~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

PS I was category 2 section but I was in theatre within about 10 minutes.
Interestingly enough, when I was going down to labour ward to have my waters broken, another woman was coming down with me for the same thing and she was wheeled into recovery about 30 minutes after me.

I meant to ask everyone - after surgery, did you spend time in a recovery room to be monitored? I was for about an hour and a half before being moved up to the ward
Hey girls :)Mind if i join you all.Im Karen im 29 from Dublin.Im also a C~Section mummy:)I had an emergancy section with our precious princess Katie,whos now 7.I was sectioned when i was 9 and a half cms.Katie had the cord wrapped around her neck twice so there was no way i could deliver her naturally:(Were currently TTC#2 for the last 5 years now.Heres hoping:)Hope your all very well:)xoxox

Welcome :wave: Hope you get your :bfp: soon :hugs: Do you know if you will have a VBAC or elective next time round?

Chele i was in a recovery room for around 2 hours before i was taken down to a ward, their system broke so it took ages for them to register Millie details lol:dohh:

I held Millie by the side of me when i went back to the recovery room (about 45 mins) but didn't get a proper cuddle until i was down on the ward and i had a bit more feeling back!
Heidi~Thanks for the welcome hun:)I will defo{fingers crossed}Have a a V birth.Just have to get preg 1st LOL hehehe.That seems to be the tricky part.Congrats on the birth of your princess i LOVE the name:) xoxox
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Ava Lysia 29/12/10
EDD: 17/12/10
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I'm Vanessa and I had my DD by emergency section on 29/12/10 after 30 hours of labour and failed forceps. Ava's heartrate kept dropping and my waters had been gone 36 hours. My full birth story is accessible via my signature :)

We are WTT for #2 around September 2012 just before Ava's 2nd birthday so hopefully we will have the next before she is 3.

I'm in two minds right now about whether to try VBAC next time or have an elective section. I think if I went in to labour before a date for an elective section I'd try to do VBAC but the worry of going through 30 hours again to end up with a section and not remember the second birth and not be able to breastfeed worries me. The recovery after all that labour was very hard and long and I still ache and feel sore 14 weeks after. I also got a post surgical infection which set me back!

I feel very traumatised by the first experience, I felt a failure as a woman and not getting any milk made me feel even worse. I'm pretty sure I had a bit of PND for the first month or so. The control of an elective appeals to me because I wont have all that hard work before the section and like you&me said you can concentrate on breastfeeding xx
I meant to ask everyone - after surgery, did you spend time in a recovery room to be monitored? I was for about an hour and a half before being moved up to the ward

we spent about 45 minutes from what I've been told where I got to hold Ava and try and breastfeed. I dont remember any of it though my first memory is having tea and toast. They had to take her for antibiotics because my waters had been gone so long as a precautionary
Hey Ness :wave:

Ava is beautiful :cloud9:

I hope you are recovering well now, I know it was a hard journey for you xx
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Ava Lysia 29/12/10
EDD: 17/12/10
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I'm Vanessa and I had my DD by emergency section on 29/12/10 after 30 hours of labour and failed forceps. Ava's heartrate kept dropping and my waters had been gone 36 hours. My full birth story is accessible via my signature :)

We are WTT for #2 around September 2012 just before Ava's 2nd birthday so hopefully we will have the next before she is 3.

I'm in two minds right now about whether to try VBAC next time or have an elective section. I think if I went in to labour before a date for an elective section I'd try to do VBAC but the worry of going through 30 hours again to end up with a section and not remember the second birth and not be able to breastfeed worries me. The recovery after all that labour was very hard and long and I still ache and feel sore 14 weeks after. I also got a post surgical infection which set me back!

I feel very traumatised by the first experience, I felt a failure as a woman and not getting any milk made me feel even worse. I'm pretty sure I had a bit of PND for the first month or so. The control of an elective appeals to me because I wont have all that hard work before the section and like you&me said you can concentrate on breastfeeding xx

I've just read your birth story and can relate to allot of the emotions you've gone through as can other c-section mummy's here :hugs:
Personally, I did find as time went on i didnt feel so raw about it the whole experience. It just takes time.

Ava is just so cute:cloud9: Congratulations!!!
Hey Ness :wave:
Did your milk ever come in in the end? Im hoping when we're second time mummies it'll come in quicker. As Heidi says, the rawness gets easier as you heal more and more. I had a lot of bonding issues with Max which didn't really resolve until he was 4 months old so feel VBAC is a solution to getting the bonding side going. I personally don't know of BFing would have been my key to bonding, in my head it was the section itself which led to these problems. I don't even remember how long it was before Max was BFd for the first time. I remember it being night though but with me being back on the ward at 6.15am it must have been more than 15 hours after he was born which seems a little odd, can't be right, but as I say, I was well out of it
thank you girls xx

its nice to have a section support area on here! I think sometimes people think it's the easier option than pushing but although I havent obviously had a baby vaginally, I cant imagine that being the case given you can get up take a shower and walk around pretty much the same day. I didnt shower for about 5 days since going in to labour and couldnt get up and down stairs without help for about 2 weeks, I had to sleep on my back cos of the pain turning over in bed, then there's the baby kicking your scar when it's screaming and then when your OH goes back to work after a week you're on ya own!

Unfortunately Chele my milk never came in, I pumped constantly for about 2 weeks but got fed up was crying all the time and it was affecting my bonding time with Ava. Although I loved her instantly it took me a while to 'bond' because of the whole experience - sure you girls can relate to that though :)

thats why I'd like to try VBAC but I'm so scared as it is still pretty raw. Perhaps I'll feel better once I'm pregnant again and get chance to discuss it with someone at the hospital to find out what happened the first time round xx
Hey Ness :wave:

Ava is beautiful :cloud9:

I hope you are recovering well now, I know it was a hard journey for you xx

I am thank you hun I'm still quite sore if I over do it but it's only been 3 months so hoping it'll get better!

I see you're baking another little bun....?!! You're mental :haha: x
Welcome new mummies!

Chele, I don't know how long we were there exactly. Ellie was born at 7.02pm. I know I didn't get to the ward until about 11.30pm/midnight because shortly after I got on the ward, they took Ellie and DH away to SCBU for her IV and antibiotics and I know she had those at about 1am because she had them at 1pm and 1am every day until we left. Strange really, I must've taken a while to come out of theatre and then spent about 3 hours in recovery. I know I didn't try to BF Ellie until about 30 minutes before we went to the ward. All a total blur! In my head it was about an hour but obviously my memory and the notes don't add up.

I have a question for elective-section mummies: Does the section have to be one week before your EDD? I ask because if (it's a big if) I fall pregnant this month, baby's EDD will be 3 January (by LMP). Exactly one week before is 27 December so unless a scan puts me forward a couple of days I could be having a section over Christmas/Boxing Day ish which I really don't want. Given Ellie was 2 weeks late do I have an argument to ask for the section to take place on/around my EDD? (There's no reason why I can't go into labour, I only had a section with Ellie for lack of progress and therefore baby got distressed).
With Amber my elective section was booked for 1st November, I would have been 39+2...however when I went in on the thursday prior to that for my anaeathatist appointment, they admitted me there and then, then ended up sectioning me the friday 29th October at 38+6.

They do tend to do them at 39 weeks or a few days afterwards.
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Ava Lysia 29/12/10
EDD: 17/12/10
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I'm Vanessa and I had my DD by emergency section on 29/12/10 after 30 hours of labour and failed forceps. Ava's heartrate kept dropping and my waters had been gone 36 hours. My full birth story is accessible via my signature :)

We are WTT for #2 around September 2012 just before Ava's 2nd birthday so hopefully we will have the next before she is 3.

I'm in two minds right now about whether to try VBAC next time or have an elective section. I think if I went in to labour before a date for an elective section I'd try to do VBAC but the worry of going through 30 hours again to end up with a section and not remember the second birth and not be able to breastfeed worries me. The recovery after all that labour was very hard and long and I still ache and feel sore 14 weeks after. I also got a post surgical infection which set me back!

I feel very traumatised by the first experience, I felt a failure as a woman and not getting any milk made me feel even worse. I'm pretty sure I had a bit of PND for the first month or so. The control of an elective appeals to me because I wont have all that hard work before the section and like you&me said you can concentrate on breastfeeding xx

I can totally relate to your feelings hunni. It took me a long time to get over that feeling of failure and its something that most other women cant understand. x x

I hope next time you get the experience you want x
Recovery room time.

I think we were in recovery for a good hour or 2 before moving us round to the ward after the section. I was given some pain meds, I gave Jack a feed and Adam got him dressed. x
My scar is itchy today
Does anyone else get any trouble with theirs now. Mine itches about once a month. Bizarre!
Mine is some times itchy but i never know if its because of the the trousers im wearing that day or not :shrug: Mine is definitely still healing its gotten allot lighter over the last couple of months
Nearly 3 years on and mine still gets itchy and tight!
I wouldn't know if mine is itchy or not because I have no feeling in it...or parts of my tummy around it :haha: I absolutely hate my tummy being touched now...it feels...weird?!!
mine does yeah and it also still fees sore and tender is that normal after 15 weeks? I've only got a small patch of numbness now so maybe that's why? It's still a bit pink too especially when I'm in the bath or get warm

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