Congrats Angela!
Blessed if your baby is drinking fine then he will not cry all the time and will sleep well - you can also watch for swallowing while feeding. Mostly you do not need to boost supply and just feel like you do, but membas' advice is great and should make you feel better about it. The only other thing that helps with supply is to keep feeding your baby whenever he wants it - the more they drink the more milk you will make.
Kirima is now walking well and it seems to have made a difference with both girls now playing together more. She's also showing she understands a lot more now and will fetch things when we ask her to, go to the bathroom when we tell her it is bath time and generally show she knows what we are talking about. Still not saying anything recognisable though except hello. Her favourite activity is stacking blocks and she can stack up to 6 all by herself - maybe this is why she doesn't want to talk cause she's spending too much time stacking blocks instead.