Thanks. MsC, not a strange thing to say at all xx
Re the sleeping. Personally, if a night went that far off piste, i'd be suspicious that there was something other than standard sleep issues disturbing things, ie. digestion discomfort, teething, development, growth spurt. I take it the first night you described is close to normal than the second?
Weaning puts alot of strain on their digestive system, even if they are physically ready for it, so certainly for the first month or so, they can get, well, indigestion i guess. Obviously you know E best and know where she is at, but are you sure she's ready to be pushed towards sleeping through right now (however gently)? I mean, blatantly we all want to be getting a full night's sleep, because, my god, i know i'm completely knackered most the time! But, i know that some of the time when F wakes in the night she'll settle down again, but equally, some of the time, she won't and does genuinely want a feed.
Whilst that situation stands i'm not going to have any luck getting her back to sleep if she's hungry, or if i do, it will be for a limited time, so sleep wise i'm better off feeding. The same with digestive discomfort, wind, teething or anything else that's disturbing her. If i don't deal with that first, i'll never get her to settle, no matter how much sleep training i try to carry out.
I'm reading a book called "Toddler Taming" written by the Dr that developed the CC method. Its aimed at 1-4 years old, but the first thing it says is not to attempt to start sleep training during times of illness, teething, life disruption or developmental phases. That definitely applies to babies too. I'm all for sleep training, it sorted our lives out with Roh, and i will do it with F too. Its also heartening to see the success some of us are having. However i personally have decided that the start of weaning (coupled with teething in F's case) is not the ideal time to start it, as F's wind discomfort is causing her real issues. Once her system is used to the food, and the teething settles, we'll be all systems go!
So yeah, i guess that's what i personally would have done differently, to answer your question. Only other thing i can think, reading your post again is that you might be right to not feed her when she first wakes and try to settle her without instead. Its possible that feeding her is giving her wind as she perhaps doesn't actually need it, so its actually creating the situation in the first place. Is she waking upset, or just waking and grumbling a bit when she wakes at 12.30am ish?