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March Mummies 2011

Congrats 2nd time and ready.
Good luck tomorrow Brai
It's got to be soon for you now Cathryn :hugs:

Shell - I remember the sicky thing very well :hugs: I found gaviscon worked well. Sounds like your doing a good job though I used to cry when i got a couple of oz down and she threw it back up again

Tanikit- i was expressing cos i couldn't get her to latch at all, but the BF councillor (SP) came round yesterday and got her to latch with shields :happydance: so she hasn't had a bottle for 24hrs yay. Im finding it so strange not knowing how much she has had though :wacko: The lady weighed her and she is now 6lb 12. A Whole lb gained :thumbup:i did a dance round the front room lol
Iv got an infection in my c section scar, it's quite painfull but feeling a bit better today.

How are your stitches Natty?
hi girls xx

is it ok if i come and stalk everyone in here :coffee:

Benjamin William was born 8th March 2011 at 01.00am weighing 5lb 2oz (2350g)

he is absolutely gorgeous i love him to bits :cloud9:

we are combi feeding , at the mo he is feeding every 2-3 hours and takes around 50-60mls (2oz) so thats really good for his age and size

im doing ok midwife is coming out shortly, im having crampy pains and passing pieces of membranes from the placenta , because it came out in such a rush they think some bits may have been left behind.

my birth story if anyone wants a read

has everyone made a parenting journal yet? ive not done mine but think im gonna try this afternoon , i didnt do one with alex and wished i had
ready- so glad she is doing well and gaining! :happydance:

rach- hope you are having a wonderful day with your friends :flower:

brai- good luck for today :hugs::baby:

chrissie- yay for latching well :happydance: and sorry about the infection, hope it clears up soon!

rainbow- congrats on your little guy! :baby:

afm- my hubby went back to work yesterday and i was really nervous. it went really smooth though and obviously had nothing to worry about. so glad we prayed about it before the time came. i think nathon being so much like his dad is what makes it so easy. he is very calm and content.
Still waiting for a room. They might not be able to get me in until tomorrow.
Thanks Melissa, it was fun! Phoebe has just done a poo on me though!

My oh goes back to work Monday, it'll be strange cause he's been off for 3 wks as I was in hospital the wk b4 she came. He doesn't want to go cause he'll miss her!! How cute!
Brai really hope you get a bed soon. Thinking of you.

Ready glad she is gaining well.

Pinkycat glad the latch is working now - your baby is doing so well I am sure you'll adjust to not knowing how much she is getting soon. Hope the infection is better soon.

Rainbow your little one is very sweet.

Took my two girls out to Moms and Tots today - Kirima slept most of the time - a lot of the toddlers there are very fascinated by a tiny baby. Laurana is still a bit sensitive but did fine too. Its so hot here that we are taking Laurana outside to play in water in the afternoons and Kirima just lies in her pram in the shade.
rachel- thats exactly what my Dh said. and now he calls all the time saying how much he misses us. my boys really miss him too. my 1 yr old keeps going to my Dh's chair wanting him to rock him:cry: he really misses daddy. he was even standing outside our bedroom door waiting on him to come out. i had to keep telling him da-da wasnt here today.
Don't have a lot of time to post but just wanted to add that if you are looking for a way to increase your milk production, then lots of skin on skin time with baby between breasts is a good way to do it too.
That is too cute Melissa.

Oh my god I've got really bad cramps in my belly tonight but not had any issues with bleeding since birth (just normal amount and couple of clots) so I know it's just poop but my god I'm too scared to push it!
maybe you can take a stool softener to help?? they gave me one in the hospital. or drink some coffee, that might help?
Yeah I'm just about to make A strong coffee. Also goin to have a glass of champagne tonight (just the one orni might not want to get up in the night haha)
i have some wine in our fridge from new years when we had some company over and im seriously thinking about having a glass soon. its been so long im scared i will get really buzzed and be of no use for the kids though :dohh:
just had to post this. my giant husband with our LO in his sling. he was doing the dishes with nathon the other day so i called him in and snapped a pic on my phone. makes him look so tiny when my DH holds him.

Me too!! I'll probabl be wasted after a sniff!

:rofl::rofl: i know huh. i want one in the day but think i will be too buzzed but dont want to much at night either so i can wake up if i need to. might have a glass this weekend while DH is home with us, then he can watch the kids
That's what I just said to OH... If he's not drinking I might but it's not the night that worries me.... It's tomorrow with a hangover yuk!
yeah thats true. one or two glasses and you should be ok though. im usually such a light weight with alcohol, but with all this baby weight on me still it will probably be different right now. i think my LO is pooping again. he keeps looking at me and grunting. might have to rub his belly...
hi girls

Mason has gained 3oz in 2 days! yay!! hes on the up!... still not at birth weigh yet but hes only 3 oz off his birth weight so they are hoping to weigh him monday and discharge him finally out of midwifry care!
Hes doing better im getting 3oz down him every 3 hours now so thats not so bad! sometimes he wants more 2 hours later but i tend to be feeding him on demand cuse hes so fussy!! changed to the comfort milk and seems to be helping!
Cant beleive my dh is going back to work sunday his 2 weeks paternity is over :-( how quick did that go!!?!
any one eles want another baby i think there is somthing wrong with me i seem to love being pregnant and i really enjoyed my labour i want 6 kids so guess its not too crazy ??

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