cupcake I've been told by a doctor that milk helps with heaetburn which it has for me and it never made me feel worse. Its cleared up for the most part. ive suffered with this my ebtire life and know what makes it worse, and milk has never done that. It must vary from person to person.
Court some docs say if you've been on a high carb eating diet up to the 12 am mark, your sugar may be effected. On the other hand, others docs say the opposite. So I honestly don't know what is accurate since I don't possess a medical degree LOL
I've been controlling my carbs already because I know having bad eating habits can push you over the edge to GD. Now that I actually believe based on my history with my first pregnancy. Quick tip: don't eat carbs without some protein. It helps stabilize your levels. If you eat an apple, try some peanut butter as protein to help the sugar levels. (Although peanut butter does have a bit of fat lol) hope this helps!