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March Mummies 2011

Gorgeous Angela... i must get some more pics up now hes a few days old and not so squished lol... love to see some pics girls get them on here :))))
Here is some of Mason....

Here after his first bath
Kisses from his big brother :)
And our first trip out in the pram!
Adorable pics ladies, can't wait till I'm adding mine to the mix.
Angela- your little man is gorgeous. Sleep when ever you can, leave everything else it can all wait.

Shell- aww i love all his fluffy hair- so cute.

Niamh seems to be growing so quick. She is eating every 2.5 hrs and having 3.5-4oz of EBM each time so im very tired cos i have to feed then express before she wakes for her next feed. (Dh does some feeds though) I will put more pics on later
Angela and Shell's those are great photos!

Shell's don't worry to much about the weight for now - Kirima ony lost 4,6% of her weight by the time she left the hospital on day 4 and she has not been weighed since then - will get her weighed on 8 March. However my first DD was not even back to birth weight by 2 weeks PP and they wanted her on formula to try to regain it - I had her on mixed feeds for a few days but then switched back to full BF and she grew fine - they always told me there was a problem every time I went to have herweighed but I told them she had only been born on the line they wanted her on because of my diabetes - genetically she was meant to be smaller. She has never looked thin and while she is slightly shorter and weighs less than her friends of the same age she is perfectly healthy.

MumtoJ happy due date - hope your baby arrives soon!

Kirima lost her cord a few days ago (I think on day 10/11) though I am still having to clean it a little. It is incredibly hot here now so I am very glad Kirima is born - cause this heavily pregnant would be dreadful but I think the heat is making Kirima sleep more so will have to watch that she drinks enough and also that I do.

Can I ask how often you bath your babies? We are doing so every night now cause it relaxes Kirima and she has a good sleep afterwards but also cause it is so hot here that it is best to anyway - there are days when Kirima is only in a short sleeved vest though at night I try to get long arms on her as she gets her arms out even if swaddled and it is cooler by 02:00am.
shells- how precious can one baby be???!!! he is so adorable

my first baby had a ton of dark hair just like that. i loved to fluff it all up. every time my mom would see her she tried to comb it all down, but i loved to have it all fluffed. it made her little bows and headbands look so cute.

tanikit- i know they say not to bathe them every day cuz it can dry their skin, but i bathe mine every day. nathon hasnt had a bath yet though, but he will now that his cord is off. they used to tell me to alcohol it, but with the last three they told me not to and not to get it wet. i usually wipe them down but havent done him yet. if their skin gets dry you can use olive oil to moisturize them or even some lotion. it helps mine to relax and sleep so they all get bathed every day.

nathon ate his full 2 oz this morning really quick and was rooting around for more. i fixed him another 2 oz since thats how his formula works and he ate another full ounce! somebody is growing, yay!
Ah, thanks Melissa - I did wonder why they don't say to bath everyday - we do use a lot of moisturiser though in summer we need it a lot less as it is far more humid due to all the rain. We do also put some oil in the bath for us and my older DD in winter when it really get dry and that helps too. My older DD sometimes has 2-3 baths a day when she has been playing in the mud outside early on or if she is freezing after a swim (and I am not a cleanliness fanatic - mud is great and she can stay dirty til we go out but she loves baths)

Sounds like Nathon is doing really well.

Shell's how are you coping with three small boys? Does Mason look like the others or are they all totally different.
Thank you ladies! And shells Mason is just precious!!

I was reading the discussion about feeding - my milk is just starting to come in and my boobs are KILLING ME lol!! Help! How long does the ouch part last? Even tho they are huge and hurt so much, milk is only beginning to come in (like 10ml per pumping session). How quickly does it fully come in where baby can get to it?

Hope everyone is feeling well today!! I had a long shower and shaved my legs and dried my hair so feel almost human! :rofl:
thanks girls.... he is getting cuter by the day :) love his black fluffy hair everyone always comments on it lol

Tankit - im doing ok, its not easy cuse my eldest has his lil problems and alot going on at the moment so im kinda not recovering or resting its neverending lol im dreading hubby going back to work next week cuse i dunno how the heck im gonna get them all up and ready for school runs lol but im sure i will manage - somehow!!...Mason is very much like my youngest but my youngest has red hair but he did have dark hair when born not as dark as Mason mind so not sure wether Mason will stay dark like his daddy or go red like his brother... theres red in both our families so doesnt suprise me, his older brother is dark ashy colour so he could go either way!...

I think he may be refluxy, my 2nd had that bad and i am getting alot of hiccups,arched back and screaming fits today! :-( thing is ive heard infacol doesnt help reflux so im not sure wether to use it or not argghh! hes so fussy and picky with food but we are getting abit more down him cuse of changing the teats to the MAM ones and size 2 but he tends to take 1oz fall alseep then 20 mins later want the other oz like he needs that lil break to digest it.... its all fair and well but 20 mins later that milk is cold and he likes it warm so im ending up doing another bottle for him... it goes on like this all the time and very time consuming with 2 other kids its not easy so im a wee bit stressed out.
Ah nevermind it will all come right im sure! Im loving cuddles though he is laying on my chest asleep at the moment and love it! :)
angela- im the same with doing the little things to feel better. havent shaved my legs yet, lol, but have actually been doing my hair every day and getting dressed. thats about all i have time for but it makes me feel good. my hair hasnt been dyed since before i got pregnant so i did that a couple days ago. not that i think theres anything wrong with dying it while pregnant, i know its safe, its just the smells make me sick when im pregnant and have that heightened sense of smell. its usually a dark blond/light brown color. i usually go lighter blond, but did an auburn color this time and i really love it.

hubby took me out to buy some shoes today. i needed them for a while but didnt want to buy huge ones to fit my fat pregnant feet so i waited til the water weight dropped off. its really nice to get out and go shopping, but we have ran around all week so im looking forward to staying home the next couple of days.

shells- nathon likes his food room temp, but have had others that liked it warmed up so i know just what your saying. i hate to waste formula, its so expensive. we call it liquid gold around here, lol! of course my DH never worries about it, but i feel like since i dont work i need to keep our home costs at a minimum. i feel im more responsible for that even though he doesnt see it that way.
sorry mason is getting refluxy.my 3rd was that way and it was horrible. we kept him propped up at night just so he could sleep. and i carried him all the time just so he would be kept up and get some rest for naps. poor guy. he eventually got better, but it took a couple months. maybe there is something else you can give him??
contractions 3 min apart and getting strong i think i will be graduating today lol
fingers crossed 2nd time!! woohhooo good luck xxx

Hi girls,

Awful night, poor mites in so much pain spitting up acid and he cried from 10pm -1am and only settled on my chest on his tummy whenever i put him down to sleep he would start again!! eventually after picking on about 3 different bottles at 1/2 oz a time - this is what its like!!... he went to sleep! then didnt wake till 4am so i got a few hours took a good bottle then! 3oz bottle then again woke at 7am and took 1oz! grrrr!! he then woke a hour later looking for more! hes gulping and weasing all the time hes in so much pain bless him and now im being told by people that infacol doesnt help reflux it makes it worse.. so not sure wether to stop using that now? im gonna go try find some colief see if that works... hes being weighed today so lets see if all my perserverance has paid off! its just so stressful and time consuming with 2 other kids im finding it abit much :-(
Shell, Go to dr's as colief is ££££ and you can get it on prescription. Hope you find something that works - I know with J I ended up introducing a dummy to give his system a rest but he still go the soothing action of sucking - I know it won't help with the weight gain but maybe worth a try.
yeh we have introduced the dummy too... he isnt that interested in it but it does help short term on occasions to get him back to sleep... he spits it out tho.
Yeh i will go docs thanks! x
Hope things get better! We just tried dummy as she only sleeps on OH chest. Not ideal for when he goes back to work! She hates it though.

Weight is back to birth weight so happy with that xx
Shells, hoping you find something that works soon its exhausting when they are like that, J is lactose intolerant so he suffered bad for the first couple of months - I didn't make it to bed for 3 months just slept on the sofa holding him. But I didn't have any others to look after last time - not looking forward to that bit this time around.

Nix - Yeah on back to birth weight. Have you tried putting one of your OH's worn tops into babies bed, if she prefers to sleep on him, his smell may help her transist into her own place - can't hurt.
Yeah we tried that! She's got a t-shirt as a sheet and she's not keen on that either! Hard work eh?!!
Thinking of you 2nd time and hopefully things are progressing well.

Shell's hope you can find something that works and get some rest - Kirima is having a bit of reflux which my first DD never had at all, but so far its not bad and I am thinking of raising the mattress in the Moses basket first - sounds like your little one will do well with a prescription though. :hugs:

Nix yay on being back to birth weight. Hope you manage to transition her - though I also spent all day with my first in my arms - she wouldn't go in a sling which is another option you can try during the day. What have you been doing at night - could try co-sleeping maybe?

I drove for the first time since the C-section today - DD3 was throwing a terrible tantrum in the shops because of something my DH said to her and so I carried her out while pushing a pram (so much for resting) and put both children in the car but the air con only works if you drive and it was BOILING hot so I drove around the parking lot til DH came back out. I am debating whether to start driving properly now as the driving was not a problem - the screaming child however was another story! I am craving some independence more and more lately.
Shells, your not alone , Ethan only likes his milk warmed up and its a nightmare because he will take 2oz then go for a nap and then wake and want the other 2oz, im constantly sterilizing bottles and making feeds up for him, i make 4oz bottles now and majority of the time there is 1 or 2 left in the bottle, its easy for OH to say well just make 2 oz up because as you know its sods law he will want the full 4 as soon as i do that, hes also very windy, im winding after each oz that he takes because if you let him go anymore hes up for a few hours arching his back and screaming in pain :(

Ive made a rod for my own back with Ethan i appreciate all the more with having Finley how quickly they grow so he is constantly with me or in my arms so now he doesn't want to go in his moses basket oooops !!

AFM, got upset this week, i had stitches with Ethan and since the day i came out i have bathed 3-5 times a day in dettol/savlon and after 10 days started adding salt, tmi but changed my pad every hour on the hour and at night every time Ethan woke, to try and reduce any infection in them and guess what, Friday i woke and though enough is enough i went to the drs and i have an infection so some pretty strong antibiotics and plenty of rest prescribed, she has said be very careful now they are infected as they have a tendency to split and if this happened i have to go in to have them re-done again!!! Really felt like it was something i had done , but ive tried to damn hard to prevent any infection grrrrr!!!!!

Anyway a few recent pics of Ethan Joseph


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natty- ethan is just the cutest lil guy!:flower: so sorry about the infection hun!!! sounds horrible and painful:nope: i hope those antibiotics kick it soon and you dont have to have them re-done- ouch!

shells- i had one with reflux really bad and it was a nightmare. he cried so much, and then i would cry! my only advice would be to keep him propped up as much as possible. i know thats not always possible though, poor little mason. hope you get some medicine that will give him some relief!:hugs:

tanikit- i wish it wasnt so hot there for your LO's sake. i can just see you driving around that parking lot waiting on DH to get done. i probably would have been calling his cell saying, ok lets just go, lol! i hate being too hot, im a big baby if i have to deal with it:shrug:

i cant really say too much is going wrong here. nathon is doing wonderful. im getting good sleep, but its probably cuz i co-sleep with mine. i let my DH sleep in today and i got up with all three little ones. wow i have my hands full. between changing diapers, getting them dressed, feeding nathon a bottle, getting their breakfast ready, etc, etc, my head was spinning. :wacko:

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