March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Right now, I'm planning white furniture and a woodland theme with curtains, decals and artwork. Not that I have anything so far! I'm not sure about wall colour, but in general I don't want anything too pink/purple and girly.
We have a blue room- it was already blue because we like the colour. We have bought hot air balloon wall stickers for one wall and I've seen a lovely world map covered in animals print that I want to buy and frame for another wall.
Im so jealous of how much leave some of you get to take :( I will be taking only 8 weeks, a good chunk of it unpaid. I went back after only 7 with my daughter and I definitely was not ready. Also this time around I wont see lo the way I used to with dd because my mom babysat down the road from where I work and used to watch her during the day so I would get to see her on my lunch break...but she no longer is doing that and my house is 20 minutes away :(
This was my little boys nursery ... I love tatty teddy so he was the inspiration :) can't wait to get started on a little girls room ....


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For DS's nursery we did dinosaurs. I'll include some pictures below for you, Mama Tiger. :D

This is his baby blanket. My MIL sewed all of the stuff for his room and painted all of the paintings:

This is a closer look at his crib sheets along with a little wind-up lullaby dinosaur. He's old enough now that we allow him to keep a few toys in his crib with him:

Here's his changing table pad sheet. The pad itself is waterproof:

Here's his crib with the sheet, bed skirt, and blanket:

MIL found this lamp and painted it to match his room:

Here's a piggy bank (or should I say dino bank?) that we found at Walmart that matches his room:

Here are his curtains. They were made for the window in the nursery at our old apartment from before we moved here so they're too big for this window but we use them anyway for now:

Here's his diaper stacker:

This is a painting that MIL painted for us the Easter that we were pregnant. She made one for a boy and one for a girl since we didn't know that he was a boy yet at that point and she was excited to make something for her grandchild. The name of the ship is "Liam's Lullaby" (we already had names picked out for both genders although we weren't set for sure on our girl name at the time).

These are paintings that MIL painted to match the nursery. We still need to hang his nursery paintings up on the wall, we haven't done that yet since the move:

As far as Thea's room goes we're renting so we can't paint but the walls are white so they will match with anything. We want to get some removable wall decals and I've been looking up a lot of cute bird themed nursery ideas since I have a Victorian bird cage that we acquired from a friend when he moved and MIL and I are planning to turn it into a sort of chandelier in the corner of the room on the opposite side of the double bed. We're going to get some string lights shaped like flowers and a foot switch to plug in by the bed and we're going to make some decorative birds and things to put in it. We're also going to do a wall mount canopy on the wall behind the crib. :cloud9: <3 :blush:
Keely I love Liam's nursery, especially the paintings. Your MIL is very talented :flower:
We didn't decorate a nursery for DD1 as we were renting at the time so we just did a Hello Kitty theme with lampshade, curtains, stickers etc. However, we did for DD2 as we bought our house during my pregnancy with her and redecorated completely. I kept it fairly neutral with the intention of using it for a third baby whatever the gender (if it's a boy we'll switch the pink curtains and lampshade for blue ones) I've attached some pics of how it was just before DD2 arrived :) The decor is the same but the changing table has gone now and there is a small bookcase in it's place (we just use a changing mat in our room instead) Chair is also gone. It's only a small room so I felt like it was a bit overwhelmed with too much stuff. The new baby will be in with us initially and then will go into this room and DD2 will go in with DD1 (she has a bigger room) If baby is a boy the room will become his but if it's a girl i'll probably put the 2 youngest girls in the big bedroom (once baby is a bit older and consistently sttn) and DD1 will have the small room.
Can you update me to team blue? 24th March, thanks!
As for maternity leave I get 6 months paid and then am planning on taking about 7 weeks unpaid and returning to work in early November. I would take longer unpaid if I could afford it. Can't believe how little time some of you get, especially those in the States, where you would expect it to be a lot more progressive.
No nursery plans here. Baby will prob be in with us for the first year, so will have lots of time to plan then!
I love seeing & heearing about all the nurseries!! I will be doing dr seuss for my boy but we are in a one bedroom apartment at least until he's 2 months old so there won't be much going on with it until then.
We're planning on a nursery with one wall painted as the night sky with stars and the other walls grey.

In other news it's 3:30 in the morning and little man has the hiccups. He seems pretty unhappy about it too.
We are thinking a warm dark grey with bright stickers and a bright rug. At one stage we were thinking woodland, but my love of all things multicoloured is too strong! Eventually I will get round to making any of this happen...
We aren't doing a quote on quote nursery. All my boys are and will be continuing to share a room. Plus we will be co-sleeping anyways for at least 6-10 months....Zander is still so tiny he needs his crib still (which is in my room), plus he will be just 2 when this one is born so I am not in a rush of putting him into a big boy bed. I am NOT ready for that fight.
Oh hopeful I love the Dr Seuss idea, so much cuteness potential there! :)
We've bought a second cotbed (what you'd call a crib in the US/Canada) as DD2 will only be 17-18 months old so even though the new baby won't be in the cotbed immediately I didn't want her feeling like the baby was stealing her bed and since the cotbeds convert into small single beds that last til a kid is around 5 anyway it made sense. We'll eventually be getting bunk beds for the 2 who have to share.
Just a rant but if one more person comments on how huge I am or anything related to that (are you sure there isn't 2 in there, are you sure you're not actually due earlier etc) they are seriously getting a smack! :growlmad: I took DD1 to a birthday party on Saturday and THREE complete strangers made comments along these lines, yes i'm measuring ahead and feeling incredibly pregnant even though I have 2.5 months to go but i'm beginning to feel like some kind of freakshow!
loving all the baby nursery ideas! not sure what we're going to be doing for this princess yet!
Just a rant but if one more person comments on how huge I am or anything related to that (are you sure there isn't 2 in there, are you sure you're not actually due earlier etc) they are seriously getting a smack!

Haha, I get this too, I don't mind the bump size comments, but have started meeting them with "I know, and yes, definitely only 1 and definitely due in March" because those last two bits do annoy me. Mostly then it moves to surprise that I can be a FTM and this big, which, again, doesn't irritate as much. It's the questioning my ability to know what is happening inside my body that annoys me I guess!
We aren't doing a quote on quote nursery. All my boys are and will be continuing to share a room. Plus we will be co-sleeping anyways for at least 6-10 months....Zander is still so tiny he needs his crib still (which is in my room), plus he will be just 2 when this one is born so I am not in a rush of putting him into a big boy bed. I am NOT ready for that fight.

I'm in the same boat Sean is still in a crib in our room . He is 22 months . Was contemplating moving him to his own room before baby gets here as thinking baby with night feeds might disturb his sleep . Are you planning on moving Zander ?
We aren't doing a quote on quote nursery. All my boys are and will be continuing to share a room. Plus we will be co-sleeping anyways for at least 6-10 months....Zander is still so tiny he needs his crib still (which is in my room), plus he will be just 2 when this one is born so I am not in a rush of putting him into a big boy bed. I am NOT ready for that fight.

I'm in the same boat Sean is still in a crib in our room . He is 22 months . Was contemplating moving him to his own room before baby gets here as thinking baby with night feeds might disturb his sleep . Are you planning on moving Zander ?

We will eventually move him but not until I feel comfortable with him in a big boy bed....We can't move him just yet as the other bedroom is not has been an ongoing struggle to finish....not sure when it will be finished but it has to be if Z is not sleep along with baby and I. As DH will also not be sleeping either....and he will be working by then for sure!!!!!
Just a rant but if one more person comments on how huge I am or anything related to that (are you sure there isn't 2 in there, are you sure you're not actually due earlier etc) they are seriously getting a smack! :growlmad: I took DD1 to a birthday party on Saturday and THREE complete strangers made comments along these lines, yes i'm measuring ahead and feeling incredibly pregnant even though I have 2.5 months to go but i'm beginning to feel like some kind of freakshow!

I too get this and I am two week-ish behind you, oh and have been getting those comments for a least two weeks or more now..... :sad1: I know exactly how you feel.....The part that gets me is that it will only get worse with the comments the closer and closer we get to the end......I am going to be blimp!!!:nope:
Those comments are so annoying (and rude!) Thankfully not had too many yet!

So tired after a lovely but very busy weekend seeing friends and lots on this week too. Also, we are flying to Dublin on Saturday for a last mini break which is lovely but feeling so tired. Am going to try and get a few early nights this week so I can look forward to our trip and Christmas. Just wish I was sleeping better *yawn*
So apparently my almost 3 year old believes my belly button is a magical portal to which she can feed her baby brother (luckily its just been play food) but she holds a spoon to my belly button and says "Im feeding baby Michael":haha:
So apparently my almost 3 year old believes my belly button is a magical portal to which she can feed her baby brother (luckily its just been play food) but she holds a spoon to my belly button and says "Im feeding baby Michael":haha:

OMG! My daughter too! She's not feeding the baby, but she presses her mouth against my belly button to talk to him. Yesterday she was pretending to pull him out of my belly button! LMAO! :rofl:

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