This is exciting.... Look what's going on inside us!!
Waves, your U/S pics look lovely! And great news there was a heartbeat. Means all is well!
Had my Drs appt today to tell him I think I may have miscarried so he has given me my referral to take to EPAU on Monday and hope they will scan next Friday when I will be 6+6. He didn't seem very hopeful for me but I guess only time will tell. Bought another clearblue digi though and it said 3+ (which it should) and my last one I took (at 4+4) showed 2-3 weeks so at least it went up and not down which is my only ray of hope right now.
Will update you all psot-scan.
Awww Waves pic is lovely my OHs mum said I shouldn't get an early pic when I had my scan but I'm gutted I didn't now is seeing the hearbeat same as hearing it? Because I read that hearing hb lowers chances of m/c n I saw my babys heartbeat last week so just need reassurance.
First midwife appt today did not go well the receptionist did not book me in for long enough so I just got a load of leaflets n told to come back next week! Changed my day off at work as well for nothing
here's hoping next weeks appt will go better.
MrsHP x