March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

MsC - sorry E has joined the no sleeping crowd, hope it doesn't last long. I wouldn't pay any attention to the nurse on the weight thing.

Lozza- shower water! I remember drinking water from the shower a lot when I was a kid.

Emera- I can't believe someone would just say that either. :hugs: Try not to let her get to you too much, from what you have said Roh seems like a perfectly normal two year old.

Mouse - I am so impressed that you are still bfing, i am not sure I could be able to handle the almost no food diet you are on. I hope you can get to the bottom of the problem and the diaper pictures start being normal soon. Laughing now thinking of your phone full of diaper pictures.

We still have the bad sleeping going on here. After my one night of decent sleep I can probably handle a couple more days. DH had to ruin my she slept for 6 hour thoughts though. Apparently he managed to come up to bed at the right time as she was thrashing around and starting to wake up, he tried to settle her but she wasn't having it so he just stuck her close to me so she could grab my boob. I was so tired I guess I didn't wake up, I am normally a pretty light sleeper so kind of boggles my mind I didn't wake up. Last night we had another let's be awake at 4 am party, she fell asleep after 45 min and lasted until almost 7. It doesn't seem like she has the object permance thing down yet, hoping it is soon because we may have to do some of the controlled crying to get her to sleep in her crib because I really could use some decent sleep without her in our room.
Mouse - really hope you get to the bottom of G's diet issues. Must be hellish, you're doing a fab job though. She's obviously happy and she is gaining weight, even if not as much as you hoped.

Sillysmiles - feel your pain, our worst night ever for a while! 7.15 to 10.30 (that's the good stretch!) then roughly 11-12, 12.15-1.15, 1.30-2.30 at which point I decided this was ridiculous and we needed to stop snacking so I gave him a bottle of formula which took me til 3 to force down him, then took me til 4 to variously rock, ignore and finally just give up and feed (!) back to sleep. He lasted til 6! So all that effort, being awake for 90 minutes bought me an extra 40 minutes sleep. Wish I'd not bothered. Gave him to DH at 6, got him back at half 7 and fell asleep with him feeding for another hour. So I've no idea if he slept or fed or what in that hour.

More annoyed that I really wanted last night to be a good night as we've got swimming this morning and gym babes this afternoon and I really wanted to be able to time his naps to be properly awake for both. Now he's due to go to sleep just as swimming starts, and I've fed him too far before so it's all gone wrong, arrrtggghhhhh!!!!!

Moan over.
Hey lads, thanks. It's hard not to dwell on the weight thing. A bit inside splutters with rage that at the age of 6 months, E can be told she's gaining too quickly. That I hear she shouldn't be the way she is. I am so super sensitive to protecting her from these sorts of crap judgements. I feel so vehemently she should grow up happy with food, eating and herself I felt like punching the nurse....but really hurt inside.

Silly, what is it with the wanting to be awake at 3am thing? Silly, really sorry, and Waula, and Lozza. With E it started a couple of weeks ago, awake about 2:30am and up and wiidddeeee awake until 4:30am. Waula, I won't ever forget how hard it was! I'm wondering if the waking is related to weaning and digesting food? It might apply to N too. I moved E's weaning session to lunchtime yesterday and it was ok. She still didn't sleep ALL day but the BLW went ok. A variety of sweet potato, avocado, banana. By 6:30pm she was unsurprisingly melting down major style. She was soundly asleep by 7:30pm having fed well for once....I think because we moved BLW earlier. She woke up at 8:30pm in a total state, screaming with pain, farting and burping away, a total windy-pop. She cried for an hour and a half with only mindless singing and swaying eventually calming her.

She woke up for her usual 2 hour shindig at 2:30am but that was it. So for now, I'm holding the BLW as culprit.

Mouse, in desperation I bought the Wonder Weeks app and yeah, 26 weeks is coming toward the end of a blinder which would cover her most upset times. I'm pretty sure lots of babies drop a line around 5 months, especially if they're breastfed. Just a little increase in her movement, maybe rolling, will do this. I hope you can resolve the food issues. I hope they are also monitoring you too? Just anxious you might be missing out on vital nutrients.

Lozza, I am frightened of Z's bum on your behalf. I can't imagine what it's like to have a mobile poonami. It's bad enough with E trying to roll off.
Ugh Lozza, silly smiles and MsC. no sleep is NO fun. Interesting about BLW and wind/trumps (Lozza, don't tell your DH!!!!!). I'll be honest I haven't noticed any more wind with N - but then he is a complete wind machine anyway. And he voms badly if there's a tiny burp left in so I am militant with burping and if I get them all up he hardly ever trumps now - even with food.
MsC happy half birthday to E!!!! E was amazing when us NW lads came over last and Lozza inspired me to be better with clock watching and it's really helping at this end and means I haven't fed him to sleep for a week. Seems he can't do more than 2hrs awake so up at 7, nap at 9-10 then 12-1 then 3-4 and I get him to last til bed at 7 by double feeding so at 4pm and then again at 5.30...
Lozza that night sounds like a shocker. Sometimes you make me feel like a bit of a fraud. Your mat leave has been so SO much harder than mine... :hugs:
Waula - glad clock watching helps! Don't feel sorry for me, at least I've not had the vomming to deal with! He's so happy and smily all the time it means the nights aren't so bad. And I can't remember if it was on here someone said, enjoy the night time
Cuddles while you can. I try and remember that! Although last night I asked him why the hell he wouldn't just sleep!

I think they definitely all have plateaus and spurts right now. Z gained 5oz in 3 weeks then 17 oz in the next 2 weeks.

Right, just heard him fill his swim nappy I optimistically put on so best go and wrestle that off him.
Firstly Emera - please ignore that stupid woman!!! Roh is just being 2! And as for crying I think we ALL totally get that! Hayley bit me once on my shoulder it hurt so bad! I remember being so upset that this little person I love could hurt me!

MrsC - I commented the other day what an amazing job you've done BF E. She is PERFECT and don't let some stupid nurse tell you otherwise! And she moves loads!! J has jumped from 50th to over 75th and no one has said word to me! I'm sorry she's not sleeping great and hope it's just a blip and s combination of teething and BLW. Being a Mummy is rewarding and frustrating, I've cried many a tear over mine.
I do think this is a stage of frustration for babies with weaning and trying to get more mobile etc.

Lozza - you could write a book on Z`s antics!! Good job you've gotta great sense of humor!

Mouse - gosh what are you allowed to eat? Xx
Glow - yep, "the baby who thought he was a toddler" could be a good title! He tried to climb the stairs yesterday but his leg isn't long enough and he's not strong enough to lift it up to the first step. I could see him getting annoyed trying though!

Swimming this morning wore him out enough for a 2 hour nap. Hopefully gym babes in an hour will completely exhaust him!
Lozza, I see years of dragging Z from one knackering physical activity to another in your future!! :)

Glow, amazing and frustrating is dead right! In about equal quantities, but the one sooo makes up for the other! :)

My toddler taming book arrived! Yay!
Ha, yep it's a good thing we both love sport, he'll be signed up to try everything! Either that or he can come out running with me once he can walk!
Sorry for the bad nights sillysmiles, lozza and msC

Mouse...i salute you and your restrictive must be a right pain:hugs:

MsC....i need to cmment on the baby weight....E sounds perfect!!! If she is overweight then M is truly the size of an orbitting planet!!!!!!:haha:. I had her weighed this 25 weeks...basically one week.short of 6 months and she is 18lb 4oz!!!!! She has gone from 9th percentile to over 75th percentile....i asked the HV who weighed her if that was ok...have only been doing a bit of porridge and puree and she probably has only 26oz of formula average per day over 4 feeds...and even that is a struggle sometimes to get down her. She said her weoght was absolutely.fine....perfect innl fact so there is nothing wrong with E's!!! Daft cow!!.

Adding to that M will have pretty much tripled her birth weight by 6 months i reckon:shrug:....should i be worried???!! She was only a skinny little thing. To be honest she was born 91st percentil for height and she doesnt look at all extra chin and a round belly but no real.rolls of chub.....she is tall i think.
Yay for a good nap Lozza! and also for Z getting a toothle peg...well that's what I call them anyway :haha:
Lozza, ouch, what a night! I hate that feeling of having been up for a long time and knowing that morning is creeping up on you!

MsC, hopefully the Wonder Weeks will explain E's feistiness and she will calm right down. It is ridiculous that they micromanage the babies at this point, can you imagine someone a hundred years ago complaining about a baby gaining an extra few ounces? I'm sure all the little details they try to make judgments based on are just to protect the babies whose parents are the least common denominator and are feeding them Monster Munch at 4 months or whatever. :rofl:

Nope, no one is monitoring me, although I'm going today for a blood test to check for uric acid since my diet is so proteiny. Actually I think I eat way more healthily (is that a word?) this way, lots more fruit and veg since I have no other options! :haha: And I'm still on my prenatal vit. I do worry about calcium since normally I'd be chomping cheese all day. But the rice milk has lots of calcium so I'm getting some that way.

G had two very good poops this morning! Not 100% perfect but I'd say 85-90% as opposed to the complete fail poops yesterday. Now I just need to be careful about what I add back into my diet. I'm also thinking wine may have been rough on her. It's just crazy because each individual thing may not be a problem by itself but if it were wine, the teething tablets, the pork I ate, whatever they did at the restaurant the other night... all added up it could definitely be rough on her.

We've started clock-watching, too. G is definitely a better napper all day if we can get her down in the morning.

Hope everybody's good!
This clock-watching business sounds fascinating. I was always against having a schedule with A, as I liked the flexibility, but she's been such a mess lately - bedtime is a nightmare, and she's up constantly in the night, so I'm willing to try anything! How did you start? What are your typical days like? How do you know what times to schedule them with?
Crowned - i don't have a schedule as such but basically I note the time z wakes up, and try to make him have a nap about 1hr50 to 2 hrs later. His naps can be different lengths during the day and often different each day but at least I normally squeeze 3 naps a day in. I got the idea from the analtyical armadillo website (google analytical armadillo Duracell bunny baby). He falls asleep almost instantly if I get it right, really fights it if I miss the 2 hours. Exception to this is after the last nap - I can stretch to 3 hours do he's not going to bed too early, and I think soon they drop the afternoon nap? Naps are anything from 30-120 minutes!

It helped me as Z doesn't really show any tired signs, until I pick him up and put him in the buggy for his nap at which stage he suddenly looks shattered and falls asleep within 5 mins!
Oh, and it hasn't made much difference to night time sleeping which is still crap, but he does fall asleep quicker and generally is doing a 4 hr stretch st first, plus he's feeding better in the day. I think his weight gain has picked up since ive started this.
Our day pretty much goes like this......oh and i tried to manipulate her naps today to go to babygroup when shes usually asleep and had the worst afternoon ever for trying to get her to.nap.....overtired crying which she never does :-(

She wakes or we get her up around 7:15am....bottle at around 7:30am. Playtime with me in our bed til around 8:30. cot for a nap...she showd tired signals from around 8:15. Sleep til around 9:15....porridge. Then playtime til next bottle around 11:15am....she shows tired signalsbefore then but i distract her. Bed around 11:30...sleep til about 1:15-1:30. Sometimes some puree/food then but sometimes at 5pm instead. Only doing 2 'meals' a day at moment. Play til around 3:15....bottle then nap from around 3:30-3:45 til 4:15 ish. Play etc til about 5:45 then bath.....bottle and bed about 6:15-6:30pm. Slleps through til 7:15am. Give a bath every other night. Obvioudly not always just play in betwen...we go out, into town, go for a walk, baby sensory etc.

Sounds very timetabled but been doing it for a couple weeks now.....well feeds have been like that for several weeks...only ladt couple of weeks has she been doing long afternoon nap. Just to say she has naturalky fallen into this routine...not forced...just been tired signal watching and taking her lead.

X x
Mitch, that's over 16 hours of sleep a day. Consider me super jealous. :) DS1 was that way (and he fell naturally into the schedule too).

Mouse, we have a lot a years ahead of us where we think/worry/celebrate/fear the poops of our kids. You're becoming a fast expert.

Lozza- our days are pretty similar in structure.
WT....yeah she likes her sleep.....we are very lucky...apart from if she misses a nap 'window', gets overtired or mummy manipulates her nap times...then she is NOT at all happy :nope:. I am guessing some will be dropped at some point but am just going with her lead :thumbup:
I usually keep an eye on the clock during the day too. She only makes it an hour lately before needing a first quick nap. It's normally around two hours after that and almost three before bed. She still wants someone next to her to sleep though, which lately is fine I rest/try to nap too or read. I can sometimes sneak away but she'll usually wake 5-10 min after I leave and then not sleep enough during the day.
Last night was the best in at least six weeks. She went from 8-12, ate then slept till 3:30, ate again, woke up at 5, whimpered a bit when I wouldn't feed her but fell back asleep pretty quickly until 7. My body is apparently on the wake up every two hours after my first chunk of sleep but after seeing her sleeping it was pretty easy to get back to sleep.

Hope everyone has been having some better nights and naps. It's funny how thinking about eating and sleeping take up so much time.

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