*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

It wasn't quite that dodgy :haha: he just sucked abit out and spat it in a cup haha! The pump just isn't moving anything though and I can't get teddy to latch on so I don't know how I can unblock it :/ the doctor just kept saying to try and get him to bf as its important we keep the milk moving but what am I supposed to do!! It's so painful :/
Becki - Sorry to hear about the mastitis - hope the anti-b's get to work quickly for you. I don't know too much about BFing so can't really offer any more suggestions. Teddy is wonderfully cute!

Nits - Glad thing s are going well on the whole. re: DH, is there a way he could have a 'special job'? Like bathing, or doing bedtime. I don't know how long is recommended to avoid bottles but if you let him do the reading up then maybe he'll see how important it is? It's hard for Daddy to feel involved, even when they can FF. My hubby put all his energy into the housework when Earl came home....maybe giving him some time alone with her will help with his bonding.

FF - glad things are going well for you too! :thumbup:

AFM - not a lot to report. Hubby's exams went well today. He has 2 left (tomorrow and wednesday mornings) but the most important ones are now out of the way. No signs of anything as yet, and I've had a pretty good day really today energy wise. Cancelled my MW appointment today as hubby wasn't happy about me walking up to the Dr's surgery on my own with Earl - have left a message to re-book later this week. Had a real craving for drinks in general and have had 4 large glasses of squash in the last 3 hours! Hubby has gone out to get some pudding for when Earl has gone to bed with orders for it to be moist lol. Reminds me, must take my iron - my memory seems to have taken a hit this last couple of days lol.

Anyway, time for a small boy to go to bed, so I'd best be off.
The only thing I can say is keep pumping, and massaging the area while pumping. I had a plugged duct and it took close to half an hour with the pump to get it moving.

I'm still reading ladies, just hard to reply. Gabe and I are still struggling to breast feed. Friday night was the worst night. Both of us were up all night crying. He just would not latch, even with the nipple shield. I was at the point of giving up, because I felt like I couldn't enjoy my baby. My boobs and nipples hurt so badly, and poor Gabe just screamed in frustration. I pulled out all the frozen milk I had and was going to feed him that, trying to bf when he was willing. Anyways, he started to latch better during the day, and im having the nurse come by again tomorrow to see if we can improve his latch, and make his sucking more effective. Right now feeding him takes An hour, he's a lazy sucker who will treat me as a pacifier so its constant simulation from me to keep him eating. And then an hour late, he's looking for food again.
Its a good thing he's cute!

Kendra: I put Gabe in a Moby wrap without a problem, and he's smaller than Jackson, so if you can get your hands on one give out a go! I love being able to wear Gabe, I just wish he could stay in it longer before he wants to eat!
Im getting worried. Kacey has a good latch and is gaining weight. But I feel like all shes does is sleep. I literally still have to wake her to feed or she will easily go 4 hrs without. She has plenty of wet diapers and never seems to stop pooping lol.. Its so frustrating as shes really hard to wake up. OH thinks its a gestation thing since she was 38 weeks and she will wake up a bit more in the next week or so but it doesn't stop me from worrying. Kailee was always feeding it felt like in the first few weeks.
Purple teddy was like that at first I think all newborns are really, yesterday and today he has been awake more and not just either eating or sleeping! I think it just takes a few days for them to adjust that's all! Don't worry xx
You will notice a difference in his sleep soon. I was having to wake him up the first week as well. Now he wakes on his own when he is hungry and he has several periods a day where he is awake and alert and not crying, just enjoying his surroundings.
It wasn't quite that dodgy :haha: he just sucked abit out and spat it in a cup haha! The pump just isn't moving anything though and I can't get teddy to latch on so I don't know how I can unblock it :/ the doctor just kept saying to try and get him to bf as its important we keep the milk moving but what am I supposed to do!! It's so painful :/

:cry: that sound really painful and frustrating. Im sorry you're going through this

Nits - Glad thing s are going well on the whole. re: DH, is there a way he could have a 'special job'? Like bathing, or doing bedtime. I don't know how long is recommended to avoid bottles but if you let him do the reading up then maybe he'll see how important it is? It's hard for Daddy to feel involved, even when they can FF. My hubby put all his energy into the housework when Earl came home....maybe giving him some time alone with her will help be off.

Glad your OHs first round of exams is over! I think he was right not to let you walk to the doctors on your own.
My DHs job is swaddling and diaper change. I make sure to keep him as involved as possible in everything. He's great, today he was thanking me for feeding his daughter. We have our first pediatrician app tomorrow. I will bring up my fear of nipple confussion and hopefully we can have a good informative talk with her about it.

Im getting worried. Kacey has a good latch and is gaining weight. But I feel like all shes does is sleep. I literally still have to wake her to feed or she will easily go 4 hrs without. She has plenty of wet diapers and never seems to stop pooping lol.. Its so frustrating as shes really hard to wake up. OH thinks its a gestation thing since she was 38 weeks and she will wake up a bit more in the next week or so but it doesn't stop me from worrying. Kailee was always feeding it felt like in the first few weeks.

purple, amy does the same. I appetite the full four hours of sleep. Though :haha: if it's been more than four hours I o wake her up, especially since they were a bit concerned about her weight. We'll see how much she weighs tomorrow. She had like eight dirty diapers today.
Also, she's having a period :wacko: I'm glad I read a whilevago that this could happen or I would have freaked out. I never expected my daughters first period to be at four days old :dohh:

Time to get some rest!
Nits - bless! It must be shock though to find blood when you change her! xx
It is a bit shocking.the weirdest part is that it looks just like period blood: deep dark red and sticky. She also had white discharge.
Aw ladies... I hope you are all well and your babies are thriving and for those of you still waiting... Good luck!!

Me and ashlynn are doing ok. Really struggling with feeding though and almost feel like giving up on the breast feeding!! My OH has been a huge help and i don't want him to go back to work next week!! I'm so nervous of being on my own all day with ash. Anyone else feel like that???
I feel abit nervous about being on my own with 2 kids, but then I think actually ive spent quite a few afternoons in bed and DH has managed the both of them so if he can surely I'll be okay! It's just when the my both want things at the same time it's abit like Arghhhh! You'll be fine anti :hugs: it just seems intimidating at first but before you know it you'll brave your little routine going and really enjoy it :) xx
Anti, yesterday was my first day home alone with Gabe. We all survived! Just spend the day in bed...seriously. I tried to do to much, and three day was hell. So today, its 10 am, Gabe's just been fed, I'm still in my Pjs, and we are snuggled up together in bed.
:hi: Sorry to have gone MIA! Was in the hospital and could only access fb briefly on dh's phone when he came to visit.

Emery Eemil was born on Friday 18th of May at 10:52am weighing 4315g (9lbs 8oz) and 55cm (26.65in)! :flower:

We (dh and I) ended up going into the hospital to spend the night on Thursday so I could get some sleeping meds and pain meds to help me sleep through the irregular contractions I was having. We were scheduled for an induction in the am. I guess the 3hrs of uninterrupted sleep I got were enough to get my body going because I started getting regular contractions at 2am. By 4am I contacted the midwife on duty and we were transfered to a birthing room. I was 4cm dilated by that point. I got an epi at 5am and an hour or two later was 5cm. Then I dilated to 9cm in the next couple hours. The last cm took a while but once we got to pushing it was done in 20min. No episiotomy or tearing this time! I got one surface stitch because I had a tiny cut that was bleeding. The pushing phase it most def still the most intensely painful thing I've ever experienced but being able to stand and shower within an hour of birth was amazing! :happydance:

So now I'm home sitting on the couch (with my boob out of course since this kid never seems to want to stop even though he was back above his brith weight on day 3!) and I'm wondering how on earth I will do with 2 boys! I know this feeling is temporary since we have NO routines or experience at home with both but it's still daunting.


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OK I'm getting jealous now! lol

Only have to make it to tomorrow morning then operation 'Get this baby Outta Me!' gets underway lol. I am having tightenings irregularly at the moment so just trying to figure out whether it's just movements or something to monitor......I have a bruised rib too because SOMEONE keeps wedging him/herself up against them!
Anti, my advice is: if you feel so overwhelmed that you want to cry, go ahead and cry! It worked wonders for me :)
My DH had to work the same night we came back home an the idea of him being away for 10 hours was horrible. My mom is staying with us, which is a huge help, but I wanted DH. I had a good cry before he left for work and we cuddled and then I just fell asleep. By the time I woke up at 2 to feed Amy, I was back to feeling great.

Aimee, go buy all the pineapple in your city! =P

Monique: welcome back and congrats!!!!! He's adorable. I'm really glad your delivery went so well. Also, in that first pic, he looks just like you!
Totally forgot to mention why we had a 5 day hospital stay! Emery has an elevated infection level so on Saturday (the day after he was born) he was checked into the children's ward for antibiotics. He spent the night there and I came in the night to nurse and hold him. I just couldn't sleep otherwise! I woke up to pump milk and had the strongest feeling to bring it there. He woke up just in time for me to nurse him instead and he got my pumped milk for his next meal to get him by until I came back in the morning. The level kept dropping everyday and he was released into my care in the ward where I was staying that day. We went back for antibiotics twice a day until this morning when the level was low enough that the doctor granted us permission to go home, finally! It actually all went much better than I would have thought and we only came home 1 day later than we would have (since Sunday there was no doctor doing the basic checks for people leaving).
Glad you're home now vesper! xxx

Well I'm in trouble today, went to the park and then round the supermarket, then came home and cleaned the house,

Stupid me :dohh: went to the loo and noticed the middle of my scar has popped open abit and all my scar was bleeding!!! Totally freaked out!! Got the midwife to come and look at it and got a severe telling off and DH is under strict instructions I'm not allowed to do anything other than walk from the bed to the couch or the loo for the next few days or I'm at a big risk of the whole thing popping open :dohh: I know I've been doing more than I should but I've felt completely fine, I don't know when this one thing after another side effects of having a new baby is going to stop lol!
I feel okay but my scar is stinging now I'm scared to move, I want to get up! It's so hard for me to stay in bed and leave the house and the boys to DH :/ but he's back at work on Monday so I need to make sure in recovering better by then!

Hope everyone is good!

Aimee your LO is certainly taking 'fashionably late' to heart :haha: xx
vesper - congrats!!

boothh - take it easy!!

thanks for all the support and words of encouragement ladies!! Amazing how much a little bit of encouragement helps get you through!! :hugs:
Anti- yes I was scared to death when hubby was gone. Not that he knows what he's doing any more than I do but it is nice to have company to get through the bumps together. Luckily my mom is a couple miles away and will drop anything to come help if needed.

Booth- I think I kinda did the same thing at first, I couldn't stop bleeding and I think it was because I was doing waaaaay too much. Luckily at about 8-9 days I hit rock bottom and kinda mentally went off the deep end and got some much needed rest and felt 100 times better. Mine was more of a mental thing than physical like yours but I am not even bleeding any more thank goodness! Still stings down there though.
Monique: Glad to hear things went so well with your delivery! I had everything crossed for an easy one for ya! Also glad to hear the Emery is doing well, he is soooo cute!!!

Hang in there Aimee! Baby cant stay in there forever! I went into labour at 40+5... just saying...lol

Becki: Take it easy hun! (I realize thats easier said than done)

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