~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

Kelly- did you labor with any of your children? And how was the recovery with each of them.

Yes, laboured for about 11 hours with DS1 ~ Got to pushing, he was distressed, he was back to back & brow presentation

Wanted to have a vbac with DS2, but they warned me he may be large & with a small pelvis & previous csection to have a csection, was booked in for the monday & went into labour the night before! :dohh: Then had to wait for theatre to become available, so was in labour for hours!

As I say, my DD was elective, booked for a week early, so all went to plan :thumbup:
so was the last recovery easier?

Sorry, forgot you asked me that too! :dohh:

Recovery with DS1 was defo the hardest & I was only 17!

With my DD I asked for the catheter out that evening & got myself up & about...It was much better, as my body hadnt laboured :thumbup:
My girls will be 6 months on the 10th (can't believe that much time has passed!) and I am still having some uterine cramping while BF- is this normal???
My girls will be 6 months on the 10th (can't believe that much time has passed!) and I am still having some uterine cramping while BF- is this normal???

I only had uterine cramping whilst BF for the first few weeks or so. Not sure it's meant to last months?!

I'd call your community midwife or LC and ask their advice. :hugs:
Unfortunately we don't have services like that here in the States, so it will be a full exam and appointment :cry: I really didn't want to go back there!
Hey, ladies!! I think I'm new here... can't remember if I've visited this thread before or not :dohh:... Will be having my 2nd c-section in Feb...
Welcome AmaryllisRed :wave: was your first section a planned or emergency? x
It was emergency. In short, here's my story. I was due Sept 21, 2007. I wasn't dilated AT ALL at my appt that day. So on the evening of the 26th, I went into the hospital, thinking I was in labor.
I wasn't. :dohh:
But since I was five days overdue, they let me stay and they induced me. After laboring for roughly two days and not progressing past maybe 6 cm, they took me for a c-section.
Frankly, I was thrilled. :)
And thus my son was born.
This time around, I am due Feb 26... will have a planned c-section at 39 weeks, though I don't know the exact date yet.
But I'm really excited that I'll be able to know exactly when baby will be born and won't have to labor for two days first!
Looking forward to getting to know all you ladies!
I was in dire need for a forum like this!

All 3 of my children were born elective C-Section.

Haylie Elizabeth was born 11-19-04. During my pregnancy with her, I gained A LOT of weight, was border line pre-eclamptic, had gestational diabetes and was testing my blood sugars, and had high blood pressure. My OBGYN said she wanted me to try vaginal, however because of these symptoms she was worried that the babies heart rate would drop with each hard contraction nearing delivery. Being young and scared, I demanded a C-section. :brat: My OBGYN was like "uhh...are you sure? you probably can do it?" and I refused. So, she said that she herself was pro-choice and that also included a woman's right to decide how to birth her child. My heart is torn about this, as I really wish she would have said "no, vaginal is normal, lets give that a go"... *sigh* I was only 17 at the time. (Please, young mommies don't take offense to this) but I wish she would of realized I was more scared of the pain of labor than anything else and that I might of regretted this choice. Anyways, Haylie was born by elective C-Section, however, while the OBGYN was "in there" and I was open, made a statement that I would have indeed needed a C-Section because Haylie's neck/head were literally curled UNDER my pelvic bone. She said I would of been in labor for hours and never progressed.

I got pregnant again at 19. This time I WANTED a Vbac SO bad. I went to a different OBGYN and my first prenatal visit, I told her my desire, she said she understood, because she herself had a vbac before. She said, however, the policy for her was that I would have to go into labor NATURALLY and progress naturally before my due date in order for me to have a vbac. She said once the baby is over the due date, she's too nervous for vbac in case baby is too big and could increase uterine rupture. So, two weeks before I was due, I was set for a C-Section the day after my due date and my OBGYN said that if I went in naturally before, her co-workers knew to let me try vaginal. Well, my son held on, and I went past my due date. Thus, another C-Section.

I got pregnant again at 21. I went to an OBGYN co-worker of my past vbac supportive OBGYN. Only this time was told she, nor any of the other OBGYNs would let me do a vbac after two and I'd automatically need to have a C-section. I wanted a different opinion, so I went to another OBGYN clinic in my area and asked around. No other OBGYNs would let me do vbac either. I was devastated, but really loved the OBGYN that I picked from this clinic because she was caring, and seemed to really CARE about me. So, I knew it was going to be another elective C-Section. During this pregnancy, my amnio fluid was low so I had ultrasounds once a week until birth. Two days before my scheduled C-Section, I called the office and told them that I was in SEVERE back pain. I couldn't barley walk. The on-call OBGYN said that he would deliver my baby the following morning since I was so close to it anyways, and it was elective. He asked me if I wanted to get my tubes tied "yes!" I said. Being 21 with three children, single mom and having the father walk out...I never wanted to do this alone again. Within 15 minutes my regular OBGYN called me "Please don't have your C-Section tomorrow. You want your tubes tied? I'll do it. I really want to be the one to deliver your baby" she wanted me to come to her office the next morning. She was so nice and caring, such a sweet lady. She talked about getting tubes tied, I had to sign forms, etc.. and wished me luck, and that I'd see her the next morning to have my baby. The next morning, she met me in the pre-op room, before we were ready to go. She asked to speak to me privately. She pulled the curtain "It is your choice, and I don't want to influence you in ANY way, but do you really want to get your tubes tied?" and I go .. "yes, well...no..not really. I don't know.. I just can't have another baby soon. I can't do it. Maybe we can talk about the IUD?" and she goes "Oh, Good. I couldn't sleep last night, I was tossing and turning. My husband asked me what was wrong and I told him I was thinking about a patient. You asked me yesterday if a tubal was reversible...and that bothered me. I know you may think you don't want any children NOW, but your so young yet. What if you met Mr. Right and wanted a baby but couldn't? I really, really don't want to be the one who did that to you"...

Three months later I got the IUD, and she was right! Three years later, I am married to the LOVE of my life, IUD removed and we are TTC!!

so, I am glad I had a doc that LISTENED to me... not just my words, but really listened.

But now I am here, feeling rather depressed about the fact that I will NEVER get a change to have a vaginal birth. I've always wanted to go into the hospital in the middle of the night in labor and deliver with all my might & power. I feel like I took the easy way out. :cry: It's SO heartbreaking, one STUPID mistake when I was a teen and I am suffering for it. At least I would of known of L&D vaginally was like.

*sigh* oh well!!

Everyone i've talked to says I shouldn't be silly (friends, in-laws, etc) and try a home birth if I get pregnant again. I told everyone I was going too, but everyone is telling me to get another C-Section. My best friend told me a few days ago "Birth is birth, no matter how it happens" and "vaginal birth hurts like hell and sometimes your so completely exhausted you can't even think straight while holding your child. Vaginal birth is not as rosey as you think, I think both vaginal & c-sections are equal when you weigh the pros and cons of both".... I feel like she may be saying that just to make me feel better.

...I don't know.

....Is how I'm feeling...normal?? :nope:

Thanks everyone!
Welcome SLCmommy

I have had two and will be having my third in April/May 2012 very nervous about it. Joined this thread so i could get support and listen to other peoples stories.

I saw my midwife last week and she said i could have a VBAC as long as everything was ok. I was suprised she offered it to me so easy with out me fighting for it. After thinking and worrying about it both i think it will be better for me to have a section.

Take care
I don't know if they will let you have a home birth after three c-sections. I don't think your insurance will cover it. It's a shame you weren't told not to have a c-section. Here in the UK, you don't have a choice unless it's a medical reason or an emergency or you've had a prior c-section. :hugs:
yeah, after having a section you are less likely to be allowed to attempt a home birth because of the complications that could arise.

1st baby emergency c-section
2nd baby VBAC in the hospital
3rd baby HBAC

Regarding scar rupture, the chance of this happening is really really low, especially the manner in which they do the op nowadays (horizontal opening rather than navel vertically down which was the older style). Also if your labour started naturally, 1st time round this helps too.

If you would like to attempt a VBAC the best thing is to let your labour begin naturally, this will lower the risk tenfold. Its also recommended to wait at least 1 whole year before trying again to let the scar heal properly.
But now I am here, feeling rather depressed about the fact that I will NEVER get a change to have a vaginal birth. I've always wanted to go into the hospital in the middle of the night in labor and deliver with all my might & power. I feel like I took the easy way out. :cry: It's SO heartbreaking, one STUPID mistake when I was a teen and I am suffering for it. At least I would of known of L&D vaginally was like.

*sigh* oh well!!

Everyone i've talked to says I shouldn't be silly (friends, in-laws, etc) and try a home birth if I get pregnant again. I told everyone I was going too, but everyone is telling me to get another C-Section. My best friend told me a few days ago "Birth is birth, no matter how it happens" and "vaginal birth hurts like hell and sometimes your so completely exhausted you can't even think straight while holding your child. Vaginal birth is not as rosey as you think, I think both vaginal & c-sections are equal when you weigh the pros and cons of both".... I feel like she may be saying that just to make me feel better.

...I don't know.

....Is how I'm feeling...normal?? :nope:

Thanks everyone!

Bless you :hugs: Thankyou for sharing your story

How you feel is totally 100% normal, I feel the exact same way, but we just have to turn the negative feelings about not ever having a 'natural' birth, into positive ones about having our csections :thumbup:

The only time I forget my own advice is when someone says 'your lucky' :growlmad: 'you havent given birth have you' :growlmad: 'at least you dont have to go through the pain' :growlmad: But thats other peoples ignorance

A csection is NOT an easy way out, its major surgery & afterwards we have to care for a newborn baby too! We deserve HUGE GIANT MASSIVE pats on the backs :flower::hugs:
Awwwww, SLC, your story made me cry. :hugs:

I am blessed that no one has ever told me a c-section birth is not really "giving birth" or is easier. In fact, my family and friends seem to take the opposite stance-- that a c-section, because it is surgery and requires anesthesia and a scalpel and stitches and recovery, is more for a woman to go through and more of an accomplishment than labor.

Of course, I'm not trying to downplay labor. But we went through surgery. We had our guts sliced open. Surely that counts for something. :)
My scar is a mark of honor. I gave birth to my son the safest way possible for him. That makes me prouder than any waterbirthing, no pain meds, home birthing mom in the world :)
Now I look back and I am older, I know I would of ALWAYS have to had a C-Section. The only thing I missed out on was laboring for hours and never having any progress. Okay, so I DO wince a little at that though...not fun! In the long run, I would of needed a C-Section and wether or not I labored with my first daughter, I would of still ended up with 3 C-Sections. I've had people tell me "ew, the scar! the scar!"...Honestly, I don't know what they are taking about. Personally, my scar is low and it is a thin line...it doesn't look bad at ALL!

My DH is giddy that I decided to just relent and have another C-Section if we get pregnant. He says he doesn't want me to ruin any stuff "down there:..

.............men. :tease:

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