March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Lozza, another good stretch, though I guess it's not helping your sleep in any way. I hope the pooing thing stops. Not nice for either of you. :hugs:

Mouse, sounds like you're having a lovely time now. G sounds like she is being such an angel. Whenever D is in the presence of strangers she just stares blankly or her face crumples and she starts crying.

MsC, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and sil and I really hope that the tests come back clear. When will they find out? They really deserve some good news. xx

We are having dog problems again. Completely dry all day, then pee/s over night. They sleep in the utility room and so we have been doing night time toilet training now for about 3 weeks (getting up at 3am, 3.15,3.30 etc, but we have hit a brick wall at 6am. There is ALWAYS a pee. I know this is completely not baby related so I'm not expecting a reply, I just needed to vent. They are meant to be staying at my parents' whilst we are in Cuba and I'm stressing so much about it. :sad2:
Good news though. They want to complete on my house on Friday! Wahoo!!!
Mouse, glad G is being such a love and that the hotel isn't to gross. Pink hot tub in the middle of the room sounds...interesting! :haha:

Loo, I know nothing about dog training, but sounds pretty frustrating! Hope you manage to crack it before Cuba. :hugs: Yay about your house though, that will be a real weight off I'm sure. :)

Laura, I hope now you are home and starting to feel a bit better that you are able to resume the bf and start rebuilding your supply? :hugs: And Crowned, so sorry you are in so much pain :hugs: I was prescribed a course of codeine when I was bf Roh and asked about the bf, and was told it was fine! It wasn't until I completed the course that I discovered I shouldn't have. Been taking that strength and bf. :dohh: Doctors can be very bad at taking bf in to account I find! I hope you can find a way to continue bf if that's what you want. I've heard some great testimonials from women who relactated and resumed bf after a substantial gap, so it can be done! :hugs:

Lozza, :hugs: Hope you managed a bit of rest after the feed change feed session. It really does sound like the feeds aren't strictly needed at an hour apart. Tricky though because its such a good aid to sleep for them. :(

Reasonably good night with F last night. Well brill in fact! Had to settle her at 10pm, but apart from that she went 7pm-6am. :thumbup: Have had a bit of a crap week after intial sttn success. The problem was she was waking and instead of settling her without feedng in her cot I was taking her out and feeding her. Not intentionally though! I was just waking at 3/4/5/ 6am and realising she was in the bed and I had NO recollection of taking her out at all!! :dohh: had to do a bit more training for the last couple of days to fix that, but good result with the 11 hours stint last night!
That's a great result Emera!

Loo - :happydance: for the house completion! Sorry about the dog stress, just warn your parents and maybe they can leave them somewhere waterproof overnight rather than on carpets at least? Don't let dog wee spoil your honeymoon!!

Mouse - I want to stay in a hotel with a pink hot tub!! Sounds amazing - as long as its not a sunken one in which case it sounds like a crawling baby nightmare hazard.

I finally went to sleep about half 2, he woke a couple of hours later I think, and then for the day at 7 despite my best efforts to get him back to sleep. So that's about 4 hours sleep I had last night, boo. I think I might go and watch skyfall at the cinema this afternoon or tomOrrow, except I'll probably fall asleep half way thru now!
Loo do you know which of the dogs it is that can't hold it ? My spaniel always struggled with the clock changes and would bark at 6am to be let out. Have you considered using a crate as a temporary measure ? Dogs hate soiling in such a small area so learn very quickly that they need to hold it for that little bit longer. What time is their normal up time ? X
Lozza was just wondering how your dairy free was going?
Loo :( on the dog wee - good suggestion from Laura, did you try DAP plug in pheromone thingy at your mums when you were staying there? They can work brilliantly if its stress... Have fireworks brought it on?
Thanks so much for the love, lads! I'm ever-so-happy to tell you that I'm doing much, much better, and after 4 days of pumping and ff, we're back to bfing! I was so excited to feed her again this morning when I'd finally had the codeine out of my system long enough, and amazingly, she latched on instantly and it was like we'd never had a break!! Such a relief, I cried a little :) I'm so happy. Also, hooray for no more kidney stones!!!!!!

Emera, as far as the codeine goes, apparently they didn't used to think it was contraindicated for bfing, but there have been incidents lately of babies getting very ill, or even dying, and they realized that in 25% of women, the codeine is turned into morphine by their bodies, and that passes into their milk and essentially poisons the baby. It's quite scary, so I wasn't willing to risk it at all. So glad Roh was okay too!
Crowned, so glad you're doing better and back on the boob!

Loo, sorry about the dogs but yay for the house!

Another good day here, G is being such a good girl!
Crowned - hooray!! :happydance: So pleased for you!
Mouse - hooray too for good days, and I love your new FB pic!
Waula - dairy free is ok, there's so many alternatives these days. Friday nights dinner had a carton of double cream in though :dohh: and I gave z yoghurt this morning. He did look more gassy during the day and was a bit more unsettled when he first went to bed but he eventually did 5 hours. Think he's teething again - he's been shaking his head a lot and been whingy which is unlike him. Gave him nurofen when I got back from my solo trip to the cinema and he bounced back to normal. I also rubbed his ear while feeding and he started screaming! Don't know if that means he has an ear infection instead? When he's. Of on a painkiller he hasn't wanted to lie on that side so that his ear rests against my arm. That's only been today (or yesterday as it now is 6am - having been awake since
4.30 I still feel like its nighttime) already done the morning nappy change, tried and faxed
To get himm back to sleep in the buggy and now resorting to feeding, AGAIN. Arrrrrhhhhhh. That's all. must be knackered!!!!! Big hugs to you...hope the teething passes quickly x x

Mouse....agree...loving your new profile pic, gorgeous expression from G. Cant tell who she looks like...initially thought your hubby definately but she is actually a real mix. Cuteness x

Crowned...yay.for' must be a relief. And yay for no kidney stones...did they pass in the end? Hubbys seemed to.drag on for 2 months with.unsuccessful breakdown...then op to remove....then stent pain...then removal. Finally back to.normal

No news here....although does anyone elses LO tilt their head to one side regularly? She does it alot in highchair etc....bit worried about so.googled seens alot of babies and they.are just exploring different.views of the world. Hmmmm weigh in.with hv next week...may ask
Mitch - yes! He quite often rests his head to one side, mainly in his high chair. Seems to be concentrating and sometimes he seems to do it when he chews. I guess I do it too except I'd use my hand to support my head!
I was a bit worried...its really.pronounced like shes making an.effort to tilt it as far as possible...only to the right though :wacko:. I thought it was cos she was trying to rub her cheek again shoulder....if teeth were giving her issues. Aaah well probably nothing to.worry about then
Just read the last few pages after ages away from here!!

Question: How the hell do you all keep up with FB and here? I suppose having a baby who naps regularly and sleeps would help, no?! When she eventually gives into sleep I rush about like a mad thing doing all the things I need/ want to do in the house!!

MsC - fx for your family, it's a horrible waiting game filled with so much worry xxx

Big hugs and love to you all - if A ever gets better at sleeping in the day and my mobile gets better at looking at this thread, I'll catch up...promise!!!

Nic, I find I tend to let this page go for a day or two, and then catch up.

Mitch, I think the stones passed - I could feel them moving 'down' and then one day no more pain, so I think they passed. The doc thought they were pretty small (he said smaller can be more painful though, due to shifting around more????) so may not notice them passing.
Also, never notice the tilting head thing, but she spends a lot of time tipping her head backwards when upright to try to look at things upside-down.

Even more good news to report: My sweet girl slept for 10 HOURS STRAIGHT last night! For the first time ever!!! 7pm-5am!! Now how do I make her do it again? :D
Nic - I only get on here when bf on my phone really!

Crowned - amazing!! Hope for all of us yet then!
Yes, Lozza - I will be your beacon of hope! It can happen, really! (this coming from someone whose baby went from being a newborn who only woke to feed for 5 minutes twice per night to a 3-7 month old baby who woke up to eight times a night!) I completely understand your pain, but have hope! I'll tell you everything I did yesterday in hopes that it works again:

I bf her for the first time in 4 days due to medication
I took her to a Santa Claus parade at naptime, where she enjoyed the loud noises and fun sights until she was so tired she fell asleep sitting up
I skipped her last nap and put her to bed exhausted (so only 2 naps instead of three) at 7 after dinner and bath

Who knows what worked - maybe it was a combination of all of the above, but it was incredible! Now perhaps she should have a little chat with Z...
I second the bnb catch up whilst bf on the's the only way!!!
Hope tonight is better for you Nik! And Lozza I always hope that "this" will be the night!!!! And crowned 10hrs is amazing.
Mitch - n does sideways head tilt too, especially in highchair...he looks a bit odd - sometimes I think maybe his head gets heavy!!! Lol!
Still not heard anything after my interview on Wednesday :( I think it's a fairly disorganised place so not surprised but I really liked the practice and could just do with the pressure being taken off. Arranging anther one just in case. More stress. Fabulous. :nope:
Hope you're all ok xxx
Sorry I'm not replying to anyone, glad to see some things are going better for some though!

I just have to say, why is it that DH is the one taking the nap with D when he gets a full night sleep whenever he decides to go to bed at a decent time when I haven't slept more than five hours in a row for over a year now. Argh, so not fair. Better keep making dinner or my stomach will get even more mad at me. I did get four hour stretch last night though and at least six hours overall so pretty good!
Sillysmiles....I would have words with the naughty daddy...that does not seem fair to me!!!
So resettling required 4 times between 7& 11. Followed by an hour walking round the house rocking, putting down etc. I was determined not to feed until sy least midnight, made it to 8 minutes past. Tried a bottle of water (drank a bit, mainly chewed the teat) and calpol. He's now feeding and alternating between twiddling his ear and walloping me on the chest. Hope he falls back asleep quickly having resorted to the boob!

Sorry, I feel like I use BnB purely as a sleep diary. Apologies for boring you all. I might look back and see if I can remind myself it has been worse!

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