~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

All three of my scars are three little white hairlines. They are close together.

Ugh, I'm 12 weeks today and for some reason a few days went by where I didn't vomit or feel sick (yay!) but now it's back full throttle :(
I thought they went over your scar instead of making new ones, do they not?
The morning sickness sounds bad but at least you've had a few days rest from it, hopefully it will calm down in the next few weeks!! Congrats on 12 weeks x
Kel - They don't go exactly over. They try, but it's easier to go half on the other scar tissue/half off because that way your not cutting 100% into scar tissue. All my lines are neat though :)
Ah, makes sense really!
I'm fine with whatever they do x
Kel - One time a doctor told me a woman who had her 3rd c-section with this doctor always requested that each like be totally different, that way she could show her kids "You came out of THIS one!" LOL
Hello! I'm new here.

Had unplanned section feb 04 after 19 hours labor and 2 of pushing. Had nothing left in me.
She was exactly a week late.

Second section (after 2 losses) sept 2011 was planned originally but he came 3 weeks early so was sort of N emergency though he wasn't in distress. I'd been through labor onceand failed and had no desire for it again. I thought what I was doing was easier and safer.

I may have been wrong. After my first c section apparently my body produced a freakish amount of scar tissue in my abdomen. The doctor took an hour of trying to get to the baby before she called for another surgeon. oH was watching over the curtain and said at one point the doc stepped back and just looked bewildered and didn't know what to do. All the while I'm feeling like a million tons were pressing on my chest and was verrrry uncomfortable and freaking out slightly. They kept upping whatever they were giving e to try and make me loopy enough to not ask questions! So unpleasant. But still mAgical to hear my baby come out finally.

In recovery this doctor, who was not my doctor, said I best not have ny more. I planned one more so began crying. What a place to be told no more babies when my new little guy was taken off to level 2 nursery with breathing problems and I was stuck with no feeling so couldn't go to him. Bitch doctor! She said another section would be very dangerous and scared me a lot.

I didn't have any issue healing whatsoever and was off to shopping the day we left hospital. Expected it to be aweful recovery but nope!

I did get pretty depressed though and not make my post partum appointment until later, like 9 weeks. I honestly was terrified to confirm that no more babies be possible. Well, my regular doc says one more is fine, long as I have a higher, vertical scar. Beeeek! I was so happy but confused. How can one say its dangerous and one sayi have no more risk than anyone else at something going wrong? It's a scary thing. And such a mutilating scar?

I'm obviously not trying for another right now....they say wait 12-18 months first. I am terrified of the whole thing though and so confused what to do! I don't know if I should just quit while I'm ahead even when 2 never seemed to be all I would have.

Sorry for the ramble. It's nice to find this thread! I now wish I would have done vaginal, but how was I to know??
:hugs: nypage1981, could you try a VBA2C next time? Have the doctors ruled that out?
To my understanding, because of the scar tissue they scraped the uterus very thin so I may be more worried about rupture that way....but I'm sure I would get conflicting information from them about that too! Lol
I dont know if anyone can answer this.

If you have say 10 years between sections compaired to 2 years between sections, are you more likely to have more scar tissue because you have left it for 10 years? Does it continue to grow and spread.....

It seems that some people have loads and others hardly have any that causes a problem.
I know everyone is different. I worried so much this year about scar tissue as it had been 13 years since my last section. I kept bringing this up at every drs, hospital and scan appointment. Nobody seemed to be worried about it and yet nobody looked at or felt my stomach to check. Even at the scans i asked if he could see any, they said they could see my section scar but no tissue. Some people feel lumps under their scar, i felt lumps when i had my first section 15 years ago but not after my second section.

While being pregnant this time i felt loads of twinges, pulling, pinches etc and i wondered if that was my scar tissue stretching. However the hospital said it was all just normal and not to worry about it.

~I never did get to deliver as i lost my son to Pprom in Dec.

Take care Sarahxx
majored - Time definitely has a lot to do with scar tissue, usually. Some people just don't heal well as others, so at one c-section they could have more scar tissue than someone who has had three. But, usually, the more children via c-section you have, the faster together the worse it can be for scar tissue. However, even than I don't think there is a hard and fast rule - I think it depends on the individual itself :)
Exactly. I had a ton after 7 years. Who knows though, next time I could have none. Also, I was told ultrasound can't see it? Idk. I asked that right away when told to have no more kids, wanted to know if we could scan the area in a year and see if it has too much tissue and they said no.
That doesn't make sense to me-- when we were having trouble ttc, the dr scheduled an u/s, specifically to look for a blocked tube, endometriosis, or scar tissue.

I've taken comfort in the fact that it would show on a u/s if I had any. At any rate, I'm not anticipating any problems with this section. Worrying won't help.
I know. Not sure why I was told by two docs that it couldn't be detected......?? Seems I would like to know in a year if I should just not bother getting pregnant of there's a ton again. I don't want it to be hard to get into the baby in case of emergency.......
Also, my doc said its rare to have as much as I did to make any complication. Most repeat sections are just fine. Guess I'm lucky.
Amaryllis- You are going to have your baby next month! How exciting. It sure is amazing how time flies, isn't it? I can't believe I'm already 13 weeks!
Wow, 13 weeks already!! I know this pregnancy is going faster partly because I already have a LO to run after... I can't imagine how fast it would go if it were my fourth!
Wow, 13 weeks already!! I know this pregnancy is going faster partly because I already have a LO to run after... I can't imagine how fast it would go if it were my fourth!

Trust me, it feels like yesterday I was holding the :bfp: stick!

But then, I have also moved to the other side of the world too, kinda taken up alot of my time! :wacko:
Hey ladies, hope I can join the chatter

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Kara 09/08/09 & Jennifer 16/12/11
EDD: K-15/08/09 & J-18/12/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 1
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I haven't had a chance to go through all the pages at present but I wanted to get myself on here.
My story so far is I had my 1st DD at 39+1wks. Went into labour spontaneously and arrived at hospital at 3cm dilated. 18 hrs of intense back to back labour we got stuck at 9cm over several hrs and an emercs was called for. DD's head had got stuck due to the size (37cm). I only heard the words 'failure to progress' and felt awful. We then had problems BF as she was FF for 1st 18 hrs of her life. I had some bleeding following her delivery and was nearly given a blood transfusion. I avoided it but was anaemic for weeks after, despite iron tablets and eating lots of iron rich food. DD was mixed fed till 6 months by which time she had self-weaned.
DD2 was elective c-section though I had it in my medical records that I would like to try for a VBAC should labour happen. Experience was soo much better. DD was 10lb 6oz and her head was 37cm like her sisters. DD had some problems 'pinking up' but was deemed healthy and given to DH. I didn't want to hold her as I had developed a pain in my shoulder. I held her after 2 hrs and fed her at same time. We have successfully been 100% BF since. I had some minor complications following the delivery, inc. recovery and a slight infection in the wound area which is ongoing but I am keeping a close on it.
KCB - Congratulations on your little baby!! ;)

Amary- When is your C-Section scheduled for? I see you are now flirting with the 34th week mark :)

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