not be on either much as dont wanna be hit with data charges...however if they have free wifi i am all over it. M's first plane journey aaargh x

Oh, WT, sorry, I mean an ad-blocker! The ad-blocker I use takes care of everything.

We have had a DAY here. I mean a day. She made the nanny cry! Do we get a medal for that? :rofl:
Loo - You have done great! I imagine I'll feel the same way when our bfing days are winding down.

Wt - glad you were able to help him understand and glad he is doing better for now.

I can't remember more right now, exhausted but can't sleep. D is not the best sleeper in the world. It is back to usually only 4 wake ups a night but last night she was tossing, turning and upset for three hours. The night before we had a nice poo at 4 am, just happy she was all smiley and only took 4 seahorse cycles to get back to sleep. She is already tossing and turning tonight, yawn. I would so take 5 hours of sleep in a row, not sure I remember what that feels like. Other than sleeping the past week has been so much fun. She is so happy and smiley, babbling and laughing. It is fun to watch her take in everything.
Silly smiles, it says you are pregnant below your name! Is this true? Congratulations!

Thank you for all your kind words. Dharma was fussy again at last nights feed, so if we get the same result tonight, I might feed her exclusively from my right side, which I know she has no problems with just so I can have a lovely last breast feed and keep it in my memory.

Mouse, the nanny = your sister, right? Eek! I think we all deserve medals no matter what!!!

Mitch, you'll have a fantastic holiday, and Mia will be her dual fantastic self, I'm confident of that! Have a lovely time. x

Can see Lozza on here too :hi: did Z have a good night? Or is that hoping too much? x
Loo, :hugs: you've done sooo well! Its emotional, and sad to stop. But, a little secret... Give it a few weeks and you'll start to relish having your body back to yourself! ;)
Ahhhh, i'm SO behind on here. I keep forgetting about it. Mousey, how did you make the nanny cry?

Still internet free, been visiting where we're moving to. Realising that i'm going to have to move in with the parents and rent my house out as we're so poor.
Ah sillysmiles your nights sound similar if not worse than mine :hugs: . I've had 2 lots of 5 hour sleeps since he was born, and one of those was because DH did a bottle! Just think however we'll really appreciate it when it comes. Have you started D on food yet? Everyone suggests that as the magic bullet, I'll be intereste to see if it makes a difference when i do start in a couple of weeks.
City - making her cry, we definitely need to hear that story.

Lozza- yeah, I think we will really appreciate sleeping when we finally get to. D just had her first bite of food yesterday. It seems like she is ready to eat so I think we will be starting having her try eating once a day now for awhile. I'm excited and a bit nervous. Have you guys started much food?

Loo - sounds like you have a good plan to make the last part of bf happy instead of stressful.
Thanks for pointing the pregnancy thing, I changed it to be right. I'm probably the only one who still has a zero chance of being pregnant. I think I am finally ready to get back into things even though I still have something I should probably go back yet again but am afraid it will involve cutting and not ready to face that yet.

Last night was more of the same, I really wish I could fall asleep during her naps. I either never manage to or I fall asleep right before she wakes up. Hoping this tea will help keep me awake or at least prevent me from doing something stupid. At least today I put the car in park before trying to get out of it, sigh.
Sillysmiles - we've not started food at all, I've been trying to hang on until we see a paediatric consultant in 2 weeks time. I'm in two minds whether to try giving him something before that just to see. Guessing the amount he'll actually swallow could be too tiny to make a difference. So far tonight has gone 7-10, 10.50-12.45. I managed to hold off feeing just now for about 3 minutes, heard 3 farts (or poo, I daren't look) but by that stage he's either too upset to go back to sleep or he's now in a habit and knows he'll be fed back to sleep.

Anyway, excuse the moan, just really had enough of this now.
Lozano - ah Hun, I hope the rest of your night is better. Maybe the pediatric consult will be able to tell you something. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. My night last night was about the same as the one before. I am hoping tonight is just 4 quick wake ups then I might feel a bit awake though with her lack of wanting to take naps we will see. She finally decided to take a nap at 5:45 tonight, not sure that will be a good thing.
It is almost the weekend and this weekend I am going to have DH watch her for a couple hours so I can get out of the house by myself for awhile, I haven't done that since she was like three weeks old.
Sorry, I will be more upbeat next time, swear.
Loo, I'm sorry this last little bit is so hard. I can only reiterate how well you've done. With total determination you managed to mostly exclusively BF for Dharmas first six months. One day, you will look back and feel proud of yourself.

Sleep, I could do with some advice. Well, expand a bit more on what the training you are doing and specifically why. See E goes to sleep ok, she usually is out like a light till at least 1:30am and then she wakes up, usually on her front and frustrated. I think she's been awake for a bit trying to move in her sleeping bag. If I offer to BF she drains me, often both breasts and it takes an hour. Do I just give her a dummy at that point and flip her over?

If it were just once that would be ok but last night she woke up at 6am and ate for 30 minutes. MrC had to go in at 7am to resettle her, it worked, she woke me up at 8:45. But at this point, would people be dropping the first feed? Part of me wonders if she's capitalisin on my main milk production period.
MsC not sure I'm the one to be giving advice (!) on sleeping at night...but N was doing something similar until I added in a dream feed. 11pm dim light, pick up and straight on boob, no eye contact/talking, feed-burp-put back and initially he would wake ~4am but not upset so just left him and he has only had one feed between 11-7 in past 3 weeks. On Glowies advice I've brought DF earlier and its not 10pm-ish which suits my bedtime... I know they're all different but E defo knows how to get herself to sleep (did it twice yesterday!!!!) so maybe a df would just get you that long stretch when YOU want to sleep xxx

Lozza :hugs: hun... i can only imagine how tired you are (but how do you look so awake??!) not sure on the food/sleep thing...seems like its so close now to the paed...less than 2 weeks...but then i'm not sure adding in a bit of food will make that much difference to an appointment - what will they do? examine some poo?? have they asked you to hold back on food? xxx
Had a five-month checkup yesterday and pretty gutted. G only gained 9 ounces and 1/2 inch in a month, and it turns out the poops I thought were normal actually aren't good ones. :dohh: The ones I thought weren't good at all are actually better than the so-called normal ones. The problem is, that's how she poops every single morning!

We're trying a probiotic to see if that helps. And after that I may do three or four days of a complete elimination diet--eating basically turkey, rice, sweet potatoes, and pears--to see if that makes any difference. And if that doesn't work I guess I'll start talking to the doctor about introducing more formula.

Most of the time G doesn't seem uncomfortable. That's the only thing that makes me feel at all okay about it.

On the plus side, we decided to start her on cereal in the hopes that it might help her (and also because it's fortified, so it'll give her some extra iron). She took to it like a duck to water. We have a video but I can't get it to upload. I'll figure it out soon.

Re: the nanny, G had been super fussy all day and my sister (the nanny) was trying so hard to get her to settle, but she just wouldn't--no naps or anything. So finally I went upstairs to take her, and I held her out to my sister and said, "Gimme some sugar," which is what we say when my sister gives her a kiss, and G just burst out crying. So I turned away for a second and when I turned back, my sister was crying, too. G had hurt her feelings.

I was like, I have soooooo been there!

She was better yesterday, though.

Sorry to be me-me-me, I am just so disappointed that's she's not growing well. And that was with two weeks of eating every two hours during the day!
Oh no, mouse. :( I really hope you guys are able to figure out a happy diet for sweet G. :hugs: What do the non-normal poops mean? Allergy? Lack of absorption? And what is the relationship to her weight? I'm glad to hear that she's nomming her rice cereal. :munch:

Sillysmiles- Did I miss out on a new nickname for Lozza? So sorry about your sleep woes. It sounds like you definitely deserve some time away to decompress. :thumbup:

Lozza, MsC, Waula and the rest- Hope your LOs start giving you some better rest soon. :hugs:
Mouse, I'm sorry about the poos. I know she's not in pain, but you just want everything ok, I can see. I hope the probiotic works, and the elimination diet sounds lame. Great news about the cereal. Can't wait to see a video.

Lozza, I'm inclined to agree with Waula that a little bit of food won't do any harm. Maybe try and stay away from glutton though as they advise that you do that anyway until they are 6 months? I hope tonight is better.

I hope you have a better night too SillySmiles! x

MsC, we started light sleep training (I say light because nothing was really structured, and we weren't leaving her to CIO) because Dharma would only settle in my arms and we were spending those hideous 2+ hour stretches in the middle of the night trying to settle her and would inevitably end up in our bed. Also I was convinced that she wasn't actually hungry in the night and was waking up more ou of habit. I say this because if she was hungry then I think she would have given me more 'hunger signs' and probably wouldn't have settled in our arms without being fed first.

My HV told me about a method to help self settling where you gradually distance yourself over the course of days or weeks. We do this by moving at D's pace so if she demands the comfort of our arms around her in the cot, that's fine, if sh will let us just sit next to the cot, even better. I'm not entirely sure how it's working, but it is. She needs far less time to be settled if she wakes, and on a couple of occasions has gone longer (today was 7.10 without a wake up in the night). I've no doubt that was a fluke from all the excitement yesterday, but I'll take it!

I guess it's all personal decision - there is no right and wrong.

Dharma's just had another perfect bedtime breast feed tonight. I hope I get a few more days out of it. It's so lush when she's all snugly against me!
Yay for perfect snuggly BF Loo. That is JUST what you need. I hope that can keep going for as long as you want it to. Very very happy for you. xxx
Snuggly bf sounds lovely!

Food - I did try him with a stick of cucumber today and his face was a picture, pure disgust! A little bit did break off his mouth and I had that moment of panic but just rubbed his back and made sure he was leaning forward and it fell straight out. It's made me realise that actually I want to wait til next week when I've done a baby first aid course as if he'd choked it's so long since I did first aid I'd have panicked! He did t get as far as gagging. It's only a week.

Mouse - in the last 2 weeks Z put on a pound, but in the 3 weeks before that only 5 ounces. The HVs here weren't unduely concerned as a gain is a gain. Hope you find something that sorts the poos out. And never apologise for me me me posts, that's why we're still here and not just on FB! (see sleep rants above!)

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