March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

With nappies and wipes we bulk brought before we had Isaac and have done again. The thought off a potential allergy never entered my head. We brought 4 packs (46 nappies in each) of size one midi, not newborn, but only because Isaac was only in newborn a week these nappies go from 7 to 12 lbs. . I plan to buy 4 packs of size 3 they go from 11 lbs and stock on wipes. I normally buy wipes off amazon in bulk but nappies we use sainsburys little ones, never had am issue with them. We used Huggies for Isaac but they don't sell them now.
We never used a baby bath before but this time we have got one. (Got it for free) because we think it will help Isaac feel involved in Bath time with baby.
I would definitely recommend a black out blind , it was, and still is a god send for us.

Hope everyone is well. I have the midwife Thursday. I gave been feeling very low recently and im kind of scared of what that may mean. But going to chat with midwife.
I have my GTT next Tuesday too

Thanks for all the nappy tips and general advice, much appreciated.

Dawn, hope you are ok. Talk it out with the midwife.

I have been feeling a little down but mostly just tense and stressed. Finding school quite difficult and on countdown to the holidays, but know they will also mean a lot of running around so...

Hope everyone else is well.
Thanks Mama Fox.
I really hate feeling out of sorts......i don't 'do' feeling emotional, I find it so overwhelming. It would have been my nannas 80th birthday Sunday and since it's less than two months that she died I think that hit me hard. I have talked to hubby, but he's a man lol, doesnt really understand. However he is coming to midwife with me Thursday as he happens to be off work so I thought I should let him know what I plan to discuss with midwife.
Oddly a lot of my anxiety and stress centres around this babies birth. Isaacs birth didn't go well and im stressed over a repeat. I liked the 'ignorant bliss' that I felt with Isaac as I'd never experienced it before, don't get me wrong it was the best experience if my life in the sense my son was born but I'd rather it not have got to the stressful situation it got too. Again anxieties I need to talk through x x
Dawn I don't know what organizations are available over there, but here we have something called Birthtalk where you can debrief about your past births and sort through anxieties and possible trauma. It can be very healing and help move forward preparing for this birth.
Remember that no two births are alike and Isaac's birth does not define this one.

I would also suggest you look into writing a good birth plan (not a "this is what I want to happen" thing as most people think of when they hear birth plan, cause birth hardly ever pans out to our ideal vision as you are well aware. But a thorough one that accounts for possible deviations and has contingencies in place). The act of researching your options in different circumstances can really help give you a feeling of control when things don't go as hoped.
I actually prefer to call it a Maternity Care Plan rather than a Birth Plan because really when it comes down to it a good birth plan is simply the expectation that you will be treated with respect, as an individual rather than with 'cookie cutter' care, and that you will be guided through informed decision making process.
I've done quite a bit of reading and respectful care really seems to be the difference between a scary birth instead of a downright traumatic one, and even a good birth instead of a traumatic one as respectful care of the mother can acrually prevent many emergencies from happening in the first place.

Anyway I have used an excellent workbook called Bellabirth: informed birth planning . Parts of it are geared to an Australian audience but the important parts are relevant world over. It covers the how-tos of writing a "birth map" as she calls it .
Thank you Mama Hen.

I had a debrief after Isaac's birth but that was 3 and a bit years ago so may be worth revisiting. I definitely need a better birth plan than I had last time. One that covers several scenarios, and addresses my options is a great idea.
I will look out that book you suggest, or at least something similar. X X
Dawn, sorry to hear that you are feeling so stressed out! Like pregnancy in itself isn't stressful enough. Hope you are able to find a good program or organization that can help you talk through some of your anxieties and come up with a better multifaceted birth plan as well! Totally hear ya about not "doing" emotional well. Same here, sister! NDH sounds like she's got a lot of good info in her post, hopefully that helps you work some things out dear :hugs:

MamaFox I'm also sorry to hear that you are feeling the pressures of school and the holidays + baby. Hopefully you get a nice break once finals are out, yes? Think a lot of us in here are in the same boat feeling low and stressed out.

AFM trying to get some holiday shopping done but somehow have twisted my ankle in the process. So now I'm back to laying in bed lurking on this website all day. Have picked up a puzzle book for myself so maybe that will keep me entertained for a little while, :shrug:
Oh no Daisy, sounds painful. rest up!
I'm ok, took day off today and called midwife as just feeling so run down. I am going to see her on Thursday and she said she will do an iron level check then.

My sister recommended Floradix for more energy. It's liquid iron and vitamins supplement so hopefully that will boost me a little. Been feeling pretty good up to now so hopefully that will give me the little boost I need to get back on track.
Fox, how much healthy fats are you getting? I've seen on another post that baby takes our healthy saturated fats like crazy. If it's not your iron levels, then maybe that might be why you feel like you're on empty? Eat more butter, avocado, peanut butter, those sorts of things.
Also, Vitamin C helps with iron absorption. AND if you can find it in tincture, ashwagandha root is great for energy. It has long term effects so if you don't take it after being regular for a few days, you will notice that you still feel energetic and focused.

GL hope you get some things figured out miss :thumbup:
Hi ladies! :wave: I feel so far behind! Just caught up though!

In terms of diapers, my DD ended up making it through two (maybe 3?) of the value packs (88 diapers each, I believe) of newborn size Pampers. The hospital I delivered at didn't give newborn size - they used size 1 and had you fold them down if they were too big. Yes, we were able to take those home, but again, they were so big for my baby girl.

Braxton Hicks.... I started those around 14 weeks (even though I only had them at the very end - maybe last 2 weeks - of my first pregnancy). I never had actual pain with them though - for me it was more of a tightness in my belly. I'd say I get them at least once per week, and more often when I'm more (overly) active.

As for due dates, my DD was born on my due date for her (after I worked a full day, I went into labor after work, & she was born that same evening).

For any mamas currently pregnant with baby #3 or more, how did your due dates compare for your babies? Were they pretty much around the same time, or did they really not correlate at all? Just wondering.....

And actually, while we're at it, for moms pregnant with baby #3 or more, how did your labor times compare? Was it really faster with each subsequent baby?
Hi everyone .... I am seriously exhausted !! By the end of the day , work and then play and bed time with toddler I'm just in a heap !!!! I don't even have the energy to talk !!! I feel crabby and irritated as I'm so tired . Poor OH I feel sorry for him he gets the brunt of me lol...
I can't wait for the Christmas break , nearly 2 weeks off work.
Thanks Daisy, I actually eat loads of avocado and peanut butter (2 of my favourite things!) But will look out for what you suggested :)
Love all the bump pics! :flower:
I was induced with both my girls and will be with this one if I reach 42 weeks again which i'm half expecting. I truly respect the decision of those who choose to wait it out past that point but the increased risks just scare me a bit. Also I have big babies as it is (1st 9lbs 4oz, 2nd 9lbs 7oz) so 42 weeks is enough for me. I'll be doing 2 birth plans, a spontaneous one and an induced one. DD1's labour was a pitocin induction with epidural so continuous monitoring was pretty much a given but I feel the midwife in DD2's labour made a lot of choices on my behalf because they made things easier for her (continuous monitoring, fetal scalp electrode, having me on back and feet in stirrups to push) and I was so panicked due to my fast progressing labour that I didn't feel properly equipped to question anything (except when she attempted an episiotomy which I refused) I was induced with cervadil which put me into labour so I feel I should have been able to be intermittently monitored. Hoping for a better midwife this time but if not I won't be afraid to speak up :winkwink:
Lily, we had a baby bath with our first as it was bought for us but once she outgrew it I never kept it. For our second we just used a bath support like this: Shopping - Category - Baby in our normal bath and she was in with her sister from the first bath pretty much so I guess this one will follow suit! I think if I was buying one for a first baby i'd choose this type that fits over the bath edge, looks really good:
Yes to the blackout blind! 2 of our bedrooms have vertical blinds which do the same job but if we didn't have them i'd get a blind installed for sure, or at the very least blackout linings for the curtains.
As far as nappies go even my 9 pounders fitted size 1 nappies initially so you can't go wrong with a couple of packs of them. In the UK the hospitals don't give you anything like nappies really so it's wise to take at least 20 just in case.
Bella my first was born at 41+3 by dating scan (42 weeks by my ovulation date) after 8.5 hours of induced labour (6.5h active stage which i feel would have been much faster if i had listened to my body rather than my midwife - probably 3-4 hours less). i was induced 30 hours after my water broke and contractions were still very irregular.
My second was born at 40+4 by my dating scan but that never matched up with possible conception dates. i always felt i was a week or two ahead of what they said and when she was born the midwives all agreed she must have been 42 weeks. labour was spontaneous - 7h20 minutes from first niggle to birth with a 45 minute active stage.
I guess us first-timers will just have to wait and see what our bodies do! It's kind of fun to speculate, but also a reminder that it could be earlier than planned or a lot later.

Have been getting those burning sensations in my breasts again, anyone else? Noticed that when I express my breasts a yellow-ish liquid comes out. Used to be clear and kind of sweet. This one I can't really taste. My back and hips have been doing loads better lately though! Enjoying it while it lasts
The burning (most describe it as more of a tingling if its the case) is likely let down, which is usually triggered by oxytocin rushes. And the yellow liquid is colostrum. Its amazing how our bodies are already preparing to welcome and nourish out babies <3
Anyone else struggling with their bodies? I feel really huge and a few people that come in to do their banking at my job have commented that I look like I'm about to give birth, at least near the end and I'm only 24 - almost 25 weeks. it makes me feel bad, I had a bigger sized baby with my first so I'm assuming she'll be at least 8 lbs like DD was. it just annoys me when people assume I'm pregnant (even though I clearly look it :haha:) let alone think I'm DUE NOW!!!

daisydreamer - I agree with NDH, colostrum :) I also feel that burning sensation in my breasts every once in a while. didn't know it could be let down though? interesting!!

bellarosa - I'm finding it hard to keep up with this thread lol. crazy you worked a full day the day you went into labor with your little one!! same for me with the Braxton hicks.
I also find that I get them after DTD - I had it with my last pregnancy as well but remember it being worse with her, this time it isn't as painful and doesn't last as long. I would get Braxton hicks for an entire day every 15 minutes - no pain, just uncomfortable. It was strange. Went in to ER a few times thinking it was pre term labor, but nothing :shrug:
Bombshell - I was taking DS swimming the other day so obviously in my swimsuit, I now look pregnant as apposed to fat (was plus size anyway), anyway I walked past two women and heard one say to the other "gosh look at that bump", the other speculated that I must be due soon. ....... If only, lol. But yes feeling huge, I have big babies too. Dread to think what I'm going to look like at full term. X
When I was at the hospital, another mum-to-be said I looked big for 25 weeks.... :wacko: I don't think I'm that big :shrug:
Even the midwives have said my bump is rather prominent. I adore it, plus it's slowed down now so others will catch up, but I absolutely love my massive bump. Most of the time... except when it is causing me a total lack of sleep due to the hip pain/heartburn/breathlessness/backache, but let's forget those bits for now!
I also feel huge as you seen in the pic I posted..... I constantly get people asking when the big day is and then when I say not for another 3 months they look at me completely shocked and say something like "oh my goodness really? I thought you were ready to pop!" :sad1: So yeah I feel ginormous. It also is putting extra stress on my hips too.

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