March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Ohhhh a dishwasher! Now that would be amazing!! I find it sooo hard to keep up with the washing when dealing with baby at the same time.

Why all the fireworks, lads? A holiday of sorts?

We've been sleep training and I don't want to jinx anything, but A only needed ONE feeding last night!!!! Woke up a couple other times, but murmured for a bit and then went back to sleep. I'm crossing my fingers this keeps up as I could really use the sleep!
The fireworks are for bonfire night Cowned. November 5th we celebrate Guy Fawkes failing to blow up the king and the Houses of Parliament. Good excuse for bonfires and fireworks. :)
Crowned....5th November is Guy Fawkes night so fireworks and what we call Bonfire night held in loads of towns and villages the weekend nearest. Strange 'celebration' really....its not a national holiday.....a long while ago (1800s) some guy called Guy Fawkes tried to.blow up the House of was called the gunpowder plot. Anyway he was caught and the plan foiled. We now 'celebrate' with a big bonfire and kids go.around getting a 'penny for the guy' and they build a guy and pop it on top of the bonfire and set it alight. This is coupled by fireworks. Its a strange thing to.teach kids fair but its a nice night out and everyone loves fireworks :thumbup:
Crowned, its Bonfire night tomorrow, random celebration of Parliament NOT being blown up a few hundred years ago with loads of barrels of gunpowder. Its all good fun, fireworks, bonfires burning effigies of Guy Fawkes (the failed bomber) and bizarrely funfairs it seems, but i suppose there's always room for a good rickety roller coaster on a cold dark November evening! Also happens to be conveniently close in the calendar to an old pagan fire festival which naturally involves big bonfires. Just another nice tidy way to sweep that whole aspect of British history nicely under the carpet! :rolleyes:

Basically it sounds like ww3, and if you have pets or babies, its a pain! :haha:
Ok ladies...bit of a moan and advice really. M is a really good eater of purees and some lumpier purees....but soooo jealous of your BLW. So i used to.give M finger food to try out....biscottis, little sarnies, muffins, pancakes, bananas etc but still no sign of her putting anything in her mouth. I habe stopped giving her just gets bashed around and none eaten unless i.hold it to.her mouth...she chomps it off, chews and swallows...but will not pick.up food and eat.herself. It gets a bit soul destroying.and wasteful to.kerp trying so thought i would wait til she shows signs of even putting toys in her mouth. Seriously she puts NOTHING in her mouth...wouldnt that be an.indication shes ready?

My question i.still keep putting things on her tray? Do i wait til she shows signs of chewing fist....eating toys...grabbing my food? How did you know? I.feel its a catch 22....i should put food down to.see if she tries...if i dont she will not learn...but seriously its a waste. Just to reinterate...she moves mouth. I am tempted to.give up with it until i.see that sign

Sorry....fb doesnt seem the place as i.always mention this...i need to.know how to.move forward x x
To be fair, BLW is incredibly wasteful as about 80% of what I put down for Astrid ends up on her clothes, floor, etc. etc.

It's taken Astrid ages to get to be eating that much. Sometimes she eats a lot (as in about 60% of what I put out) but mostly it's not that much.

I think what I'm trying to say is that I'd keep offering and just play it by ear. You have to just accept that sometimes she'll eat and sometimes she won't.

Mitch, I wouldn't panic about moving forwards really. If it was me, i'd keep offering bits and pieces as finger food, so that its there if she wants it. I would maybe put one or two of those big chunky Organix carrot puffs down or something. Make sure its something that looks fun and enticing, so maybe a raspberry or two, something bright? However, i totally wouldn't worry about it. I know loads of babies who didn't really show any interest in self feeding until a year old or so. They eat confidently now as toddlers. And were happy and healthy and enjoy their purees! The fact that she's tolerating lumps is brilliant news, and shows alot more progress than if she started picking up food and self feeding, trust me. Getting babies to cope with mashed rather than pureed food can often be a real issue! Oh, and hate to break it to you, but weaning, especially blw involves a butt load of wasted food, i hate that aspect of it, but really there is no way round it with self feeding. F might shove alot of food in her mouth, but at least 60% of the food i offer her is smeared, thrown, flicked, dropped, destroyed or just absently mushed into pulp!

Do you eat with M at all?
Mitch, Ted wastes quite a lot. Especially at the moment, he's not that fussed about things like bread (unless it's to suck some soup or something off it). But it's annoying if she puts nothing at all to her mouth. She'll learn. Just keep putting her hand to her mouth, and you eat at the same time and she'll get it.
I eat at both.breakfast and lunch with her....not always the same thing. Sometimes i.have toast and cut some off to.give it to.her but I have loads of rusks, biscottis, organix puff thingies in the house...and have put some cheese and fruit down. Nothing gets put anywhere near mouth. Is it wrong that i am not trying 'proper' food like the stuff i cook? I am happy to.put down.bits of fruit, veg and puffs/biccies...i.suppose i.just check.out when.she finally does put it to her mouth and go.from there

I know theres alot of waste/mess with blw....but at least from photos i.have seen they are attempting to move things to mouth even if they dont swallow alot

Emera...regards lumpy success but some....slowly. Still a bit of gagging
Its usually.followed by dinner being vommed up....though she has managed to.avoid that the last few times. Maybe shes learning:wacko:
Yeah we have that too some of the time, its a pain, and gross, and Roh freaks out! :haha: He associates sick with being ill, so gets very concerned when she gags and voms!
I guess just keep putting the odd thing on the tray each meal, don't make a big deal of it and see what happens? :shrug: I've found breadsticks fairly easy to grab and gnaw on. Difficult to advise as Z's always put everytging in his mouth - im looking forward to him growing out of that stage, he tries to eat the shower pipe, tap, my nose... The list goes on.

I'm glad Laura you're saying that's how much is wasted, probably similar here. So hard to know if he's really eating much, except by the nappies.

A 4 hour stretch of sleep tonight, 7-11! Then I held him for Probably 15 minutes while he cried and passed a hell of a lot of wind - at least a large helium balloon sized amount. Each hysterical scream was followed by a fart. Hopefully he's a bit deflated, I'm having to feed him to sleep again. To be fair he might be hungry, he's hardly drunk today and each time he has he's pooed. He really strains to go each time, it's so sad to see his little pooping face :cry:
Dammn lost posts.........

ahhhh bless you Mitch.... agree with the other lads - there is a lot of wastage with BLW..... and a hell of a lot of food being chucked around, squished and dropped from a height. I'd still be tempted to keep giving a little of what you are having...... (half of the fun at this end is him wanting what's on my plate - so I now make up a plate and offer it to him, as if it's mine) On a side note, there are sometimes where stuff is on his tray, and he doesn't look interested straight away, but eventually picks it up..... like Lozza, putting stuff in the mouth is not something that M has strained from doing. She will get there in her own time (I'm sure you would like to poke me in the eye with that comment - but hopefully the fact that all our l/o's are doing different things at different rates gives you some encouragement.....?) Your friends story about the IVF is soo sad

Lozza, poor you and z..... his pumps make me sad.....:cry:

Ms Crow..... fully with you on the daily development of everything around them - so joyous until you are in the middle of sainsburys, and an old man pinches M's cheek - and then he spends the next 3 mins shouting...... not crying - but at the top of his mouth - really shouting arrrrrggggghhhhh arrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhh blaaaahhhhhh blahhhhhhhh......funny at the same time though!

PS - what the hell is a dishwasher.... they sound ace:haha:
morning lads...might be in need of a bit of advice...

I think we're eventually coming to the time when N drops his dream feed... past few nights he's not woken for it and gone through to 1/4am and then woken up coughing and really not been that interested in a my question is - I only feed off one side/feed and usually feed at 7am, 11am, 4pm(ish) and then 7pm so one of my poor boobs is going to go from 4pm to 7am - ouch. do i a) just do it and deal with leaky ouchy b) try and feed him off both sides at 7pm c) pump bit off the other side before I go to bed

thanks lads :)
Waula, I feed off both sides before bed, and then again in the morning. Then mid-morning and afternoon tends to be just one side. X
Waula - I still always offer both at every feed. My Noah has also dropped his dream feed for the last 2 nights and gone from 8pm until 7am. Fingers crossed his good nights continue for you. X

Were doing serious sleep training in this house at the moment. I need to move Noah in with Olivia but at 2 she has never gone through the night. Were 4 nights in and I've had 2 nights now an both have slept through !!!! Yay !!! 2 years of broken sleep has not been fun !!!
Thanks lads - will offer both am/pm and see what happens. X
Amazing sleeping Laura!!! Wowsers!!!! X

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