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March Mummies 2011

I haven't graduated yet, but just wanted to comment on your post shells. My first son threw up most of everything he ate for the first year of his life, and he still was in the 90th percentile by the time he was 3 months old. All you can do is try your best, it sounds like you are doing a very good job. My son ended up being diagnosed with reflux and was put on prescription meds. He is now 11 and still has a really bad gag reflex. I don't know if that helps at all, but i hope things get easier for you and bubs.
Shell's sorry about the reflux - can hear it is worrying you a lot - do you know how much he is vomiting compared to what is going in? My sister's child vomited after every feed and in what seemed large amounts and yet still did fine as far as the weight gain went so hopefully Mason is taking in more than he is bringing up.

Angela here we are also advised just to keep BFing - last time they said Laurana was not putting on enough weight and advised that every feed I fed her for at least ten minutes each side (she was a bit jaundiced so I had to keep her cold and even wipe cold wettish cloths on her to keep her feeding so she didn't fall asleep) then I formula fed her what she wanted which was usually very little and then I expressed whatever I could (but usually I only expressed about 5-10 minutes a side - it was very little but didn't matter since she had already fed and I was just stimulating to make more milk) - within 4 days I could stop the formula and have her just on BFing and she did ok from then on. Good luck - it is hard work!

Took Kirima to be weighed and measured and she is doing fine. She now weighs 4.00kg (8 pounds 13 ounces) - she is just short of 3 weeks old though so the gain is small but fine (4 ounces)
Hi ladies, well the co sleeping is going ok im still panicking alot during the night but all in all were doing ok , im managing alot better than i expected with housework and routine etc , Fins come home with a stinking cold today :(

Had Ethan weighed today and he is 7lb3, he was just under birthweight of 6lb9 last Tuesday so she is more than happy with him x

Hope everyone is ok xxxx
natty- poor little finley! hope he is better soon. nothing worse than a sick child. you will get more and more comfortable with co-sleeping the longer you do it. im glad ethan is putting on weight. im nervous about my DH going back to work. i havent established a really good routine yet.

angela- i hope it all works out. a little perseverance can take you a long way hun! i will be praying it gets better ans easier for you and baby :hugs:

shells- that poor baby! didnt he get some medicine the other day? how is that working for him?

ladies- its so wonderful we have each other to rely on! i got the warm fuzzies realizing we have each other to talk and ask questions about sleeping and feeding issues. and even just to discuss our babies :kiss:
thanks girls

He has had medicine but to be honest it seems to have made him worse?!? im gonna just go with it now and try and do my own methods, go with my instincts cuse i keep getting lots of great advice and its all trial and error, the infacol is helping his wind but was told that wont his reflux so i stopped using it, now im finding he actually better with the infacol with his wind and did last 2 feeds without the colief and hes taken more?!?! i got no idea im gonna speak to midwife bout trying gaviscon 2moro when she weighs him and im considering going to aptimel comfort milk see if that makes any difference... i think im just gonna have to keep trying everything!
thank you everyone. Mason was weighed today, he is gaining but slowly!... hes still 4% below his birthweight on day 10 and they like them to be at there birthweight by day 10 so hes not been discharged from midwifry care just yet but they are pleased he is gaining - be it slowly and a very tired mummy and daddy doing 2 hourly feeds now!! Hoping he is turning that corner and will be catching up soon! gotta get him weighed again Friday.
Glad he's putting on Shell, even if slowly did you talk to them about trying different milk / gaviscon etc what did they advise?
i did, they said to speak to health visitor who is coming monday she will get some gaviscon or take him docs beforehand. However to keep doing what im doing cuse it seems to be working! just very tiring for us lol... i might give the aptimel comfort a try she said it wont hurt, but might make him abit upset to have a change....
Hope you manage to find something he settles on. And you get more time between feeds

Going to try and do birth story tonight and so a proper update with everyone.... If Phoebe let's me :)

She had her Tongue snipped today and she didn't flinch and I can see how different it look, and now she sticks it out! haha!! I'm tempted to try bf now but just coming to teem with it not working first time that I don't know I'd I want to rock the boat again. But I think that was part of the issue seein how different her mouth looks. I wish they bloody sorted it sooner when it was first picked up xx
Rach was she tongue tied?... they said Mason is slightly but were not worried about it so left it.... i wonder if thats had any issues with his feeding too? did Pheobe?
We will never know if it was the issue but I think so. Yeah the Mw noticed the Tongue tie at birth but very slight but she never really latch properly. I'd defo push for it to be snipped even if slight cause if she had speech problems when older then we would have to have it done later and then it's general anestetic and a hospital stay. It should have been done before we left hosp.

Speak with the mw and ask for referal. I recommend it. If I wasnbrave enough to try breast again I think i would notice a change but my supply has reduced so not going to try.
And also we are settled now in routine ish!!

We tried SMa but made her constipated, aptimal made her sick. On cow and gate now and found a better balance with poo and sick. Xx
Excuse my spelling and incorrect words! I'm on my phone!!
shells i know you will find something that works, just keep looking til something does. if there is something mommas do best, its persevere!

rach so nice to start getting into a routine:happydance:
Rach glad they got the tongue tie sorted without problems and that you are getting into a routine.

Shell's hang in there and keep trying - it sounds like Mason is doing well - try not to let too strict midwifery care upset you - they know their job but at the same time not all babies are the same and you will know if your baby is struggling or not doing as well as he should - it sounds like he is doing well though.

Kirima was very unsettled last night for a few hours - she drank so much milk and then had terrible winds that took ages to fix. Nonetheless after that she slept so well that she only woke up once in the night so we had a very good night. She seems to have a very wide awake period late evening most evenings.
thanks girls, i think its cuse they keep saying he should be taking around 3-4oz feeds now hes on day 11.... but hes still at 2-3oz feeds BUT he is feeding 2-3 hourly apart from one feed the 4am feed he sleeps untill 8am for his next which to be honest... i let him cuse i need the blinkin sleep lol and time to get up then sorting the other kids for school/preschool. Im dreading dh going back to work on monday!!! how im gonna manage i do not know!! lol
Hi Ladies!! Sorry i skimmed.

Jadyn is doing awesome!! We are breastfeeding and its going really well. In fact we went back for her 48 hour check at the hospital and when we checked out her weight was down 5.7% and today when she was weighed she was only down 4.5% so she is already gaining it back :yipee:

I'm gonna do my best to keep up, but i also have to keep up over on the pregnancy thread... and i have 30 subscribed threads LOL. I must have had way too much time on my hands when i was preggo :haha:
I will be joining you guys in here tomorrow! I am being induced tomorrow morning at 730am.
Sod the threads just enjoy jaydn xx

Busy day today! Lots of meets with friends!

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