~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

i did - my little monkey turned breech between my 40 week appointment and me getting my internal at 40+4. my TENs machine i hired helped too. it's a manageable pain. everyone copes with pain differently too. me for example; through a contraction i made no noise other than deep breathing and telling my OH to stop trying to talk to me :haha: other people scream the house down. don't put so much thought and energy into shouting, put it into focusing and consentrating :) easier said than done i know.
Have any of you tried Hipp Organic First Milk? Reviews? I've heard its good for unsettled tummies??

We had HiPP Organic milk for Ellie from the start (well, once we were home from hospital) and have never suffered with colic or anything like that with her. We switched to Follow On at 7 months ish with no issues too.

I'd recommend it!
hulahoop09 - welcome! Ask any questions here about c-sections.

I have to say the c-section was really positive for me. So if you go down that route, try not to be worried about it. I was 100% anti c-section before I gave birth but it's not as bad as I thought it might be. And the recovery was OK too.
hulahoop09 - welcome! Ask any questions here about c-sections.

I have to say the c-section was really positive for me. So if you go down that route, try not to be worried about it. I was 100% anti c-section before I gave birth but it's not as bad as I thought it might be. And the recovery was OK too.

Thank you. As well as the phobia i seem to have a real issue with umagining the worst and that i cant cope with things! Im a right worrier! Lol. Xx
Hulahoop I can only reiterate what mrsraggle said. My section experience was amazing, no pain, you don't feel the catheter because they insert it once your spinal is done and the spinal isn't bad at all (the thought before always made me want to throw up)

But you are doing right to get all the help and counselling that you can. You'll come to a decision you feel happy with I'm sure

Tasha insolvent sorry for your loss :hugs:

My scar has been itching loads more recently I presume due to all the internal and external stretching. I have my 12 week scan next week (10+6) so hope to find out who my consultant will be. I have a lot of questions to ask about my next birth

Do you know, I still can't use the phrase "I gave birth" as I really feel I never did
Hi I'm Kirsty

Son's name: Tristan born on 24/10/10
Due date was:23/10/10
Elective sections:0
Emergency sections:1
Vaginal births:0

I had EMCS after being induced at 40 weeks due to obstetric cholestasis. Dialated to 10cm with 1 pessary and rupture of membranes. Used Gas & air and pethadine approx 6-7 hours before fully dialated. Pushed for 2 hours before it was discovered he was in the wrong position with his head tilted to my side. Sent to theatre and given a full spinal block. Forceps were attempted but he would not move and his heart rate dropped. So emergency section was done.

The pics show me and him in recovery after the section- i'm flat on my back as completely numb due to spinal. and one of him just showing the forceps mark on his face

Took me a while to come to terms with my section.... it still bothers me but i know it was the only way he could come out. I will be trying for a VBAC hen i fall pregnant in the future.


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to start with i was a bit disappointed that i had a section now i know that it doesn't matter how she got here, i still made her if that makes sense lol
to start with i was a bit disappointed that i had a section now i know that it doesn't matter how she got here, i still made her if that makes sense lol

absolutely. To start with i was so upset about it but as my love for him grew the importance of how he was born dissapeared. the birth of your child is an important event but not as important as them being healthy and happy.
of course, as long as they get here happily and they are healthy that's what i kept telling myself. i can always try for a VBAC
of course, as long as they get here happily and they are healthy that's what i kept telling myself. i can always try for a VBAC

Yes I so will want a VBAC. I do feel i missed out on the pushing your baby into the world and the immediate skin to skin.

On another note how are people's scars looking? I'm 6 months on and its fading at the edges but the middle is thicker and still a pink/red colour. Not sure when it should fade
mines is fading slowly but surely and that's me 5months on x
Hey guys :hi:

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Aaron- 05/17/1992, Bethany - 09/02/1996, Rochelle and Charlotte - 04/10/2011 (7 1/2 weeks early)
Number of elective Cesareans: 1
Number of emergency Cesareans: 0
Number of vaginal births: 2

I had my twins by Cesarean 2 weeks ago today- I was scheduled for a planed section on May 8th but went into labor and was delivered on April 10th- I guess you could technically classify it as an emergency one, but since I KNEW from 12 weeks on I was having a cesarean I really classify it as a scheduled. I am NOT enjoying this, however! My recoup time with my Vag births wasn't anywhere near this long, or as painful. I did have some complications with constipation after delivery while I was still in the hospital, but I still just don't feel like everything is how it should be- My incision has an odor to it- not sweet, not sour, and not strong- just gross. I am a large woman who just had twins so I have a belly flap at the moment- even though I keep it clean and dry it just doesn't seem right to me. It is not super red (Well, where the tape allergy reaction is it's red) not hot and not swollen. There is minimal discharge (We're talking size of a BB after all day with a pad on it) and I am not running a fever- It's just GROSS! I don't know how else to explain it! s this how it's supposed to be? I've never had a major cut open surgery before, and maybe I'm just over reacting :shrug:
Anyway- no matter what my body is going through, I know I made the right decision for my girls and would do it a million times over as long as they're safe :)
Congratulations sweetie, they are beautiful :cloud9: If you are concrened just pop to your GP, I know that it must be quite difficult to get five minutes to your self right now though.
They're still in the NICU and every spare moment is at the hospital these days- But I will call my OB on Monday for sure- I need to have that 2 week check anyway...
Oh, do you get a 2 week check there? How are they doing?
Hi heyyady! Congratulations on the birth of your twins, they're beautiful.

Just get your OB to check your scar. I went to the doctors at 5 weeks because my scar didn't smell quite right and they put me on a course of anti biotics. It was totally cleared up by the 6 week check.
Hey Ness :wave:

How's you and Ava?

I have heard Hipp is a good milk...have you tried Aptamil?...in what way is her tummy unsettled?

Hey honey hope you the girls and bump are ok!

Well turns out it was silent reflux all along! She has been on infant gaviscon but it doesnt seem to help so is on carobel now which is a feed thickener helping it stay down rather than travel back up her throat and she's feeding so much better. No tummy issues either!


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