MsC, middle of the night fights are sucky! Getting babies to sleep can be a real endurance event, and i'll admit that in this house, i tend to be the one who throws in the towel first! I just get fed up with it very quickly. Its that unique combination of boredom and frustration that i just can't handle! Luckily at night, as F is right next to me, if she's grubbling and awake i either cuddle her close and go back to sleep and do a sort of auto-shushing whilst dozing, or i stick a boob in her face and do the same! In the day and when first settling her for bed however i'm rubbish, and i just put her down, give her a kiss and walk off. If she hasn't settled within about 15 mins i either get her up and wang her in the jumperoo or i put her in the carrier and do a stompy dance, which tends to send her off quite quickly!
She was napping for a couple of hours twice a day, but now she's doing that annoying thing when i get her off to sleep and when i check 20 mins later, she's wide awake and nomming feet!!
Gaah! It does mean she's grumping alot as she isn't getting much kip. I still refuse to stress it though as my experience with Roh has shown me that i could come up with a load of complex strategies to get her napping, but as soon as i feel i've cracked it, she'll just change everything she's doing again!! I'm not going to play the catch up game, so i'm just going to go with the flow. If she naps, she naps, if not, then she'll be tired!
Same with the night times, i sort of accept that some nights will be good and some bad, and so i figure staying chilled out about it all will be to my best advantage.
Sorry, rambling!