*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

I don't even do the boiling water because here we just have to wash and rinse them. It's a lot easier using water from the tap too instead of purified water and then heating it. I can take it straight from the tap in the temp that I need so its less fussy baby and baby gets food faster!
So in the hospital Kacey failed her hearing test well got a referral so i just called them today and she has a retest july 4 which seems forever away and i keep worrying she cant hear me or somthing
I didn't think you had to sterilize bottles unless you live on a well water system, or in an Astra where there is a possibility of you're water being contaminated. I'm not using powder formula (yet) as I'm not using a lot of formula. But I'm going to be switching to powder soon...

Kiwi: hopefully everything works out. I really don't know anything about how those tests work. Maybe there is a false failure rate?

Arm: Gabe lost weight again this week. He's still above his birth weight, but I'm really staying to think we're not going to be successful with this breastfeeding thing. I'm gaining and losing the same ground every week. But I've promised myself to give it 6 weeks for Gabe to catch on. So I've got a little over 2 weeks before I quit. I've had so many people come by to see if they have any suggestions, and I'm really out of options at this point. So frustrated...
well apparently fluid after birth can give false results, and since she was a c section baby she has more fluid build up then a vaginal birth so i hope that was it but its hard to tell somtimes it seems like she can hear others i really question it as i clap next to her really loud as she isnt phased at all :(
Why look at all the baby chat in here now!! I can't wait to join you!!

Hopefully really soon!!

So, my major epiphany for the day? I can do ANYTHING with one kid! Anything and without much trouble (No worries first time moms, it comes with practice!). Two? Another story entirely! I feel so completely ******** (sorry if that expression offends anyone) when it comes to managing two. I can't seem to think of simple logical solutions for anything until someone else tells me... then it's like, oh yeah! WHY couldn't I figure that out??? :haha::blush:

(edit) Huh? I was censored! Well I feel silly and extremely dimwitted...
:hugs: I can only guess the word but if it begins with R, then in the uk it's a really derogatory word but I know it's not in other countries Hun zx
Also I'm finding juggling 2 small ones a challenge. James being older is much easier but trying to do basic household tasks with a toddler and a newborn is stressful!!!! Xxx

Didn't know, thanks!

I reeally want to know what word you used and I can't figure it out because it's too early for my little brain :dohh:

It must just be me but I'm finding 2 waaay easier than one! I'd gotten lazy with Jesse, with teddy feeding so regularly it forces us to have some sort of routine which has made things really seem a lot easier than it was just going with he flow with one kid! Hope things get easier soon :hugs:
The only thing that's killing me is the sleep deprivation, teddy sleeps really well and I'm lucky to have a DH that does more than his share of night feeds but im just soooo tired!
Maybe partly to do with the blood transfusion I never got before I left hospital, I imagine my iron is still pretty low!
well apparently fluid after birth can give false results, and since she was a c section baby she has more fluid build up then a vaginal birth so i hope that was it but its hard to tell somtimes it seems like she can hear others i really question it as i clap next to her really loud as she isnt phased at all :(

Teddy was a section baby too and she had to try a few times to get a clear reading for him (eventually she did) I think it's normal what you're describing for her age, teddy is selective with what loud noises he reacts to, try not to worry!

The HV came yesterday and teddy was 7lbs 5oz so finally past his birth weight at 3 weeks old :happydance: he is only on the 9th centile bless! Jess was on the 91st so it's strange to have this skinny little baby for me lol! Long though! I bit the bullet and packed away his tiny baby clothes, all still baggy around his body but he has long legs and couldn't straighten them properly in that size! Newborn absolutely swamps him but at least he will be more comfortable!
Gutted though, he's literally worn each baby grow once, and none of them were cheap! :/
Boothh my LO is in the low centiles too, it kinda freaks me out but I know he will catch up eventually. They did say for his weight and height he is proportionate so he's ok there, but he's in the 14th percentile for height and 9th for weight and that was at 3 weeks and 7lbs 13oz.

Kinda weird though at the WIC office they weigh them with a onesie on and a dry diaper... just seems like it would add a couple useless ounces that would throw off the results wouldn't it?

I am trying a new formula, I have been on the Similac sensitive version for gassiness and fussiness, but he still has a lot of gas, I paid a lot of money for the Enfamil newborn version and I can tell its thinner and blends better so I am hoping he will take better to it. Unfortunately I will have to pay out of pocket for it, ugh. And it's over 20 dollars a can! Eek!
It must just be me but I'm finding 2 waaay easier than one! I'd gotten lazy with Jesse, with teddy feeding so regularly it forces us to have some sort of routine which has made things really seem a lot easier than it was just going with he flow with one kid! Hope things get easier soon :hugs:
The only thing that's killing me is the sleep deprivation, teddy sleeps really well and I'm lucky to have a DH that does more than his share of night feeds but im just soooo tired!
Maybe partly to do with the blood transfusion I never got before I left hospital, I imagine my iron is still pretty low!

I think the slowly going sleep debt is making me pretty nervous about when DH goes back to work next Friday... my 2 have a 21 month age gap so ds1 is still pretty needy. It breaks my heart when he comes and asks to be picked up just when it would be really hard for me to do it safely with ds2. I have to consciously think of times and ways to concentrate on him so he gets his mommy-fix. Newborns are pretty demanding too. They just scream to let you know they need you and it's pretty important to respond quickly. I hate having to make ds1 wait. He throws a fit now about it too.
I think the baby blues have finally hit me. Today, for the 1st time, I just felt like crying... completely inadequate, useless, unfair to have 2 babies, indifferent... a whole slough of negativity.
Thanks for the pics and great cloth diaper tips! My cloth diapers that I was using were newborn Happy Heineys pocket and they just didn't get tight enough around her tiny legs (until now at 6 weeks). I JUST started using my GroVia AI2 Hybrid system. They go from 8lbs-35lbs and although they make her butt look big in some outfits they don't leak! My little one is a very heavy wetter so with the newborn size I could only go an hour and I'd have to change her (which could also have been my problem with leaks) I was used to disposables where you could go hours without changing (and now I feel bad she was wet for so long in them) but with the GroVia I'm changing every 2 hours. They could hold more but I don't want her sitting in a diaper more than 2 hours (unless overnight or napping). And of course as soon as she poops I change her right away :) I'm so glad that they are finally fitting so I don't have to buy anymore disposables! Man those things are expensive! And they fill up our garbage like no tomorrow! We are only allowed 1 bag or we have to pay!
I gotta get on my computer more often to update and keep up with everything that's going on! My phone isn't the greatest way to update!
I think the baby blues have finally hit me. Today, for the 1st time, I just felt like crying... completely inadequate, useless, unfair to have 2 babies, indifferent... a whole slough of negativity.

Went to get afternoon coffee and food shopping as a family. The fresh air (and coffee I'm sure) made a world of difference! For now I'm feeling pretty ok. Hope it continues! :thumbup:
Diana- only 1 garbage bag? Holy crap! We would be so screwed. We are going through a garbage bag a day between the disposable diapers, drop-in bottle liners, and our regular garbage.

And as for the disposable diapers and them sitting in their pee for several hours, I think its different than cloth as the disposable ones pull the wetness away from the top and soak into the diaper like a pad, so don't feel bad about it, it still feels dry to them unless they poo :)
I think the baby blues have finally hit me. Today, for the 1st time, I just felt like crying... completely inadequate, useless, unfair to have 2 babies, indifferent... a whole slough of negativity.

Went to get afternoon coffee and food shopping as a family. The fresh air (and coffee I'm sure) made a world of difference! For now I'm feeling pretty ok. Hope it continues! :thumbup:

Aww glad you're feeling a bit better. It's hard work isn't it xxx
We are only allowed one bag a week also. Its impossible there are 3 adults a toddler and a baby in my house so we easily go through 2+ bags a week. We recycle also but theres no limit on that at least.
Here you just get penalized if you overfill your trash can that they collect but I know a lot of places are cracking down on waste production and whatnot.

I feel terrible for my sister, she's due at the end of August and she's been in the hospital since Thursday with a super bad kidney infection. They've had her on 2 types of antibiotics and she still has had a fever this whole time. The baby is fine thank goodness but I feel terrible for her to have to stay in the hospital longer than she would if she went into labor!
Purple, I hope everything is ok with your LO’s hearing. My baby doesn’t respond to noises all the time either, and she passed the test. Actually, we had an awful thunderstorm a few nights ago, even the dog was shaking and Amy didn’t even wake up.

Booth, Amy is small too (I don’t know in terms of percentile). She weighed 7lbs 1.4oz at birth and at her two week checkup she was at 6lbs 15oz (after putting on 5 oz in a week). She’s still at 20 inches long. Her pediatrician told me to pump a couple of times a day just to produce more milk. I feel ambivalent about pumping, I don’t want to have overproduction and giver her a stomach ache. Part of me just thinks she’s a tiny baby. I don’t want to force her to eat if she doesn’t want to. Jeez, I didn’t think I would have these food issues until she was at least a couple of years old :dohh:

Vesper, hope you’re feeling better =)

I don’t even have garbage removal where I live =S
We have to put the garbage bags in the car and drive to the landfill… Thank god we are moving in a month.
AFM, Amy hasn’t pooped in two days. She doesn’t seem to be in pain and has had plenty of wet diapers. She is also passing gas, just no BM. We are not concerned yet…
Nits- I can't remember are you solely BF-ing or are you combi-feeding?

I have been reading up a lot on baby poop because of the changes in my LO's bowel movements from switching from BF to FF. Everything I read said its not unusual to go up to 3 days for a BF baby to have a BM and even longer for FF babies! As long as her stools aren't hard I wouldn't be concerned either.

I'm currently switching to a gentler formula on my LO and he's spitting up more because its thinner, as well as having some nasty runny poop.
Kendra, I'm BFing only. I looked it up and also found tha it's not unusual. She also needs to gain weight, so maybe she's going through a growth spurt?
Ladies, I am happy to announce that things are great between DH and me. I love my little family :)
Ana: that's great that things are better. The hormones post pregnancy are even crazier than during! As for the poop question, I think with breastfeed babies you should see 2-3 poops a day. Any less could be a sign that baby is not getting enough to eat. But check with your Dr before panicking! I also know that almost anything can be normal with bfing babies and as long as she is gaining enough weight, going a few days between poops is totally fine.

Monique: glad your feeling better! Those baby blues are no fun! How is Asher taking to Emery? I love their names, are they Finnish names? Our do they come from somewhere else?

Gabe and I went to a baby shower hosted by my coworkers. Gabe was passed around like a hot potato! We received a very generous monetary gift from the unit, as well as a few bits of clothing, toys, and a bouncer chair. I'm not sure what to do with the bouncer though. I bought one before Gabe was born, but I feel bad returning it...

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