~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

me too. everyone i had in the room with me was really nice :) they talked me through everything and made me feel at ease - especially because i wasn't planning on having a section... i am hoping to have a VBAC though next time... but if i do get a section...
:wacko: dissolvable stitches? Eeeekkkss...I would panic that they wouldn't hold me together...I had open appendix removal 2 months before I fell with Amber, and had those stitches...they all came off!!
Did all of you ladies get to see your baby lifted over the screen as soon as it was delivered before they cleaned them up and weighed them?

I didn't :nope: but am going to make sure I do this time!!
no, my OH got to see her because he could see past the screen - they lifted her and then took her away to be weighted, apgar test thing then she cried - and then i nearly cried and that's when my OH held her and i got to see. i'm quite surprised, i had that in my birthplan that if i was to have a section i wanted my OH to hold her before me and they actually did that.
:blush: I didn't write a birthplan with Amber...the pages were blank!!...So they was asking me on the way into theatre about vitamin K jabs and did I want her left in a nappy only for breastfeeding in recovery...I too asked for Allan to hold her first...then I got her for a bit, but was shaking from the spinal so he took her back.

I told Allan before we went to theatre, that no matter what; he was to stay with the baby at all times, and if that meant leaving me, then so be it.
what happened with me was after she was delivered and my OH held her and we kinda decided she looked like a little Pixie and had a bit of a moment - Sandy had to go back through to get changed out his lovely green scrubs n crocs so, while he done that i was transfered back onto a bed and wheeled through to the labour recovery ward while BF'ing Pixie :) i was never away from her one minute :)

the surgeons came and seen me afterwords too to see me and Pixie... they were so amazed at how alert she was when she came out... eyes wide open and sooking her thumb
Nope! First I saw, she was wrapped head to toe in a towel and DH was holding her. Something I will write into the birth plan next time, unless they think there's something wrong with baby, is for me to hold him/her immediately (or as soon as possible).
Did all of you ladies get to see your baby lifted over the screen as soon as it was delivered before they cleaned them up and weighed them?

I didn't :nope: but am going to make sure I do this time!!

I was under GA with my 1st, so nope :nope:

Semi-Elective with my 2nd, but he was in slight distress, so nope :nope:

Elective (all went as planned) with my 3rd & I had written a few 'would likes' for the day of her delivery & yes, seeing her lifted above the screen just as she was born, was one of them & it was such a precious moment :cloud9:
Did all of you ladies get to see your baby lifted over the screen as soon as it was delivered before they cleaned them up and weighed them?

I didn't :nope: but am going to make sure I do this time!!

Nope - C had pooed so was covered in gunk and needed a whiff of oxegen too - those few moments before we heard her cry were the longest of my entire life. She was wiped off, given oxegen and weighed before we saw her.

Mizze xx
my girls came way early- so no birth plan- I was signing consent forms as they were administering the spinal! and as this was an "emergency" section, we didn't see them held up, didn't get any pictures, and they just barely shoved them in turn under my nose before whisking them off to the NICU- it all sucked, really- felt so disconnected and surreal. I didn't get to see them again toil about 7 or 8 that night (they were born just before noon)
my girls came way early- so no birth plan- I was signing consent forms as they were administering the spinal! and as this was an "emergency" section, we didn't see them held up, didn't get any pictures, and they just barely shoved them in turn under my nose before whisking them off to the NICU- it all sucked, really- felt so disconnected and surreal. I didn't get to see them again toil about 7 or 8 that night (they were born just before noon)


Reagan was taken straight to NICU after my section, even now; 5 years later...I still shudder over the whole experience with her and find it hard to talk about.

I hope your bubbies are doing well?
They are wonderful- thank you :) 5 weeks old yesterday (37 adjusted) and home with me for a week now :cloud9:
Did all of you ladies get to see your baby lifted over the screen as soon as it was delivered before they cleaned them up and weighed them?

I didn't :nope: but am going to make sure I do this time!!

I did but I barely remember it... So drugged... :nope:
My friend just had a section and had dissolving stitches which i didnt know even existed, i thought it was staples or bead stitch, so when i mentioned about my bead stitch being taken out after 5 days i freaked her out!

When Millie was born they tried to show her to me over the curtain but i was tilted at such an angle i couldn't see her, i did tell them i wanted skin to skin but it wasn't possible because i was numb from neck down so my birth plan went out the window. She need to have oxygen so they just took her off, i'm glad my DH was with her the whole time though :)
Hey ladies! finally found this thread! I have a question, i'm wanting to know if any of you have had success with this, or heard about it happening,

i had to have a c-section with my both my girls. the deliveries were 4 1/2 years apart, my dr told me i had hardly any scar tissue. the reason for my first section: my blood pressure shot up at 37 weeks, i was 1/2 cm dilated so my dr stretched me to a cm, and induced me on a friday at 10 a.m. they stopped pitocin that night and put cervadil (sp.) in and started the pitocin the next morning. my contractractions were non stop and very painful, i finally got an epidural at around 3 o'clock that afternoon, at 6 o'clock i was only a cm and a half :cry: they were gonna let me go a third day and my mom made a huge deal and made them give me a section, at this point i couldn't take anymore. so at 6:47 that afternoon i got my beautiful baby girl. well 4 years later, at 37 weeks my bp shot up so they took her via c section cause i wasn't dilated at all. after that they told me if i have another baby they are going to take it at 37 weeks no matter what.

so after that novel, my question is. do you think if i put myself on bedrest at 35 weeks, since they seem to think its not necessary, and my blood pressure doesn't go up do you think i would start to dilate, or do you think my body is just not made for having babies naturally. i so want to do it naturally, i feel i'm being cheated (i know that sounds stupid) so please give me any advice you may have...thanks in advance!
They are wonderful- thank you :) 5 weeks old yesterday (37 adjusted) and home with me for a week now :cloud9:

:happydance: That is wonderful news!! Preemies are tough little cookies that is for sure!!

Kates1122...I think it is a case if your BP is going to rise, then it is going to rise...I am a pre-eclampsia mum twice over, first time resulted in delivery at 29 weeks, second baby they had me on BP pills with a mix of aspirin and calcium and I made it to just short of 39 weeks before they delivered...

High BP can cause major strain on the mother's heart during a long drawn out natural labour, which is why they tend to section....I understand the feeling cheated feeling completely...it took me a long time to realise that as long as I am safe, and my babies are safe and healthy, whether they exit via the birth canal or the sunroof really does not matter...I still gave birth to them :flower:
Hi! What a great thread, here's a bit about my c-section experience:

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Matilda 12/04/11
EDD: 17/04/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 1
Number of emergency Caesareans: 0
Number of vaginal births: 0

I had Matilda via elective c-section due to her being breech and estimated to be a big baby. Was absolutely desperate for a natural delivery but when I was told she was probably going to be much bigger than the safe limit for a breech delivery I wasn't willing to take the risk. It actually turned out to be quite a positive experience and the hospital staff were great. Not enjoying the recovery though! Have had a number of problems including breastfeeding but am hoping we're starting to turn a corner now.
i'm not ttrying to start a heated debate here, but has anyone ever said to you "be glad u had a section, natural birth is painful" i wish ppl would understand c sections hurt too!!!!!

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