Hello! I'm a new c-section mummy, so thought I'd join in.
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s:Isabella 24/5/11
EDD: 17/05/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0
My baby was born by emergency c-section last Tuesday following a 70 hour labour. I was in latent labour for ages, and was delighted to finally be in active labour on the Tuesday morning. I coped really well with just gas and air, and made progress on target until I was almost fully dilated, when I got stuck for 4 hours despite an hour of syntocinon. The baby's head was still high, too. By this point, there was meconium staining in my waters, so we went straight for section. I was happy with the decision, and understood exactly what was happening. The section itself was absolutely fine, even though there were some problems with my uterus tearing as the baby was obstructed for so long.
Despite my long, and ultimately complicated, labpur, I feel remarkably positive about the whole thing. I'm pleased I had the opportunity to experience labour, and am proud of myself for how well I coped with just gas and air. I actually enjoyed the time I spent in the pool while everything was progressing normally. The c-section was entirely necessary, and rhe decision was made at the right time, so I have no regrets.
I've been amazed by my recovery. I was up and about the next morning, home the day after and am already able to get out and about. There's hardly any pain, and I haven't taken any painkillers since Thursday. I'm incredibly lucky, I guess. Although it's still early days so I could still get an infection or something.
I've been told by the consultant that unless my next baby is significantly smaller (Isabella was 8lb9) and I go into spontaneous labour early, I should have an elective c-section next time. This is because of the signs of obstruction they found in my uterus despite the baby being in the correct position. She was not going to come out naturally. The exact same thing happened to my mum, so I suspect I have inherited her funny pelvis!
I have been advised to wait at least a year before TTC, which fits in with my plans anyway.
Sorry that was so long! I have a lot of thoughts at the moment and it helps to get them out.