March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Fab news Laura!!!:happydance: about using your stock!

I was on the double moo honk in hospital! Was very strange - but great at the same time! Sorry can't help with the b/f question as I had to stop a long time ago :cry:
lovely news on the BF Laura! Well done. And I totally get your point about it being in control about how/when A gets weaned off you. Interesting on your milk becoming creamier... mine always looks pathetically watery when I express. a couple of mm of cream on top but that's it. maybe its your new diet - or maybe your double moo-honker is better at getting the good stuff out? I'm always astounded at how this watery looking stuff coming out can make babies grow. Weird. But incredible. And makes me very proud in an animal-ly type way.

Emera - I'm the same with collecting the waste. honestly i get one to two double handfuls of waste per meal. i'm happy with his weight so not worried about it but I get how it could become a bit of an obsession. 230g of food in and only 100g weight put on? that does sounds odd. lets hope her new found appetite helps the weight go up!
I know this is probably a stupid question but was it the same scales Emera? Because I couldn't get over the difference between one set and another at my HV clinic...
good point laura - always something i forget to keep the same too. hmm...
Laura, to be honest, that sounds a bit like low hydration level? Alot of hind milk and not much foremilk, if its very creamy. that would be my only thought. Saaying that, i had the same thing happen. As Fs feeds have dropped a bit i couldn't pump as much , like you about 3oz at 10.30pm was pretty normal, where previously it would have been more like 6-8oz. Also like you it was very creamy, so i assumed it was mostly hindmilk i was pumping off? :shrug: Sorry its not a great answer, but thats all the experiencei have to go on xx
Yep, same scales as always. :shrug: Maybe she was totally full of poo last time or something? :shock:
emera how are you coping with giving F a bottle of FF at night then her sleeping through? are you not exploding a bit? is it just me that still gets friggin engorged? i'm just about ok on one feed per night but have to work at it to get him fed enough in the day to be empty enough at night...yet still can't get enough milk out with the pump.

i'm really happy Lozza isn't on here...that must mean Z is co-operating and asleep :dance:
Waula, nope i don't get engorged anymore, my supply has dropped quite a bit since she started weaning. Given how much she eats, it would be pretty mental if she was still consuming as much milk!! I was pumping each night if you remember, so i felt a bit full for a few days in the evenings when we started the formula bottle, but now its settled totally. I can feel i have plenty of milk, but i don't feel engorged anymore. To be honest, what you described with the pumping, having alot of watery seeming milk makes me thing you might have a bit of a foremilk imbalance, which is probably why you feel engorged more than you maybe should. I think there are ways to correct the imbalance. However, N is probably still feeding quite a bit if he's not pigging out on food? So it likely isn't a real issue at this point?
glad it's settled down for you - sounds like you're really happy with the combination which is great :thumbup: i sometimes feel like i may never be able to stop bfing or my boobs will actually just pop! when i do wean i will have to take it really slowly I think. anyway he's grumping again. looks like we're in for a long night...
Haha Waula yes, he was asleep! 7-1 last night :happydance: with just a 30 second backrub t 9.45!! 20 minute feed then back in his cot 1.30-3.30 then he came in with me and very drunk DH, fed while I fell asleep til 4.30 when I woke and put him next to me then I think he slept til about 7.15 ( might have snacked in between, can't remember). So pleased with the 6 hour stretch though!

Hes woken up having learnt to babble though! All we've had all morning is ba ba ba ba ba MA ba ba ba ba. It makes a nice change from aaarrrrggghhh.

Laura - good effort on the bf!! I know what you mean about beig proud o avoiding formula, I'm quite pleased he's never had a jar of baby food yet. There's nothing wrong with jars/pouches and I provably should use them when I'm out as at the moment I still just skip a meal if I have to. I need to be more organised about having food in! Or actually just remembering to get stuff out the freezer!! Hoping hr'll nap in a minute as I need to do some cooking. Trying the fish pasta bake tonight from the river cottage book!

I'll add our food too from yesterday. Brek - 8 bite size shredded wheat, 1/4 satsuma and 2/3 of a Rachel's organic banana yoghurt, 8am. Bf @ 10.30, lunch 12pm pasta with a cherry tomato and tinned sardines stirred in, a kiwi and half a plum. Bf at 1pm and actually I can't remember what he had for dinner! It was only yesterday! I've absolutely no idea, how bad's that!

Talking of shredded wheat, can I discuss poo? What goes in still very much resembles what comes out, so lumps of veg, sheets of cabbage, blueberry skins and I've even noticed that shredded wheat is as hard to clean off his bum as it is off his face when he's eaten! Is this normal? Happened to mention it to the GP yesterday who says its his digestive system not being used to food yet,it can take some time. Anyone else?!

Bit of a marathon post that (having an unusually long bf and he seems tone falling asleep - the same happened yesterday so I'm trying to replicate everything!!)
I find that weetabix is a royal pain to clean off bottoms! And when Roh has shreddies or bran flakes its awful! Doctors on the whole can generally only wrap their heads round TW, where everything is mushed up on the way in, and on the way out. Its less to do with their digestive system, and more to do with the fact that they don't chew very efficiently, due to the lack of molars, so stuff comes out more recognisable as it doesn't get broken down as much in the mouth! Obviously their digestive systems are maturing too, so its a contributing factor as well.
6 hours Lozza? Omg that's bloody great. Fingers crossed that this is the start if something better. Food wise that sounds like loads too - I'm assuming that's including 60% waste (!) and poo-wise N has 1-2 per day, softish and can see colour variation and things like sweet corn or raisins but apart from that seems quite digested tbh (but we've prob been going 3-4weeks longer than you...)

Are ppl feeding bf/ff before food with blw still? I have been but today he did bf at 7.30, porridge/fruit at 8.30 then lunch at 12.30 and just bf him now. Doesn't seem to affect volumes eaten but if it makes him drop milk feeds I'd prefer he dropped his night feeds first!! Hmmm...
Laura, I am pleased that you've managed to start bfing again, you too Crowned. Been thinking about you and hoping it would all be ok. On expressing, that late at night will be your lowest production so I'd expect to express less.

Lozza, hurrah for positive sleeps from Z, here's hoping it carries on. Love the babbling.

Emera, saw your post about the doctor, glad you have an appointment but I'm sorry about the food anxiety.

Waula, I agree abou B&B and the great place it's been through gruelling nights. Ours are hopefully diminishing now with E seeming to get the hang of sleep. Occasionally she wake at 5am but I take her back to bed and we both get another hour or so plus a sleepy feed.

My brother and SIL had their results from the CVS, it's confirmed as downs. They're broken. I feel dead inside. The cruelty of this is too much.
Oh gosh msc - huge :hugs: there's nothing else I can say :hugs:

Waula - re the feeding, bit hit & miss to be honest. I guess I've normally fed him quite a bit at night so don't tend to feed before breakfast, but then I generally feed when he wakes from a nap and give solid food about half an hour later if timing works. I usually need the time to clear the mess from the previous meal and/or cook the next one! I need a better laid out house where I can work in he kitchen and keep an eye on him. sorry for your is heartbreaking. My bro and SIL went through the same thing 3 years ago....i still get upset about it now so god knows what they must have gone through...and probably still are. It is a tough decision that only.they can make...if they havent done so already...all you can do is be there for them when they need you. Now i am getting teary sorry...big hugs x x

Lozza...hope this is the start if more long stretches for you.and Z

M just go rescue her x
MsC, i'm so sorry. Nature can be so cruel :( Not much anyone can say, but big :hugs: to you and your family xxx

Lozza i sort of missed that Z did 6 hours somehow, that's fantastic! :) So, keep it up little man! :)

Well, F had her docs appointment tomorrow. I was sort of surprised the doctor took me so seriously. In my experience, GPs can be pretty dismissive of mothers' worries. I'm not sure if its better, because now i feel a bit worried! :wacko:

Not such a huge food day today: 20 mins bf. Breakfast, whole banana, half an apple, whole plum baby brekkie pouch (we were out). 10 mins bf, snack, half a slice of granary toast with butter and peanut butter. Lunch, Whole cream cheese sandwich, 10 blueberries, fromage frais pot. 5 mins bf. Snack 1/4 cheese tomato ham and mayo toastie (stolen off OH). Dinner 3/4 bowl of pasta carbonara (pasta with cream cheese, cream and cheddar, sliced ham and peas), whole rusk crushed with pear puree, double cream almond butter and apple juice. 8oz bottle of formula.
MsC, there's nothing anyone can say that will make their decision any easier. I suppose the only thing is to be there for them when they are ready. It's awful and terribly hard though. Please talk about it yourself though, with us or whatever. One of my friends had a downes baby unexpectedly when I was 6 months pregnant with Astrid. I know how I felt then and I know how important it was for me to be able to talk about it. xxx

Emera, I'm glad that you've got an appointment. Hopefully the doctor will be able to put your mind at rest but at the very least, you don't need to wait long to be able to talk it through with him.

Lozza, 6 hours! Brilliant!!

Food diary for today...

10 mins BF 8am, 1 egg omelette and half a slice of buttered toast with marmalade (didn't eat much of the toast though) 9am, snack breast fed most of the day - a couple of minutes every hour or hour and a half (all day), mouthed my caesar salad, sucked lettuce, ate cheese, chicken, and bread bits (no anchovies as I hate them and didn't add them!) 1pm, lentil casserole, peas, fried courgette pieces, slice of ham, stewed plums with cream and greek yoghurt, refused final BF this evening. :( Hardly surprising though! Seems like she's had loads today!
Poor poor bro/sil Msc. I'm so sorry for them. There are no words are there. I hope they stay strong and cling together through whatever decision they make. Truly awful for you all. Nature can be too cruel.

Glad E is getting the hang of the night-time sleeping. It seems like forever since those early few BFing days. We've come a long way birthday buddy :hugs:

Food today - bf 10mins (both), porridge/mango/ 1/4 banana (fruit chewed then unceremoniously spat out - he's teething sigh), lunch: 1/2 bolognese/cream cheese sarnie, pear slices, BF 10mins, BF 10mins at soft-play place, tea: whole saino's taste the differene massive fish cake - ate all of it whilst going "mmmmMmmmmmmMmmm" so that was a hit, babycorn (chewed and spat out), broccoli floret x2, cinammon pear slices, BF 15mins before bed... Quite a lot of food is getting chewed/spat out at the minute. His top two teeth are just poking through so think he's a bit sore for hard food.

Hope Z does a repeat performance tonight Lozza!
Good luck Emera! Thinking of you xx
He lasted 20 minutes :cry: I tried to do everything the same as yesterday, but rather than be at home all day he had 30 mins swim lesson and 40 mins at gym babes so should be extra knackered! Picked him up, got a burp, then took me another 20 mins to get him down again. So annoying!

Remembered last nights dinner at last - a ham and spinach omelette plus a banana and half a plum. I burnt the omelette, that's how bad my cooking can be!

Today: breakfast - 8 bite size shredded wheat, a banana and 2/3 of a rachel's baby yoghurt; lunch a rice cake with cream cheese and ham, some pineapple; dinner chicken goujons from the RC cookbook with mayo and runner beans (undercooked so all chucked on floor), a plum. Afternoon snack a few raisins. Bf at 7.30 (took naff all), 11.15, 1.30, 4pm and to sleep at 7pm.

I'm finding I have to cheat a bit and almost put one thing down at a time otherwise he tries to cram the whole lot in and it all falls out, or he chucks it all about while he chews. When he's got a bit more used to eating I'll go back to offering a choice.

Made the baked fish pasta from the RC book for dinner, it's delicious! That's his lunch tomorrow. I also did a tiny portion of lamb curry so he can try the curry flavours, minus the chilli at first.

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