Thanks sweetie.
I've not really had any luck with the doppler up until today, and I've had mine for a week.
To be honest I wasn't as worried about it really, as I knew it was early, but I'm very happy now I've heard it.
Even when I couldn't find the prune I could hear my placenta which was pretty cool.
My sickness is still pretty bad. Retching most days at some point and sick maybe every 2-3. But the 24/7 nausea isn't as bad as it was weeks 6-8, and I can actually think of foods that are tasty rather than just eating plain potatoes or pasta so I think that's progress.
Feeling a bit rough this morning as I didn't take my afternoon anti-sickness tablet last night for the first time in 2 weeks, but I have taken one this morning, so fingers crossed it kicks in soon-ish.
Just had a banana and having a cup of (Decaf) tea, so hopefully that should settle me a bit. Although I've found lately that bananas make my mouth feel all furry.