~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

yeah definatley i hate hospitals and would have been home the same day if i could,i was constantly asking for drips/catheters out
congrats mrsraggle!! :flower:

half expected to see clover jane in here telling us all how ugly our section scars are lol....

Anyhow....my scar still aches and feels sore and itchy its not read or inflamed is it just healing more? This mega long healing time is making me doubt my ability to go through it again with the next baby as an elective :cry: xx
have you spoken to a HV or anything about your scar? mines was fine after hmm 3 weeks?

and who's clover Jane? :blush:
have you spoken to a HV or anything about your scar? mines was fine after hmm 3 weeks?

and who's clover Jane? :blush:

wont go in to too much in case I get told off by the mods lol but she's a newish member who has taken to insulting lots of women on here by saying c sections are an unnecessary mutilation of our bodies......thats basically the jist of it lol.

Only seen my HV twice but got an appt for the contraceptive patch so will ask the doc - just concerns me cos it still aches quite frequently I've got quite a lot of sensation back too so perhaps I'm feeling a lot?? x
i don't think i ever lost sensation which was a plus i guess :D i hope it stops to ache for you soon though :(

silly new member :nope: if there is nothing good to say...
Hello! I'm a new c-section mummy, so thought I'd join in.

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s:Isabella 24/5/11
EDD: 17/05/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

My baby was born by emergency c-section last Tuesday following a 70 hour labour. I was in latent labour for ages, and was delighted to finally be in active labour on the Tuesday morning. I coped really well with just gas and air, and made progress on target until I was almost fully dilated, when I got stuck for 4 hours despite an hour of syntocinon. The baby's head was still high, too. By this point, there was meconium staining in my waters, so we went straight for section. I was happy with the decision, and understood exactly what was happening. The section itself was absolutely fine, even though there were some problems with my uterus tearing as the baby was obstructed for so long.

Despite my long, and ultimately complicated, labpur, I feel remarkably positive about the whole thing. I'm pleased I had the opportunity to experience labour, and am proud of myself for how well I coped with just gas and air. I actually enjoyed the time I spent in the pool while everything was progressing normally. The c-section was entirely necessary, and rhe decision was made at the right time, so I have no regrets.

I've been amazed by my recovery. I was up and about the next morning, home the day after and am already able to get out and about. There's hardly any pain, and I haven't taken any painkillers since Thursday. I'm incredibly lucky, I guess. Although it's still early days so I could still get an infection or something.

I've been told by the consultant that unless my next baby is significantly smaller (Isabella was 8lb9) and I go into spontaneous labour early, I should have an elective c-section next time. This is because of the signs of obstruction they found in my uterus despite the baby being in the correct position. She was not going to come out naturally. The exact same thing happened to my mum, so I suspect I have inherited her funny pelvis!

I have been advised to wait at least a year before TTC, which fits in with my plans anyway.

Sorry that was so long! I have a lot of thoughts at the moment and it helps to get them out.
Hi ladies. I haven't been on here in a while, but I have a quick question. About painful sex. :blush:To me, it would make since for it to be uncomfortable after natural birth, but why would it hurt after a section? This is embarassing:blush:, but every since lo, it has hurt when his thing touches my cervix. Is it possible that the pregnancy itself could cause this?
:grr: People like that make me mad!

Anyways, thanks for the kind welcome :) I feel a bit more confident about my section, but worried nonetheless. I hope that both me and LO can come home after a couple of days.
Hey everyone :wave:

Ness...you recover so much quicker, mentally and physically after an elective, because you haven't tired out and had any traumas from labouring beforehand...I felt fine the day after Amber was born :thumbup: and that was only on paractamol alone (allergic to codiene)
Hey everyone :wave:

Ness...you recover so much quicker, mentally and physically after an elective, because you haven't tired out and had any traumas from labouring beforehand...I felt fine the day after Amber was born :thumbup: and that was only on paractamol alone (allergic to codiene)

I have heard this as well. :thumbup: Still would give anything to be having my water birth though.
Hello Cangaroo congratualtions on baby isabella (love that name) :)

mouse_chicky not experienced sex being painful but it was a bit uncomfortable to begin with due to not DTD for a while! It was fine after a couple of times.
Thanks Dani :flower:

Welcome cangaroo!


Girls I'm stepping back from BnB for a while I'm pretty annoyed at the way the mods have given me two infractions for defending myself and other c section ladies. Seems you're only entitled to say anything if you're a bully!

If anyone wants my email let me know :hugs: xxxx
Does anyone know if the hospital stay with an elective section is shorter? For a second baby? I don't really want to be in hospital for three nights - with Ellie I was more than ready to go home by the third - especially having Ellie at home and with it being such a vulnerable time for her.

I was in for 5 nights with DS1 ~ Emergency under GA

I was in for 2 nights with DS2 ~ Emergency/Awake

I was out by lunchtime the next day with my DD ~ Elective
Girls I'm stepping back from BnB for a while I'm pretty annoyed at the way the mods have given me two infractions for defending myself and other c section ladies. Seems you're only entitled to say anything if you're a bully!

If anyone wants my email let me know :hugs: xxxx

:hugs: I would like to keep in touch with you Ness :hugs:
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s:Rose 13/11/07
EDD: 02/08/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 1
Number of emergency Caesareans: 0
Number of vaginal births: 0

Hi ladies, thought I would come and say hello, its nice to have a supportive thread for sections where you can give your honest opinions and not be verbally bashed!

I had section in 2007 for severe SPD, was meant to be an induction but when they tried to examine me I couldnt even open my legs enough to be examined...so section was booked! I had a great experience with the section, was all very relaxed and wonderful. I dont really remember actually being in pain, just uncomfortable more than anything. I did get a bad infection when my stitches were taken out, which was quite traumatic - but it was just unfortunate!

This preganancy I have been suffering from SPD again since 11 weeks! I have just had my consultant appointment this morning to give my decision of how I am going to labour - and after spending the last 30 weeks going backwards and forwards between VBAC and Section, I finally decided that because of the severity of my pelvis and hip problems (which the physios seem to think are underlying!) I am not going to go through labour and risk damaging myself longterm. Also, I would refuse to be induced if I went over, so would end up section anyway, and the thought of going through a section anyway after hours and hours of being in pain makes me want to cry!

My doc was fab, very supportive and she gave me 22nd July to have my LO! So, in 7 weeks I will be a mummy again! EEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!
Does anyone know if the hospital stay with an elective section is shorter? For a second baby? I don't really want to be in hospital for three nights - with Ellie I was more than ready to go home by the third - especially having Ellie at home and with it being such a vulnerable time for her.

I was in for 5 nights with DS1 ~ Emergency under GA

I was in for 2 nights with DS2 ~ Emergency/Awake

I was out by lunchtime the next day with my DD ~ Elective

Wow, your elective recovery was fantastic!
Thank you :flower:
Welcome morag99! Sorry to hear you've suffered with SPD. I know a friend who is currently suffering and it really sounds horrific. :flower:
Hiya, hope I can join in with you section mummies! :flower:

I like this thread ALOT - thanks to whoever set it up, it has a new stalker. Well I am Gemma and I have a 5 month old and had to have an ECS in December after FTP and other complications. It has taken me some time to get used to the idea of not having a natural birth but I am alot happier and the improtant thing is my beautful daughter. The downside to the section for me is the way people (in general, Media etc) make you feel 'Spoiled' by having to have/or had a section. I remember watching a film recently and they reffered to the women as 'Spoiled' and it made me feel crap ever since. I dont feel spoiled, in fact you can barely see my scar. My husband loves it too (says its 'Our little love line' haha

So I was please to find this thread cos' I wanted some advise on two things. One was that I have heard you need to Massage the scar' to improve the tissue damage - is that right? Secondly, and a bit TMI but I was wondering how you ladies get over (if you had to) the nervousness that is not tearing when making love, or shaving for example? Sounds daft AS, but I am very nervous about both the above that neither have happened yet.

Thanks & hello!
Nookie is fine, may be a bit tender the first few times...we dtd after 2 weeks :blush:...shaving is weird, especially if the area is still numb, but that is probably just me, I freak out with people touching my numb belly nowdays!!

Does anyone know if you can do tummy binding after having a section?

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