March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Sillysmiles - pleased you had a better night, its annoying how we've got used to the wake ups though! In the middle of a fairly crap one here - 7.30-9.30, fed til 10.20. Sleep til 00.35 then I've spent the last hour walking round the room shushing. He'd fall asleep if I was stood up then wake up moaning if I sat down. I've tried this 5 time sand fivallu given up and feeding even though I know he can't be hungry. He can go 5 hours in the day sometimes after a crap snacky feed sp I know he can lastore than 2.5 hours on a good feed! Needless to say he's fallen fast asleep in the time it's takene to write this - so
As I thought he wasnt hungry.

Paed appt on thursday, hope something helps.

Enough moaning.
Lozza :hugs: hope the last part of your night was better and that the dr willbe able to give you some answers. Less than a week away now.
Sillysmiles, glad you had a better night, but I agree with Lozza, it's just a shame that you are resigned/used to getting up so often. :hugs:

Lozza, bah. Come on Z! You don't need all that milk! Or at least have it during the day! Lozza, I really hope the appointment this week gives you do
E answers, or at least gives you the all clear to try some weaning. I guess you're at the point now where you will try anything.

D's got a big fat cold. Last night we used saline spray, vapour rub, plug in decongestant and capsual decongestant and she STILL couldn't breathe well enough to have a dummy. I'm hoping for a happier day than yesterday at least...

Blw question...we are only giving her bit and bobs at the mo rather than propr meals, but as we progress to that I'm wondering if we will need to bring our tea time back to early o clock so we can eat with her. I hate the idea of eating so early, but I realise that's one of the main points of blw...
Loo....Hubby is never home by M's bedtime so eating together in the evening is not an when she goes to.nursery they do all 3 meals plus snacks with her there anyway. We will probably try and do.all meals espec lunch.and dinner with.her over the weekend....during the week i will be trying to eat breakfast, lunch.and maybe jyst snack.with her at dinner time but having my main meal with hubby after she goes to.bed.

Bearing in mind she is not ready at all....puts nothing in her mouth without persuasion....has even started in the last couple of days popping out her tongue against the porridge spoon....a sign of not being ready. This girls going on milk til 18!!!!!!
Yep I agree with Mitch - I'm not going to eat early just have a snack with him. We don't have a microwave so I'd eat early and N's dinner would be cold by the time he was home from work! At nursery he'll eat all 3 meals there anyway so may as well get used to the timings.

Poor D and her cold :hugs:
We definitely have 2 bottom teeth sticking out! The hourly wakings improved to every 2 hours last night do hopefully that was teething related and the worst is over?!

I miss everyone being on here... It's so quiet in the middle of the night!
I'm still here! Though not as many night log on's as you.

2 teeth! Hopefully he may be a bit more settled for a while now. Fx for a better than average night.

D starts her bedtime routine at 6.30, so we have been giving her a bit of food to nom on about 5-5.30ish. I'll sit with her, but I'd I eat my tea then, I'll be chewing my arm off come 9pm!

HV is coming over tomorrow to weigh her and I'm so sure she has put on quite a bit of weight. She looks so big now! She was 11lb11oz 5 weeks ago and I bet anything she is 13+lb now!
Oooh Loo She probably is, she looks a lot bigger than she did. I think Keira is now maybe over 20 lbs. I go on the 20th for weigh in so we will see.
We eat at about 5.30pm with the kids in the evening. What i tend to do though is to have a smaller portion than i used to for tea, and then once they are in bed at around 8-9pm i'll have a little supper. That way i can eat with them, and also not be starving for bed time. Roh will often refuse food if her doesn't see me eating the same thing, so its a bit of a necessity at the moment! If i had to end up eating some with him and then had a proper dinner too i'd never lose any weight! :haha: It works for us anyway! F is still very much getting bits and bobs. And still just here and there, i try to do 3 meals a day, but sometimes one gets skipped. Like this morning she didn't have any breakfast as she was grumping, so i didn't even bother to try feeding her. She's quite a stressy eater, gets angry if things are dropped and gets bored and fractious very quickly at mealtimes, so unless she starts off cheerful, its just a horrible experience for everyone! Definitely not into stress, so avoiding it!! :haha:
M gets stressy at food time too....its like she is doing me a massive favour eating anything ha ha. Still only doing porridge for.brekkie then some puree stuff for dinner around 5pm. Have started to give her some.finger food about 1:30 ....pitta, broccoli, pancakes, bits of veg etc.....not interested in.feeding herselfbut she'll get there:thumbup:

Naps going ok but really the late afternoon one at all...either that or she doesnt want to.take it in cot and wants to be in the pushchair...lie flat hmmmm. Not an issue i guess as i can go for a walk but not sure why this ones such a struggle....she goes down no problems at night.....first nap of day and lunchtime ish....hmmmm.
Mitch, our naps have gone to shit! Nightmare with her and sleep at the moment. I'm sure its just a phase, but its not my favourite one!! Also i was all pleased i managed to get F to take dinner off a spoon tonight! :happydance: I'm chuckling about how opposite our problems are!! I have a baby that will only self feed (badly) and you have one that refuses to! :haha: I think the main reason F gets so grumpy at meal times is she's still not sussed out that getting food in requires an open mouth. So you go to feed her and she opens her mouth, and as you get close she closes it tight! :dohh: then she shouts at you, which is the only time you can sneak the food in! Once its in she's all happy smiley and "nom nom nom" :dohh: Its quite tiresome!

My brain is totally fried tonight, Roh is SUCH a handful at the moment. This is not an easy age i'm finding. I can't wait for him to come out the other side. My niece is 10 months older, and she was hard work, but is now adorable again, so there is hope!!! I've no clue how i'm going to organise everything for the move with Roh around, its going to be fun times! :wacko:
Mitch - i read they start to drop the afternoon nap around now so may e that's what M is trying to do? Unlesss that makes her overtired for nighttime? This is according to a
Month by month guide by a certain lady who doesn't get mentioned on this site!

Emera - hope Roh settles soon!
Why is it my OH's version of settling E is 1 minute of trying something before giving up? We've just had a blazing row because she's woken up an hour after I spent a previous hour feeding, winding and getting her back to sleep. I'm exhausted. She doesn't need feeding but when she starts to cry, wind I guess, I get the blame because I suggested he stand and sway with her and it didn't immediately work. He does this by storming into the bedroom to announce this. I can hear, the monitor is on. I was trying to be quiet in bed. So I just lost it. I'm cross, she's awake, he's sodded off downstairs in a flounce leaving me to settle her, again, on my own. Just venting, nothing much else to say about this miserable episode.
Gaaaah! Middle of the night rows are sh!t. So frustrating when you have spent so long settling her only for her to wake back up. I hate it when people suggest D is hungry - just because she is upset doesn't mean she needs tanking up with milk!!! I hope oh started pulling his weight, but no doubt it was you who settled her again. Gah. Hope it's a nice quiet day for you. x

Lozza, I had no idea they often drop a nap at this age. I've been stubbornly trying to get D down 3 times a day. How does the Duracell bunny timings change then? Obviously the 2 hour after waking 'rule' will not apply.

Well, I'm trying to get D down for her first in-cot nap. Ok, I'm failing. She's just talking/whinging/crying. And the kicking! How the frig are you meant to keep blankets on these babies??? She's practicing the can can!!
Emera, I'm somewhat comforted that F is having trouble napping in the day...dropping a nap E started to do this last week and I am frequently giving up and just leaving her till bedtime. Yesterday was dreadful, I was disturbed by a visitor and it meant her usual big afternoon nap went out of the window. Hence trying to keep her happy by insanely dancing to ZZ Top.

Loo, yeah, I went back in to settle her. He did go back in before me but in the midst of an argument, who cares? I could have thrown kitchen knives at him and hoiped they stick as far as I feel. There was a minor truce later but I don't feel like speaking to him. I'd already had a long and gruelling feed before bedtime and was furious he was gaming instead of at least asking what he could do to help. Anyway, we're both fed up. Touche.

Good luck with the napping, for us all.
MsC, middle of the night fights are sucky! Getting babies to sleep can be a real endurance event, and i'll admit that in this house, i tend to be the one who throws in the towel first! I just get fed up with it very quickly. Its that unique combination of boredom and frustration that i just can't handle! Luckily at night, as F is right next to me, if she's grubbling and awake i either cuddle her close and go back to sleep and do a sort of auto-shushing whilst dozing, or i stick a boob in her face and do the same! In the day and when first settling her for bed however i'm rubbish, and i just put her down, give her a kiss and walk off. If she hasn't settled within about 15 mins i either get her up and wang her in the jumperoo or i put her in the carrier and do a stompy dance, which tends to send her off quite quickly!

She was napping for a couple of hours twice a day, but now she's doing that annoying thing when i get her off to sleep and when i check 20 mins later, she's wide awake and nomming feet!! :dohh: Gaah! It does mean she's grumping alot as she isn't getting much kip. I still refuse to stress it though as my experience with Roh has shown me that i could come up with a load of complex strategies to get her napping, but as soon as i feel i've cracked it, she'll just change everything she's doing again!! I'm not going to play the catch up game, so i'm just going to go with the flow. If she naps, she naps, if not, then she'll be tired! :shrug: Same with the night times, i sort of accept that some nights will be good and some bad, and so i figure staying chilled out about it all will be to my best advantage.
Sorry, rambling!
I suppose M could be dropping a nap but she is obviously tired and if she doesnt sleep.will be a nightmare and grouchy and end up going to bed at 5 or something silly. The 'lunchtime' nap.will have to move later if thats what she wants to do which will cause a problem as we have just booked a baby sensory 10 week course....2:15-3:15....fits perfect now bet it wont in 2 weeks grrrrr. At the moment we are waking 7:15am...nap for 40 min from 8:30-9:15 ish then nap 11:30-1:15 ish.....she really needs a 3:30 short nap to last her til 6:30pm. Hmmmm. Will see how things go today...waiting for her to wake and into town where she will probably nap in car on way home:happydance:

Clockwatching is handy but annoying to fit your life around. I have a clock work baby...for now!!!!! Til she changes again ha ha

Off to a wedding on the IOW this weekend which should test her routines ha at 4:30pm which should be fine...then reception at 6:30!!! Hoping we can just put her down to sleep with sleepsuit etc in pushchair upstairs (they are renting a big house so can set her up with monitor) and then manover her into travel cot back at B&B....interesting but only i guess. Fingers crossed she doesnt melt down....
Loo - I'm still on 3 naps a day most days, need to catch up the lack of sleep at night! Having said that if it goes a bit odd an he doesn't wake until 2 or after, then I don't usually try too hard for the last one, just let him get more tired before bed. There's not muh rhyme or reason to how long he sleeps in the day. Today for example he did 9-10, 12-1.40 then 4-still asleep! Hopefully ue'll wake any moment, I'm off out to a first aid course tonight so want to squeeze a feed in first, then DH will hve to do bedtime
Feed and get him to sleep, should be interesting!!
:hi: everyone... just read back and sorry to see we've got some babies still not snoozing very well...and some OH's who aren't being very useful. big :hugs: MsC.

naps...i swing from Emera style "he'll sleep when he's tired" to clock watching and putting him to down nap... if i'm in at home he'll easily do 3x60min naps but that involves me putting him down 2hrs after he last woke up and letting him fall asleep himself but if I forget/we've got to be somewhere etc then I just hope he'll sort himself out in the car/pram/carrier... he gets pretty screechy if he's awake >2hrs apart from 4-7pm when he can manage 3hrs ok. He's been really flexible whilst we've been on holiday - we've been visiting family/friends so its been new place every 2-3 days and bless him, he's got up a couple of nights for a feed in the middle of the night but mostly has been a flippin angel.

Feed wise though we're swinging from him feeding ravenously every 2-3hrs during the day and other days like today when he has barely BF. I know its all going to change with adding food in but I'm wondering what I should do - do I keep offering it at the times he's usually have a feed or do I wait for him to "ask" (apart from he hardly ever "asks" any more, just gets screechy 3ish hrs after a feed). He's really loving the BLW, not sure how much he's actually getting (most of it is on the floor) but I also don't want to rush the "weaning" part - got a couple of friends who have BLW and been down to 2 feeds/day by 8 months which their HV have said was too quick (yet more wonderful advice from HV's!!!!)... anyway...apologies for rambling on...
Ladies we all know men are pretty much shit at everything....including patience to settle babies so MrsC you have my sympathies :hugs:

We don't really have a specific routine here for naps, I just tend to let J fit in with what I'm doing and not the other way round. Generally If I'm out and about he'll nap in the car/pram. If we are in the house I have started to put him in his cot for an afternoon nap which really can be anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours :shrug:

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