March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Wt - is it conjunctivitis? Get it treated quickly with eye drops and I'd say it goes in a couple of days. I used to get it a lot as a child. It's very contagious so don't share towels with K and wash each eye separately. Hope P gets better quick!

Sorry to go back to b
Olivia was awake all night with d&v - constant crying which woke Noah up all night. I finally fell asleep at 5am and got the grand total of an hours sleep. Bad times !!!

Thanks for asking Waula. Xx
Nooooooo Laura! That sounds totally hideous. Hope she's better and you all don't catch it xxx
Ouch Laura, that's bad! I was going to moan about my awful night but got interupted by an argument, and have seen that yours was much worse! I was only up 11-2, and he just seems to have the d not the v! Been about 48 hours now. Even with the diarrhoea he's straining to pass it though - anyone else have that? Hes pooing everytime I bf him, so he's snacking, pooing and then stops. Just given him a carton of formula to see if a bottle didn't result in a poo. Don't think it did but he's now having dinner (poached salmon and potatoes) and ivw just see him strain an explosive one out! Surely this isn't normal!

On the plus side i took him to be weighed... 18lb 9 now do he put on about 11oz despite the diarrhoea!! Finally doubled his hefty birth weight, hooray! The HV talked to me for ages, reassured me blw is fine, advised controlled crying. Think we're starting thursday if he's well, N said something's got to change, he's had enough (won't go into the argument now)

Sorry to be me me me again!!
That's awesome weight gain Lozza. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you've done a cracking job with him. Absolutely amazing. And I'm so glad your HV was a good one. Sorry for the argument. I think something does have to change for you, for Z (and for N - but at a distant 3rd place!!!) but I can just imagine that all you probably need is "someone" to tell you that you're doing a good job, it's no-one's "fault" that Z is up all night and that they will help you with the sleep training. Glad you're reassured that BLW is doing the right thing for you. Big :hugs:. You will get there. And did I tell you how amazing you have done with Z and his weight gain??! xxxx
Cheers Waula!

In other news, I think I've discovered the answer to the question on everyone's lips; how many blueberries is too many? Around 40. Cue massive sugar rush and hyperactivity just before bed, oops! Dead impressed though, I didn't think he had the hand eye coordination to pick them up but he does, and by the end was doing it one handed! Dead proud of him. I did squish them each slightly first to split the skin and reduce likelihood of him choking.
Lozza, 40?!?!? Holy crap, do you have ANY idea what sort of nappy you've let yourself in for??? :haha:
Ace weight gain Z! :thumbup: Really sorry about the argument. A non-sleeping baby and separate beds for 7 1/2 months can really strain any relationship. :hugs: I hope the CC works for you, it does sound like Z needs something to break his pattern. I'll bet it works a treat for you! xx

Laura, so sorry about the sicky night, we had it too the other day, its a killer, isn't it! :hugs: Hope you all get more sleep tonight! x

Went to playgroup this morning, F cuddled people the whole time, and Roh was very good and did some actual sharing?!?!?! Amazing. Afterwards i was going to weight F, but went in to town and ended up staying there instead for a bit of retail therapy! Bought some bits and pieces, mostly for Roh, as he needed new jammies and boots. Got matching Christmas jumpers with reindeers on for the kids! Super cute! :D Then had a Gingerbread Latte and Roh had a Babyccino, and he sat on a grown up chair and didn't mess about and we had a chat (mostly about monsters, and sending letters to Nanny) over coffee, whilst F sat in the pushchair munch a sandwich and giggling. It was so lovely! :)
Picked up some Hipp Organic milk (after much wondering about, as they've changed the box!!) and gave F her first bottle of formula this evening! She glugged it down (was slightly worried she might not go for it)! She was a bit more windy than normal, but i also bought fast flow teats, so it will probably need some getting used to! I'm decided to relax about feeding her and just bf and ff as and when, and not worry too much about supply or anything. :) If i end up moving over to ff then that's fine too. Part of me wants to bf until self weaning. But another part of me is feeling a bit like i've done my time! Not sure which part will win out yet ;)
Sorry to all those with sickly guys, I hope they all get better soon.

Lozza - Exciting about the weight gain! So many blueberries, that is amazing! Good luck with the CC, it's no fun but I finally feel like it's been worth it. It's been a month and D still cries when I lay her down but most days it's only for a few seconds!

Emera - Glad the kids were so good this morning, it sounds like you deserve a good day after a hard week. Glad F liked her bottle and I love your outlook on feeding her!

D spent her first full night in her crib in her room!!! It was so exciting. She slept from 6:30-10:30, ate, then stayed in her crib from then until 6:30am. She woke up a couple times but only cried for a minute or so before going back to sleep! Hopefully it's the start of something, but for now it was just nice to not have to get out of bed all night, plus only being woken up twice instead of the normal at least 4 times was great! My boobs were not a big fan of the giant sleep but the rest of me ganged up on them and they are ok with it now.
She's also getting a tooth, her first! Last week she chomped on my finger and there was something sharp in there. Luckily she hasn't been too grumpy, just off and on, but if she is kept busy she's her normally smiley self. She also has decided to use her ability to get around to check out everything in the room she's in this last week. So many fun things happening this week!
Sorry about not getting on to reply lately, we had an appraisal done on the house today and have spent all my free time the last couple weeks getting the house and yard in decent shape. Reading when I can on the ipad, but hate hate hate typing on that thing. I have no idea how those of you with phones do it, you must have superpowers. sorry for your rough night but great weight gain for Z :happydance:. I think some sleep training / CC could work for you....i know WT and others had great results. Sorry about the argument...must be tough.for you (and him to.a lesser degree x)

Laura...sorry about the d.and v...theres alot going about. Hope shes better soon.and you avoid x

Emera....sounds like a lovely day and a great attitude about the ff and bf. You have done fantastically and it will be fab to have some flexibility with feeding when you want it

I am now thinking.of 40 blueberries...thats alot!! Agreed...i.dont want to.know about that nappy uuurgh

Just realised that.for the first time i.shall be leaving M for more than 24 hours aaaargh. With.hubby.and he is great.with her....she loves her daddy and probably wont miss me at all. Leaving 4pm tomorrow....hope to.get back.for bedtime on.Thursday but not optimistic boo.hoo.....KIT
Silly - so pleased things are getting better for you! I think we've decided Thursday night is to be the start of sleep training here so I'll ask a couple of questions in a minute. Also, if I didn't post from my iPhone I'd never be on here!

Mitch - enjoy your kit days, sure M will have a fab time with hubby!

So blueberry poo, kind of a dark green, nice! Despite tanking him up last night with a carton of formula at 4pm, 4oz expressed milk plus a bf at bedtime (7) and eating a pretty big dinner ( salmon, mashed potato and the blueberries) he still only did 4.5 hours, then 2, then co slept/fed for the next 3.5 hours until I decided to close the snack bar at 6 and fit another 1.5 hours in. Just wanted to keep him quiet last night so DH (who has a cold) could get sleep and feel better. He's so lame.

Emera - hope your formula/bf decision works out for you, whatever it is :hugs:

So sleep training: the HV confused me a bit yesterday. Do I get him to sleep as usual with a bf and then do cc once he first wakes, or put him down awake after the last feed (if possible) and commence cc then? I know you're meant to put them down drowsy but he genuinely doesn't do drowsy. He does manic awake, or conked out. If he goes down awake and eventually falls asleep, what do I do web he wakes up 3-4 hours later? Do I have to start the cc all over again? Cos I know he won't just fall asleep and then stay asleep all night!
Silly, good to hear from you and glad things have turned a sleep corner, even if the breasts have got the hump. It's all good!

Loved reading about your grown up outing with Roh, Emera, he sounds like such a PM affable little boy, you ought to take him out for afternoon tea when he turns three.

Lozza, we re a bit poo at controlled crying but we did do it for her bedtime routine and it generally means she settles herself off. Basically I'd give her a goodnight feed and if she woke up I wouldn't sweat it, walk away, night night and leave her until her mucking about chirps changed to having an edge of distress, then go back and settle her down, repeat till she fell asleep. At night though I have to admit getting up to feed her the one time she tended to wake. It seems, and I might be wrong, she's just grown out of needed the feed and is generally sleeping through now.

Good luck!

Had E weighed yesterday and having a wobble, ever since the other nurse weighed her ive wobbled. E is 19lbs and 3oz up from 17lbs 13oz a month ago. She's up to the 75th centile. I'm getting fed up of people exclaiming "gosh isn't she big" when they see her. The nurse said her weight was ok. I can't help feeling a bit distressed about it. One stupid book (weaning made easy) says 3 milk feeds a day by now. The WHO says 4. She's having 3 meaningful feeds and two snacky ones a day. I am just now introducing supper. Is this ok? Would you do anything differently?
MsCrow, no, if its working for you then I wouldn't change it. E is clearly thriving and as we all know, some babies are bigger than others. Don't sweat it!

Lozza, when we did cc I fed A as normal but didn't feed her to sleep. Put her down awake, gave her a sleep token (I found giving her something big enough to bear hug helped far more than a small thing or one of those pieces of fabric with a head - worst description ever!) and then told her it was bedtime and walked out. First night I did the 2 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute walk-in and settle but I found it was upsetting her far more. In the end I left her to cry. I'll admit it was horrible but it has really worked and although it took a long time first night (1 hour 7 minutes of screaming! Yuck!) in one night she went from 12 wake ups (I kid you not) to one. When she woke up she was clearly hungry so I fed her and put her down awake again but there was no more crying and she was asleep again within 15 minutes. Second night I put her down awake again and she cried for 20 minutes? I forget. I didn't go in at all though and I think in her case it helped. She slept through that night. First night ever. Third night she cried for 7 minutes. After that she smiles at me when I say good night and doesn't cry at all. Throughout, every morning she still smiled at me like the sun had come out when I arrived to pick her up in the morning.

I hope this helps a little. Only thing I would say is that Z is clearly a super determined boy so I imagine that might have an impact on doing cc.

MsC, D is exactly the same, people are gobsmacked at her weight gain, and where as I know she desperately needed to put on weight, even I am paranoid at the pace she has done so.
If it's any consolation, you are doing the same as me, though I am ff. D has milk 8am ish, 12.30 ish and before bed at 6.45 ish. On top of that she has breakfast (today a weetabix with 2tsp of milk soaked in and quarter of an orange), lunch (yesterday a chicken leg, and 2 baby corn), and late afternoon (4-5pm ish) tea (yesterday was a 1 egg ommalate) WHY THE HELL CAN'T I SPELL THAT DAMN WORD??? *shakes fist at offending word*. E isn't big. She's a baby. Everything is normal. They have growth spurts, they have times when they don't put on as much. If they are happy, and developing, there is nothing to worry or wobble about :hugs:

Lozza - 40 blueberry's? I knew they were called as a superfruit, so I'm wondering if that what makes Z a superbaby! Regarding CC, my HV told us to put D down awake, but I think the key is to go with what works for you - what you can stand. All I can say is that it worked for us, and though it was a tough time, I don't regret it. D is also so much happier as a result, and in turn, I'm a lot more relaxed and rested. xx

Laura, I hope things are better?

Waula, is N feeling any better? I hope so.

I'm so sorry if I have ever referred to people by their actual names on here. I just had to go back and correct one, so I hope I haven't done it lots in the past. So sorry. xxx
MsC shy of 18lb isn't all that big!! What you are doing with E sounds absolutely perfect to me! Babies put on weight at different weights at different points, so don't panic! Xxx
MsCrow - It sounds like E is doing fine. Everyone says how big D is too. She basically is a giant compared to most of the babies at the storytime group, she is quite a bit taller then most of them, even bigger then some of the 12-15 month ones. They all just grow different, I wouldn't worry about the feeding either, D still eats pretty much every two hours or she is cranky, if I tried to only feed her 4 times she would have a fit.

Lozza - Blueberry poo, nice. I'm not sure you would want to try what we did since it's taken a month and we've had a whole three nights of okay sleep. We just did it pretty gradually. We started a bedtime routine that started with nursing, then getting pj's on and reading a book. Then I take her to her room and sing her a song and lay her down. One of us would go in after a couple minutes and settle her then do the wait a big longer and go in. Now I only go to her if she cries for longer then 5 minutes. If she would wake up before 2 hours I would just comfort her, at 2 hours then I would nurse her again. I was lazy and I um don't like the dark much, so when she would wake around midnight if she kept crying over 5 min I would bring to her to sleep with us. Then I would only nurse her back to sleep if it had been at least 4 hours, that didn't go over well for awhile. Still crossing my fingers that it's getting better.

Sounds like nap time is over!
Loo- O-M-E-L-E-T. But an ommalate does have a certain je ne sais quoi.

Lozza- 40. Impressive! I wonder how long it will take him to pass all of that. :wacko:

MsC- Don't worry. E is lovely and perfect. The only percentiles that need to be watched are those that fall outside the charts and those where the height and weight are dramatically different (like 5% and 95%). The whole purpose of the chart is to tell you all the ranges of average. 74% is in that range. Also... regarding the amount of milk, we still do at least 4 milks per day (ranging 4-6 oz. each). :thumbup:
Thanks lads for reassuring me, after the stupid alternative weighing nurse I just feel a bit undermined in confidence. She just had four feeds today so I shall stick to WHO guidelines and efff the rest. Slowly introducing tea this week though so far it's either been a cheese or ham sandwich and some mango as I've had meetings to get to. Meh.

Silly, sounds like you've been. On a major journey and kudos to you for introducing a really good bedtime routine, I must admit to still feeding E before sleep and I'm sure it'll bite me in the arse when she finally weans.

Sorry to bring a downer on things, don't really feel like posting this on Facebook. My brother and SIL had their twelve week scan and had a slightly high NT measurement. The blood test has come back with a fifty percent chance of downs. The CVS is later this week. I feel kicked in the stomach about this. They are understandably in pieces. I am bewildered at the cruelty of all of it. They've waited so long for a baby. Of course nothing is confirmed yet. But they still have to go through it all. Just spent a meeting being really nouty as my mind is consumed by it all.
Oh MsC they are really having a hard time of it, aren't they? I suppose they are going to have to have so really difficult conversations over the next few days. There's nothing anyone can do or say to make it any easier for them either way but I hope they get the results they want. Do you have any idea what they'd do?
Thanks Laura. No I don't have any idea what they'd do. Is such a personal thing and all they do know from our side is that we all support them whatever happens. This is so unfair, that they have to face any of this. I hang on to the knowledge that false positives are more common when IVF has been involved and so hope, hope. Hope the CVS will come back with good news. That said, I am also aware that congenital abnormalities and certain condition are far more common due to increased parental age and the lesser extent of "natural selection".

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