*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Congrats to the new mommies!!! Quite a few of us now. :D Go, Aimee, go! Hope you're next hun. :flower:

About the umbilical cord, looks way scarier than it is. It helped me a lot to learn that it doesn't actually hurt the baby. That was a big relief the last time around which has made this time better. It may smell a bit but it shouldn't too much because that can be a sign of infection. A bit of puss is normal too.

AFM, both boys woke up last night at 2am. I sent dh to the toddler and spent the next hour and a half helping baby pass gas and poop. Ah the infant life again. Went to check on dh after to find toddler sleeping and dh fast asleep in the chair. :sleep: Very sweet. When he got up with toddler this morning he let me sleep in with baby and woke me up to say breakfast was ready! He set it out on our fine china. Double sweet! :flower:
Congrats, leid!!

Monique: I admire your will to tandem feed :)
I did pump last nightto get rid of some hard rock knots I had on the sides and today they were back to normal :happydance:
Amy's having lots of dirty diapers, which is great since she's a little but jaundiced.

Aimee, how was your night with DH? Hope it wasn't too hard tobe away from Earl.

Totally OT: I watched House's series finale last night. I am going to miss that show :cry::cry::cry: I'm not posting any spoilers!
Thanks everyone - still nothing! :dohh:

Last night was nice actually and we slept in til nearly 9am. Hubby is just making breakfast and then we're going for a walk up to the shop to buy ant powder.....bloody things are everywhere. I'm sure Earl had a lovely time last night. Going to call MIL later on to check lol.

I don't feel so good myself today. kind of sick and a bit wobbly. May just be the heat, but I'm hoping it's a positive lol. Need to call the MWs today as I currently don't have a next appointment. 1 week overdue......eughhh! :nope:
Nits - they feel a lot better, I can hardly get any milk out now though :( I still feel happy we tried and did a lot more than I did with Jesse, he is happy and healthy though and that's what matters!

Vesper - that's so lovely, I got emotional when I read about them holding hands! Awwww! xx

Anti - teddys was disgusting, they thought it might be infected cus it stank soo much! The midwife pulled it off at 8 days, she just twisted it around and around and it came off,
He wasn't uncomfortable or anything but it would've cringed me out to do that! He's 2 weeks tomorrow and it's still a little bit scabby and bloody inside but it doesn't smell anymore x

Nic - my mum said they gave her that stuff with all of us too! it sounds a lot better than leaving it all minging! Jesses fell off at day 3! It was really short though so there wasn't much to actually come off lol.*

Mamicoch - congratulations! What a lovely name :) x

Leids - he's beautiful! Congrats xx

Aimee - hope things kick off soon! It must be so frustrating being over due :/ especially in this warm weather! xx

As for us - teddy weighed 6lbs 13oz yesterday he's due to be weighed again tomorrow! Still not up to birth weight but he's getting there slowly!
He's slept 8hrs two nights in a row now, can't believe he sleeps through before Jesse! MW said its fine to leave him to sleep at night seeing as that's the aim, and he's awake a lot in the day and has 2 feeds close together in the evening that seems to make up for the missed one at night! He's doing so well :) can't believe DH goes back to work on Monday! It's gone so fast :( teddy will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and it's just gone nowhere! I want to freeze time! X
So jealous of all you ladies that have your babies :blush: They are all beautiful and seem to be doing so well.

Hope it's not much longer for you Amiee :dust: sending lots of labour dust your way x
Ashlynn's cord fell off last night. :) feel so much better now. I was so scared of hurting her! Silly I know!! Breastfeeding is getting a little bit easier although my one nipple is still very sore and bleeding a bit. Still not sure if we should get her tongue tie snipped or not. Can't believe she's a week old today!! OH is back to work on Monday. :( been so nice to have him here to help around for two weeks. Gonna miss him so much... And nervous about being on my own with ashlynn.
So jealous of all you ladies that have your babies :blush: They are all beautiful and seem to be doing so well.

Hope it's not much longer for you Amiee :dust: sending lots of labour dust your way x

Not much longer now surely! xxx
Anti - the midwife said to me to try and look at as though it's a piece of me stuck to him not a piece of him about to fall off! If you think of it like that it's much less scary lol xx
I get my staples removed today. I am pretty sure one side is slightly infected as it hurts quite a bit. I really hope it doesn't hurt to much.
Hope it's not too bad purple! I was so scared of getting staples, im sure mine is glued on the outside, its just an incision line, you can't see any stitches or anything! It's weird x
Awww Yay for more new babies!! Hope Aimee and Aidens Mum are not too long now!!

Saskia has been weighed today and is 8lb 8.5oz so above birth weight!1 She's put on 7.5oz in 1 week :happydance: So we've been discharged and just need to see the HV .
I can't believe she's 2 weeks already, she's feeding great. Nights are very good too, to say she BF. She feeds from 10pm-11.30Pm ish on and off and I sit in bed and relax and then she sleeps till 3am, feeds again for 30 mins ish and back to sleep till 7.30-8 ish. Getting her down after the 3am feed can be hard work so i tend to let her fall asleep on me then lay her down.
Hope you're all ok xx
purple- Hope it isn't infected :hugs:

Flower fairy- That is brilliant news :hugs: Well done to both of you, glad BF is going great :) x
So it wasn't that bad and it feels tons better. Its not infected or anything. Just half my staples get twisted weird under the skin causing the pain I have been having and made it slightly harder from him to remove but every things all good now.
Great new kiwi! Glad you're feeling better. :happydance:

Nic, so jealous of your nights! Emery has been having trouble with gas and I'm sure I didn't get more than 1hr of sleep in a row all night. :coffee: From about 9pm-11pm was the worst since he wouldn't sleep but I was getting more and more exhausted. It was the 1st time since his birth that I began to really start getting angry/annoyed/frustrated. It's just the sleep debt adding up ...
Glad things went well kiwi!

Monique: poor baby! do you use gripe water in Finland? Thankfully, Gabe isn't overly gassy... Our friends baby had a Tribble time with gas pains in the early days, but is doing much better at 3 months old. The lack of sleep certainly doesn't help mommy though.

I'm so jealous of you girls having an easy time breast feeding. Gabe is still struggling. We had a Dr appt on Wednesday, and sadly he had lost weight, and when I had the breastfeeding nurse in, we realized that while he was latching on, he want actually drawing any milk out, and so his bad mommy actually hadn't fed him in a day or 2. Now he's pretty much refusing to latch, and when he does, he has this flutter type sucking with very little swallowing. So now we have to supplement with formula. I'm trying to pump, but I'm not getting very much out like I was a week ago... I think the time he wasn't drawing any thing out affected my supply. And him not doing his part with breastfeeding now isn't helping things. So the nurse is coming back today to weigh him and see if we can get him back on the boob. This is one last thing that we can try before I give up.
Nothing much to report I'm afraid. Ended up in A&E last night though with excruciating toothache. I've been told to take paracetamol every 3.5 hours and that I'm in VERY slow labour (i.e. getting batches of half a dozen contractions, every couple of hours, usually about 10-12 mins apart). Hubby had a go at checking my cervix last night and he reckons I'm pretty much fully effaced (felt like an egg with no shell apparently lol) and 1-2cm :thumbup: Contractions are a lot more painful today but obviously I'm already dosed up on painkillers, so I'm still happy in myself, if not exhausted as I didn't take anything over-night so the contractions stopped me from sleeping. Every time I thought about getting up to get some tablets I fell back to sleep! :dohh: Felt like I'd been hit by a truck this morning. I have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow at 9.30, so if no progress by then I'm going to go and cry on them to get me in for induction/section! There's only so much of this one person can take, and it's been 48 hours now. Baby is still being a fidget though, so I know everything is good in that department. I really miss Earl too and just want him to be home as soon as possible. He's having a whale of a time with his Nonnie though lol. She's been out and bought him a paddling pool and everything lol.

Aidan's Mummy - hope yours comes soon and doesn't keep you waiting like this one is us.
Purple- I'm glad the wound is ealing well :thumbup:

Vesper- Sorry your having a rough time with sleep at the moment, Aidan had colic and I know ow exhausting it can be :hugs:

Bumpin- I hope Bfing gets easier soon

Aimee- Hope your toothache eases soon and that baby sppeds things up soon. I was fully effaced last week and 2cm but nothing since then. Havng they said anything about a sweep/induction yet? x
Monique: poor baby! do you use gripe water in Finland? Thankfully, Gabe isn't overly gassy... Our friends baby had a Tribble time with gas pains in the early days, but is doing much better at 3 months old. The lack of sleep certainly doesn't help mommy though.

I'm so jealous of you girls having an easy time breast feeding.

Not sure what gripe water is so no clue! I've got infant gas drops my friend brought back from the States for me that I should read the instructions for. I'm really hoping the gas isn't related to my cappuccino(s). I don't think I'll survive without coffee!!

Sorry you're struggling with BFing. :hugs: I also find it strangely zen to realize that where one person is struggling, another is doing really well and vice verse. Nothing is ever perfect. I seem to have super milk and my boys both are growing really well and this baby will probably also be in the upper percentages of weight gain. On the other hand, it doesn't seem that either of my boys will be letting me sleep for longer stretches... I'll be a new human if I get 3 hrs in a row! :haha: I hope we all see some improvement and relief in our struggle areas! Remember to enjoy and celebrate what has been easy also! :flower:
Great new kiwi! Glad you're feeling better. :happydance:

Nic, so jealous of your nights! Emery has been having trouble with gas and I'm sure I didn't get more than 1hr of sleep in a row all night. :coffee: From about 9pm-11pm was the worst since he wouldn't sleep but I was getting more and more exhausted. It was the 1st time since his birth that I began to really start getting angry/annoyed/frustrated. It's just the sleep debt adding up ...
:hugs: I'm not expecting it ti last!! Neither of the boys slept well and Noah didnt do 7-7 until he was 2! 11-1am is our worst time, she's so windy then and the more she cries the more wind she takes in. It's hard. Just try to rest whenever you can. Even if it's just 5 minutes of eye closing xx
Glad things went well kiwi!

Monique: poor baby! do you use gripe water in Finland? Thankfully, Gabe isn't overly gassy... Our friends baby had a Tribble time with gas pains in the early days, but is doing much better at 3 months old. The lack of sleep certainly doesn't help mommy though.

I'm so jealous of you girls having an easy time breast feeding. Gabe is still struggling. We had a Dr appt on Wednesday, and sadly he had lost weight, and when I had the breastfeeding nurse in, we realized that while he was latching on, he want actually drawing any milk out, and so his bad mommy actually hadn't fed him in a day or 2. Now he's pretty much refusing to latch, and when he does, he has this flutter type sucking with very little swallowing. So now we have to supplement with formula. I'm trying to pump, but I'm not getting very much out like I was a week ago... I think the time he wasn't drawing any thing out affected my supply. And him not doing his part with breastfeeding now isn't helping things. So the nurse is coming back today to weigh him and see if we can get him back on the boob. This is one last thing that we can try before I give up.
:hugs: Sorry you're having a tough time, I had the same with both boys to be honest. I'm finding BF much easier this time, but it just shows how even though I am the same perosn, all babies are different. I had already switched to FF by this time with James and noah and they havent suffered because of it, neither is ever really poorly and they're both healthy and the right weight etc. Do what you can, but don't beat yourself up. As long as baby is happy xxxOh

Nothing much to report I'm afraid. Ended up in A&E last night though with excruciating toothache. I've been told to take paracetamol every 3.5 hours and that I'm in VERY slow labour (i.e. getting batches of half a dozen contractions, every couple of hours, usually about 10-12 mins apart). Hubby had a go at checking my cervix last night and he reckons I'm pretty much fully effaced (felt like an egg with no shell apparently lol) and 1-2cm :thumbup: Contractions are a lot more painful today but obviously I'm already dosed up on painkillers, so I'm still happy in myself, if not exhausted as I didn't take anything over-night so the contractions stopped me from sleeping. Every time I thought about getting up to get some tablets I fell back to sleep! :dohh: Felt like I'd been hit by a truck this morning. I have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow at 9.30, so if no progress by then I'm going to go and cry on them to get me in for induction/section! There's only so much of this one person can take, and it's been 48 hours now. Baby is still being a fidget though, so I know everything is good in that department. I really miss Earl too and just want him to be home as soon as possible. He's having a whale of a time with his Nonnie though lol. She's been out and bought him a paddling pool and everything lol.

Aidan's Mummy - hope yours comes soon and doesn't keep you waiting like this one is us.

Oh God, how dreadful. I hate Tooth ache and with slow labour too. Hope baby makes a move on for you hunxxx

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