Haha Waula yes, he was asleep! 7-1 last night
with just a 30 second backrub t 9.45!! 20 minute feed then back in his cot 1.30-3.30 then he came in with me and very drunk DH, fed while I fell asleep til 4.30 when I woke and put him next to me then I think he slept til about 7.15 ( might have snacked in between, can't remember). So pleased with the 6 hour stretch though!
Hes woken up having learnt to babble though! All we've had all morning is ba ba ba ba ba MA ba ba ba ba. It makes a nice change from aaarrrrggghhh.
Laura - good effort on the bf!! I know what you mean about beig proud o avoiding formula, I'm quite pleased he's never had a jar of baby food yet. There's nothing wrong with jars/pouches and I provably should use them when I'm out as at the moment I still just skip a meal if I have to. I need to be more organised about having food in! Or actually just remembering to get stuff out the freezer!! Hoping hr'll nap in a minute as I need to do some cooking. Trying the fish pasta bake tonight from the river cottage book!
I'll add our food too from yesterday. Brek - 8 bite size shredded wheat, 1/4 satsuma and 2/3 of a Rachel's organic banana yoghurt, 8am. Bf @ 10.30, lunch 12pm pasta with a cherry tomato and tinned sardines stirred in, a kiwi and half a plum. Bf at 1pm and actually I can't remember what he had for dinner! It was only yesterday! I've absolutely no idea, how bad's that!
Talking of shredded wheat, can I discuss poo? What goes in still very much resembles what comes out, so lumps of veg, sheets of cabbage, blueberry skins and I've even noticed that shredded wheat is as hard to clean off his bum as it is off his face when he's eaten! Is this normal? Happened to mention it to the GP yesterday who says its his digestive system not being used to food yet,it can take some time. Anyone else?!
Bit of a marathon post that (having an unusually long bf and he seems tone falling asleep - the same happened yesterday so I'm trying to replicate everything!!)