~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

welcome x_Nov30_x!!

Humm i not sure what category i would be in? I was just in labour for a long time, Millie was fine and i was fine :shrug: Maybe because Millie Poo'd that might be classed as Cat 2?
Hello to all the new mums!

Just read that these are the categories:

1. Emergency: immediate threat to the life of mother or fetus.

2. Danger: maternal or fetal compromise, but not immediate life threatening.

3. No danger: early delivery needed, but no maternal or fetal compromise.

4. Elective: delivery timed to suit the mother and the staff.

I must've been a category 2. I went down at around half an hour after they decided to do one.

Thankyou :flower: Ive nearly had one of each! :haha:
Not sure what category we were either, Kaysie was in distress, her heart rate was really low and not recovering, we were in theatre within 15 minutes.
Not sure what category we were either, Kaysie was in distress, her heart rate was really low and not recovering, we were in theatre within 15 minutes.

I imagine that would be a category 1. I think I was 2 and I was in theatre within about 30 minutes.
Nice to see this group! I am TTC #2 and will be having a C-section. #1 was a vaginal delivery but with too many complications. I was prepped for a zavanelli C-section (which would be #1 on that list) but managed to get him out without it. The zavanelli is done when the baby's head is already out - they push the baby back up the birth canal and C-section. It only has a 92% success rate (8% death rate). I cannot risk that again.

I'm thinking of a postpartum doula to assist me, especially with breastfeeding.
Hi aliss!

I've not heard of a zavanelli section before - sounds awfully scary. I'm not surprised you're having a section next time. Best of luck on your TTC #2 journey. I'm also wondering if there's some consistent support I can get post birth. I had daily visits from the MW and my mum here in the first week but neither of those could help me BF.
:wave: hi aliss,

i've not heard of a zavanelli section before either, i can understand why you wouldn't want to take that risk again. How long have you been TTC #2?

a friend of mine has a breech baby and was talking about the possibility of having an elective section and it got me thinking about how much calmer it would be compared to what i went through and for a moment i actually thought it might not be that bad!
My semi elective experience was really positive, calm and relaxed...because I knew deep down I would be highly unlikely to make a VBAC date by labouring naturally with my history...so I always had in the back of my mind I would end up with another section...it only took an hour, I hadn't laboured beforehand, so wasn't tired, exhausted or out of it :thumbup:
^^ i have a feeling that i wont have a successful VBAC but maybe that's just me preparing for the possibility of another section? I know mentally if it does come to having another one i will be so much more prepared for it that last time. I was fighting to keep my eyes open on the operating table!

Hows the pregnancy going so far? x
I think with the VBAC the following things concerned me:
* If I was to go really overdue and they wouldn't be able to induce me, then I would have ended up with another section, just 3 weeks or so later than I did.
* I have read many stories that a VBAC hasn't been succesful.
* That the midwife told me I would be pretty much strapped to the bed on monitors instead of free to roam.
* The pressure from being on a time limit to progress in labour before they pushed for a section.
* That I have never laboured before, and although I would love to feel a contraction, emotionally after everything with Reagan being born so early and the memories attached to her delivery I would not have been able to deal with it as well as if I had of been prepared for it...and it was my choice....the choice hadn't been taken away from me this time.

I 'think' the pregnancy is going well :wacko: other than a bit of retching at raw chicken yesterday and some tiredness, I still have nothing else!!
reaching is good! :laugh2: I bet Reagan is excited to be a big sister again!?
:rofl: We haven't told Reagan yet, or my 2 step daughters...will tell them after the 12 week scan...although Reagan did say in the car on the way to school the other morning 'Mummy, can you ring the stalk now and get another baby?'
I gave birth vaginally following an induction with my first at 38 weeks but my second landed up in a C-section 10 hours into an induced labour also at 38 weeks (I'm type 1 diabetic) as baby's heart rate was dropping with every contraction. Any more babies I have will have to be by elective C-section as because of the diabetes I am not allowed to go beyond 38 weeks and they can't induce anymore. I may stop at two though just because the pregnancies are too rough.
You&Me- those about sum up the fears I have about a VBAC... Its nice to know that once you decided on a c-section you were at peace with the decision, I hope I get there soon as I still haven't decided!
Same for me you&me in terms of the fears about VBACing. I'm more determined to BF than I am to labour naturally with #2 so in my mind I think a)I won't be so tired and b)I'll be able to concentrate on BF in hospital for three days before discharge.
After my semi elective, once I was outside in recovery eating my tea and toast, I latched Amber on, so would have been about 35 minutes after she was delivered...and she took to it like a pro...we had no issues at all with latching or feeding, so I think as long as you can latch them soon after, and you aren't stressed, and tired out then it can work wonderfully...c-sections are known that they can cause some issues with breastfeeding, but not always.
That was definitlely my issue, I didn't hold Ellie until about 3 hours after she was born (I didn't realise I was allowed :dohh:) and it just didn't happen for us then.
I was very fortunate with my second child with the breastfeeding - my first I had natural birth and more issues. I did not get to BF my youngest DD for 18 hours after the c-section as she went to NICU for low sugars where she was both bottle and syringe fed formula to bring her sugars up (with a glucose drip as well) and despite all that and a nasal tube she latched easily and preferred breast over bottle which surprised the nurses too. So don't give up - sometimes it goes fine despite everything.
Hey girls :)Mind if i join you all.Im Karen im 29 from Dublin.Im also a C~Section mummy:)I had an emergancy section with our precious princess Katie,whos now 7.I was sectioned when i was 9 and a half cms.Katie had the cord wrapped around her neck twice so there was no way i could deliver her naturally:(Were currently TTC#2 for the last 5 years now.Heres hoping:)Hope your all very well:)xoxox
I had to ask DH the other day when the first time I held Max was. I was so amazingly high off the G&A that moments are a blur. I don't remember being wheeled out of surgery and when I got to first hold my baby. DH said it wasn't long after he was born, maybe 20 minutes or so, but then again I'd had G&A with a VBAC so I might be out of it again next time and not remember lots of key information.

At the moment I am not thinking about it. I know my mind is made up to VBAC because it was NEVER a decision I had to make, it's something I've always known, but thinking about actually doing it panics me a little so I just don't think about it. DH thinks I am crazy and if he were me he'd have an elective section

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