that's just it about your mom Melissa - and i don't mean this in the wrong way, so don't take it as such... but having faith. i bet if your mom stuck to it, made sure the babies were at the breast more and more and more, even after supply is established, she could have continued... but formula feeding when supply seems to be dropping is what cause women to dry up. women can increase supply with older babies, they can even re-lactate! there are stories of grandmothers, taking herbs and having babies suckle at the breast and reestablishing breast milk to feed an infant. So please don't be afraid - the cortisol caused by anxiety over labour and feeding can do nasty things to your body. kind of a "if you build it they will come" have a positive attitude and have trust in your body. Its awesome your hubby is supportive, because with Jaxon and Nathon being so young still you will need his help in the first month big time spending time with them so you can establish supply. and then once this new LO figures it out.. they get so efficient. J might feed longer feeds (20 mins) first thing in the am and last feed before bed, but the rest are 10 minutes every 3 hours. easy peasy!!