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March Mummies 2011

any one eles want another baby i think there is somthing wrong with me i seem to love being pregnant and i really enjoyed my labour i want 6 kids so guess its not too crazy ??

Feel exactly the same , i think im having withdrawal symptoms
I'm not in a hurry to be pregnant again (very sick) and also labour frigging hurt! But ask me in a year! Would love to share the experience with you guys again.

Got to get married first now... Thats next on list :)
I'm not in a hurry to be pregnant again (very sick) and also labour frigging hurt! But ask me in a year! Would love to share the experience with you guys again.

Got to get married first now... Thats next on list :)

i think i will wait until Ethan is Fins age again so maybe 3 years i will start to consider another, i wonder if any of us will be pregnant at the same time again !!

Although i dont think at this rate i will ever have sex again so it might be a tad longer lol !!! x
:hi: ladies! just popping over from the other March Mommies thread to see how all you mommies are doing and how your LOs are doing. There are some beautiful babies in this march group! Can't wait to join you all :) I have a feeling I have 2-3 weeks left but if she came a touch early, like around 39+ I wouldn't be complaining :)

Take care all :flower:
I graduated! Maxwell Grant was born at 408pm weighing 8lb 7oz. Will update with pics and birth story when i get home.
yay congrats Brai!!

Guys i said when pregnant - NO WAY am i having anymore but omg!! im so broody again hahaha i dont know if i can imagine Mason as my last... although dh said 1 more cuse we just cannot go over 4!!! i wont be doing anything for a good 2 years though! i love the gaps between my boys ds1 and ds2 - 2 years 9 months ds2 and ds3 3 years 2 days!
brai- yay!!!!:yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::crib::dance::dance::dance::dance: congratulations!!! love that nsme too!

i have to be ready for whatever when it comes to pregnancy. since we are NTNP it could go really either way. i would absolutely love more babies, but i would also be happy with what we have. i am really enjoying not being pregnant for a minute though. would like to lose the baby weight.
Congrats Brai!

I cannot wisely decide to be pregnnt again and I do not think DH would agree to it anyway. I am not missing being pregnant at all - in fact was just thinking that it was a relief not to be, but I WILL definitely want another baby - I love my little girls and love having a baby. The pregnancy is already becoming a distant memory but at the same time for everyone's sake I do have to remember it.
Getting ready to go home! As for being pregnant again, for now its heck no. But ask me again in a year.
I am too overwhelmed to be broody right now LOL!!! But i don't decide now that we are only gonna have 2 or whatever, im sure we'll decide as we go. I am VERY happy to not be preggo for awhile, even with the awesome pregnancy i had so i can understand those of you who had stresses in your pregnancy being thrilled to be not pregnant for awhile.

So the cats are starting to realize J is going anywhere... and they are getting more comfy with her, which scares me a little. We put a towel in her bassinet during the day so that if the cats crawl in there its not furry. but im trying to prevent it (by squirting with water) because im terrified they will crawl in at night. I can't lock them out of our room cause A: there is a kitty door in the door... B: they have always been allowed in there, we'd go crazy with the crying and scratching at the door - so we just need to do some training i hope.

We had an appt with the lactation consultant yesterday, Jadyn has almost regained her birth weight!!!!!! she was about 65g shy of the birthweight. they were very happy with that! I am having troubles feeding her on the left side and they gave me some tricks - but its still taking lots of work at home to make it happen, but i haven't had a single thought of giving up - which i am very happy about. My boobs aren't overly sore and my nipples are holding up very well, so i am lucky!
thanks girls, i think its cuse they keep saying he should be taking around 3-4oz feeds now hes on day 11.... but hes still at 2-3oz feeds BUT he is feeding 2-3 hourly apart from one feed the 4am feed he sleeps untill 8am for his next which to be honest... i let him cuse i need the blinkin sleep lol and time to get up then sorting the other kids for school/preschool. Im dreading dh going back to work on monday!!! how im gonna manage i do not know!! lol

Shells I understand compltely; we are in the same boat. the 2-3 hour routine is definitely exhausting but i am hoping Ethan will have regained some weight once we go in tomorrow. He lost from 7lbs 8 oz (7.5 pounds) down to 7.1 in the first three days after birth, which was not too surprising. But then he lost another 4 oz over the next week and the dr. was not happy with that. So since this past Friday we've been stuffing the little guy with as much formula as possible (plus all breastmilk I can express). I am (hopefully temporarily) also only pumping instead of nursing right now, because the doc said he uses too much energy trying to nurse and that is just accelerating his weight loss. :wacko: So I am still hopeful we can pick back up with nursing eventually, as soon as I can build up my milk supply. Hopefully the pumping will help with that. I can only get about 1.5 oz at a pumping session right now but am hoping that will increase.

Ah girls, i think i have the opposite problem (not sure if it is a problem) Phoebe is draining a 4oz bottle.. then she goes 3hrs MAX sometimes only 2 for another feed?! We upped it to 4.5oz and she still drains it but surely thats just too much for a little baby
rachel- the same thing is starting here. i started making 4 oz bottles cuz 2 wasnt enough. now he is eating all the 4 oz and is hungry 2-3 hours later. i feel like he is eating way too much, but i guess if thats what he needs:shrug:

i feel like i need to up it to 6, but dont want him to start spitting it up from being too full.
hi girls

well i got Mason weighed on friday he had gained 3oz in 2 days! yay!! go little guy :) however 2 weeks old today and STILL not back to his birth weight, weighing 2moro and hoping he will be so they can discharge us!.... he is doing alot better with feeds, we have just uped his bottles to 4oz feeds and he seems to be taking it 3 hourly so at least thats extended slightly from every 2 hours! he does sometimes route for more food 1 or 2 hours after a feed but will only 'snack' so to speak and take 1oz so im trying to pacify him with a dummy so he will take proper feeds and 3 hourly! cuse the monkey will do it just liked the snacking lol...
Hes still colicy/refluxy but again the comfort milk and infacol seem to be helping!!
Hubby went back to work today i braved taking all 3 of them in town and it was successful lol i was more worried about my middle one hes only just turned 3 and still in a buggy however now is forced to walk and hold onto the pram and he was suprisingly really good and didnt let go! just hope he can keep it up! the real challenege is 2moro when the school runs start!! eeekkk!
I also seem to have a very cuddly clingy lil fella here!!! he loves to lay on my chest and he wont settle unless he is on me! i wait untill hes in a deep sleep then i can lay him down - i love the cuddles beleive me but wow he really is a mummys boy!! lol
Hope you get discharged! Well done for a successful trip out too! I love going out, keeps me sane!

Phoebe is exacty the same with the sleeping - she will only go in moses basket it she is zonked out... so she falls asleep on me or DH then we peel her off... the cuddles are cute!

She had us in stitches earlier squeezing a poo and farts out... the concentration on her face was so funny and she was going red! Bless her!!

Still got the pain in my bak / bum cheek... think it might be sciatica?? Its defo something trapped, its not muscle or bone. I have to drag my leg around and its painful to get up stairs and carry the car seat. Must get it sorted but GP wont see me until 31st! Ridiculous.... am trying to get registered at a new doctors cause its awful!

my parenting journal come say hi xx
A quick pic. More to come later.


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On the feeds Ethan is doing the same - eating about 100 ml every2-3 hours lol hungry little boogers!
rachel- the same thing is starting here. i started making 4 oz bottles cuz 2 wasnt enough. now he is eating all the 4 oz and is hungry 2-3 hours later. i feel like he is eating way too much, but i guess if thats what he needs:shrug:

i feel like i need to up it to 6, but dont want him to start spitting it up from being too full.

Blessed we are the same dont want to overstuff the lil guy but he is hungry!

Sorry for brevity typing one handed while I pump lol

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