Hey ladies... sorry about being MIA... been so hectic the last few weeks!
How are we all! Bloomin brilliant by the looks of things!
So nice to see my mates from PAL Mighty and Cgav!
Tour.. I am a worrier too.. my Husband's family came down last weekend and the Wife had 4 children so I took her to Boots and Mothercare and gave her a basket and said fill it with what I need and I will pay! LOL
Hey Manu! Court, Mizz, ILuv - I absolutely am in for a Mum page! Wahooo! Listen to us now!
Am going to wash Leo's clothes this weekend and try and pack my hospital bag. Had a scan on Mon and Leo is still measuring 3 wks ahead and weighed in at a hefty 4lb 3 at 31 wks... 1lb 2 heavier than he is meant to... yes, my Son is a fattie!
Cons says I will not be going to my due date, which means Leo will be an April baby not May.... will be induced between 37-39 wks depending on how big he is, how my thyroid and diabetes behaves.... gulp... that means he could be here in 5 wks!!!!!