March Mummies 2011

J is quite mobile... she doesn't proper crawl, but she army crawls... and she can get where she wants to go in a hurry LOL She's been army crawling for a couple of weeks now.
aww hope all the sick babies feel better soon :hugs:

baby mobility is quite entertaining and exhausting! O has been crawling now for 2-3 weeks, and now she must pull up on everything in sight--regardless of it's stability. she crawled for all of a week before she realized she could now pull up on whatever she wants. she is always standing in her bed so it's hard to get her to lay down at night for sleep. she likes to stand there and watch the dog all night :haha:

all the babies are growing and changing so fast!

we have 2 teeth and no sign of others right now, but the first 2 surprised us so perhaps the others won't be too bad.

:hugs: mamas!
so i'm curious...are other feb/march babies 'talking' much? O doesn't make any of the babababa/dadadada/mamama sounds...she makes sounds just more vowels and "g" gaaaa sounds. i'm not worried just wondering as i know a lot of babies under her age are making the mamamama/bababa/dadada sounds. they asked me at her 6 month check if she was as they were checking off the milestones sheet and i said yes cuz i thought they were asking me just if she makes sounds...but they were specifically asking about those sounds...and she doesn't do that.

i know they all do things in their own time. i think O will be walking in another month or two, so i guess she's putting her energy into mobility right now vs. other.
so sorry to hear about the sick babies. everyone except me had been sick around here. just colds, but nathons turned into a bacteria and had double ear infection and fluid in both lungs. he is on antibiotics now and starting to feel better.

nathon still has no teeth yet. he army crawls, but doesnt do the 'traditional' crawling. but i know some of mine never did crawl the traditional way before walking so not concerned about that. he says mama, dada, bubba, and baba.
Phoebe has just started saying dadadadada the last week. And she blows raspverrys. She started with "g" and will occasionally say mama when crying but that's it :) they do stuff when they want! Phoebe is huge and thought shed crawl ages ago but no! And she didn't use her arms for ages and I was so worried... Now I wish she didn't cause she grabs everything! X
yeah j is quite vocal - she basically never shuts up LOL lots of ba, dada, ga, ka, di, the occasional mama, and what really really sounds like kitty. but kids all develop at their own pace its fun to see where everyone is and see who is doing what!
Kirima went through a stage of saying dada and mama and a few other ones and then I went away with them for a week to work and she teethed at the same time (she has two teeth now so has been teething those two for a while) and all speaking came to an abrupt halt. She is still not babbling like she was a month ago but every now and then we get a few of the same sounds out of her and she blows lots of raspberries. I will probably ask about it at her next appointment but perhaps she has been concentrating on the cruising and crawling (she's quite fast now)

Hope all the babies start to feel better soon. Kirima seemed a bit off colour today and had green slushy poo so she might have picked up something too.
Brody says dadadadada and mmmmmmmmm and blows lots of raspberries. He latest is opening and closing his mouth like a fish and saying babababa haha

He's been crawling since about 6 months, but he is now a speed demon so quick, also pulling himself up on anything and everything, we've had a fair few bumps from it, but I guess it's all part of learning.

Logan's really poorly at the moment, been throwing up all night he's now asleep next to me on the sofa, so I'll probably let him sleep with us tonight, as I hate the thought of him being sick in his own room with no one there just in case.
Today was a crazy day! I had to take Max to the doctor. He had an ear infection and was breathing fast and wheezing, so they gave him a breathing treatment. Then we came home and he threw up all over. My daughter still doesnt feel good, and is now saying her ear hurts. Then I had to take my husband in to get his vasectomy, so now I have 2 babies to take care of haha. Hopefully Max doesnt have anymore breathing problems and doesnt get dehydrated, or he has to go to the hospital. Hope everyone else is doing good!
oh brai that sounds terrible. nathon had to have a breathing treatment when he went in. he isnt pulling at his ears anymore and is coughing all the stuff up from his lungs so the antibiotics are working, but he had really bad runny stools from them too. we went to whole foods and got him some probiotics. now he has a yeast rash on his butt though from the antibiotics too. my poor little guy. thankfully we already have him on the probiotics so that will help and i had nystatin here from jaxons yeast rash so we are using that. it really is one thing after another sometimes huh!

you might keep a close eye on that wheezing. when jaxon got his shots we noticed he wheezed after. it got to where after his 6 month shots he would gasp for air. they did a breathing treatment and sent him for an xray. he had developed croop from the pertussis vaccine! i guess its a strain of it. his esophogus was closing up so he could barely breath. needless to say we havent vaccinated since then.
We bought Brody's 1st pair of clarks shoes today. They are so cute and scarily he is the same size that Logan was at 8 months a 4.5G... what's the chances of that..?
And i have a biter on my hands. both boobs got a nip at one her feedings today... have tried a few things suggested to stop the biting, but she keeps doing it... not sure how its gonna affect our bf'ing yet. her top teeth cut last week and now the bites REALLY hurt!
have you tried consistently removing her from the breast and walking away for 30-60 seconds then returning her if she wants. O bites when she's done feeding (so she's bored) or when the flow has slowed and she wants more so I need to switch her). I've had to pay more attention to intervene if I think one of these situations is about to happen. If I don't catch it and she bites I take her off and stop nursing for a minute. She doesn't always like that but she's currently biting less than she was a few weeks ago..although it's still happening. We only have 2 bottom teeth and it still hurts badly! Hope you figure something out :hugs:
I have tried the "take the boob away" thing - it doesn't phase her. Sometimes she bites at the end if i haven't put them away yet LOL, but yesterday she was latched for less than a minute when she did it and i ended the session, and she didn't care (as in cry for more food) but that being said, she didn't bite me again yesterday. I have also tried the smoosh their face into the breast (gently of course) thing and she just thinks thats a game, so i don't want to continue down that road.
Kirima has also started biting me recently but if I pay attention then I can prevent it as she is also usually doing it when she's finished or bored or not really hungry. I also take the boob away when she bites.
the biting thing definitely sucks...hope you figure out something that works :hugs:

here's O today playing in leaves and a lovely fall tree :)


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she is a little cite pants! gotta say the whole biting thing is not sounding fun. :nope: i guess i should be happy my boys dont seem to grow teeth early at all. nathon will be 9 mos old on the 21st and not a tooth in sight. my other two boys were the same. my girls grew them much earlier.
So I took Max to the ER this morning because he was having trouble with his breathing again. They did a chest xray to check for any lung problems and ended up finding a foriegn object lodged in his trachea. So now we are waiting for him to get surgery to remove it. I am so scared for him. Please keep us in your thoughts ladies.
Hope he is ok brai.
i got a 5p coin out of niamh's mouth the other day, very easy done at the stage they are at now

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