*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Ana: that's awesome! Yay for Amy!

Becki: I don't think you'll ever get used to it, hopefully he starts sleeping longer at night!

Monique: 13 lbs! Wow!!! I don't think Gabe is going to hit that for a long time...lol.

Glad every one seems to be doing well!

Afm: had a very rough weekend. OHs parents finally came out to meet Gabe. (he's only 6 weeks old) his mom is an old pediatric nurse, who raised 3 kids, so I give credit where credit is due... BUT, she doesn't know my child. I had a very specific plan for feeding him in place so that I could maintain my supply, slowly build it up so that I could hopefully bf exclusively. I offer him both breasts followed by no more than 2 oz of formula, so that he will continue to ask to be fed every 2-3 hours. Well, if I had a penny for every time I wad told I'm starving my child, I'd be a very rich woman. Every time Gabe let out a peep, she told me to feed him. And after every bottle, she told me he needed more. I was at the point where I was giving him less than 10 oz in 24 hours of formula, and he was gaining an oz per day. Just to stop the pestering we gave him more, and he was vomiting constantly. He had more formula in the 3 days she was here than he had in the past 2 weeks! Gabe has acid reflux, and is pretty gassy, so he frequently cries because of that. I've been feeding him every day for 6 weeks, I think I know him by now.

Now, my supply is so low, Gabe won't stay on the boob. He just pulls away and cries. I'm ffingg now, and pumping every 2-3 hours to hopefully build my supply, but I have a bad feeling that bfing is no longer possible for us. Its my own fault for not sticking to my guns about how much formula he needs.
Oh, and he has gained 8 oz in 7 days, so he is definitely not starving! He's just skinny!
Bumping, that's totally unfair that you felt pushed to feed him more. Doesn't she know you are trying very hard to build up your supply?

OT: for those of you with more than one kid, when did their eye color start to change? I know it may take up to a year to settle, but Amy's eyes are still newborn blue/grey. Depending on the light they look darker or really light. I am just being impatient :)

Amy was one month old yesterday!!!!
Yes, I tried to explain what I was doing, and was told : it's not about you, he needs to be fed.
Hope you're all ok!! We've had two bad nights in a row now and I'm shattered!! Ash used to sleep 4 hour stretches at night. She has done since birth but these last two nights she's only done between one and a half and two hour stretches. I'm truly shattered!!!
Hi guys! Hope everyone is well :)

Teddy was weighed yesterday and was 8lbs 7oz and still on the 9th centile!
I thought he was really long but he's only 52cm and on the 2nd centile for height!
He fits in newborn and upto 1month clothes but the HV said he has quite long legs for a baby so that's why
0-3 is still huge on him thoug everywhere, but some newborn are getting short in the legs!
anti - sounds like a major growth spurt. plenty of naps on the sofa are called for in that situation lol. :hugs:

hi all - sorry I'm not on much. Between Eddy, Earl and hubby I don't get much time to myself to potter about on here so I tend to flit in and out lol. Eddy is doing really well - 6oz every 3 hours and tbh I'm considering upping to 7oz as he's emptying the 6's :wacko: Nights are ok but I'm going to have to speak to hubby about sleeping arrangements as Eddy is keeping me awake (through being noisy while asleep lol) and he like to play until about 10pm, then again at about 3am lol. I need to work on his sleep routine, and I can't do that if we're having the tv on in an evening in our bedroom etc. God I forgot how easy it was when Earl was in his own room lol. :wacko: Hubby is out fishing today - not expecting him back til about 9pm (he left at 4.30am! lol) so I can at least do the boys bedtime on my own and see how I get on. So far today has been nice. Eddy woke up at 6.30, Earl came in a few minutes later, we watched postman pat in bed while I fed Eddy then had breakfast and got dressed (all 3 of us) by 9am. Another bottle for Eddy was swiftly followed by a trip to the shops and the park to get a few essentials and feed the 3 ducklings on the pond (my gosh they're the cutest wee things! lol) and then home for a mug of horlicks (sick of tea lol) and some cookies. It feels like it's about 6pm lol. On the plus side Eddy is still napping (expecting a wake up anytime for his midday feed) and Earl managed the entire trip out dry - we're fully into pants and trousers now in the day. He can go roughly 1.5 hours without a wee, so we just have to work around the timings lol.

Has anyone else managed to get a proper routine established yet? I'm really working hard on it, and apart from the sleeping issues, we're doing well I think. :thumbup: I'm a big believer in consistency for children in every aspect, and I want Eddy to slot into Earl's routine, so maybe this makes it easier :shrug: Eddy's bath night tonight (we take it in turns at the moment as Eddy is too little to go in the bath with Earl) so that should be fun with Earl watching - normally he's in bed or watching telly/reading/playing with hubby.

Anyway, I'm waffling. I'd best be off to make scrambled eggs for lunch. MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm yummers! :haha:
OT: for those of you with more than one kid, when did their eye color start to change? I know it may take up to a year to settle, but Amy's eyes are still newborn blue/grey.
They change gradually all the time with the exposure to the sun but "they" say by around 6 months you should have a good idea what they will become.

Yes, I tried to explain what I was doing, and was told : it's not about you, he needs to be fed.
That is so frustrating to feel ignored and treated like you don't know your baby. I can totally understand how you must feel worried about the BFing now. I hope your supply picks up and you can continue.

He fits in newborn and upto 1month clothes but the HV said he has quite long legs for a baby so that's why
0-3 is still huge on him thoug everywhere, but some newborn are getting short in the legs!

I've been lazy here but I think I need to take out our 62cm clothes soon... (50/56cm is newborn). I'm sure we used approx 10% of what was in his drawer! :haha: The downside of big babies I guess. At least you can enjoy those cute little outfits a while longer. :flower:

Hubby is out fishing today - not expecting him back til about 9pm (he left at 4.30am! lol) so I can at least do the boys bedtime on my own and see how I get on.

I want Eddy to slot into Earl's routine, so maybe this makes it easier :shrug:

I'm terrified of doing our morning or night routine alone with both of our boys! It's a little chaotic as it is with both dh and I doing them!

I've just been following my toddler's routine and baby is along for the ride. I see some times he seems to consistently sleep but not much else yet. I'm just caring for him on demand right now.
I'm now convinced ash is going through a growth spurt. On Sunday she had 28oz of EBM in 24 hours and yesterday and today she's had 34oz in 24 hours. Does that sound like too much?? So glad my milk supply is good!!
Hope you're all ok!! We've had two bad nights in a row now and I'm shattered!! Ash used to sleep 4 hour stretches at night. She has done since birth but these last two nights she's only done between one and a half and two hour stretches. I'm truly shattered!!!

Amy did that two a few days ago. You can tell she's looking bigger and she feels heavier too.

Hi guys! Hope everyone is well :)

Teddy was weighed yesterday and was 8lbs 7oz and still on the 9th centile!
I thought he was really long but he's only 52cm and on the 2nd centile for height!
He fits in newborn and upto 1month clothes but the HV said he has quite long legs for a baby so that's why
0-3 is still huge on him thoug everywhere, but some newborn are getting short in the legs!

Amy is still in new born clothes too. She weighed in at 7 lbs 9.2 oz last Friday. I tried some 0-3 outfits on and they are still huge for her.

Has anyone else managed to get a proper routine established yet?

Nope, but she seems to wake up every 3 or 4 hours by herself. She feeds and goes back to sleep. She's a pretty sleepy baby =S
Aimee - wow he drinks a lot! Teddy has just gone on to 5oz every 3.5-4 hrs but he quite often (especially at night) will just have about 3oz and pass out lol, he does have some breastmilk but I'm pretty sure he's getting less than 1oz a time, my milk seems to be going :/ but I suppose even a teaspoon a feed is better than nothing! I think he just likes it for comfort now lol x

My baby has gone on his first sleep over tonight!! I'm missing him like crazy! It's the first time ive been away from him for more than 3hrs (to the cinema once!)
We went to see blink 182 in newcastle, I booked the tickets christmas 2010 so way before ted was even thought about! it was DH birthday present from last year but they rescheduled the tour! I wanted to go pick him up on our way home but we got back at 1.30am (it was a 3hr drive) so DH convinced me to let him stay at my mums so we don't disturb them, it would've been past 3am by the time we got home if we went to pick them up!

I feel so bad, and can't sleep without him! The house feels empty I just can't settle! We had a really fun time though and even the HV on Monday said to go and have abit of time to ourselves. She said everyone needs a break sometimes because it's pretty relentless having a newborn especially with a toddler on top and said I should make the most of someone offering to take them both over night lol.
I must admit though I'm reeeeally looking forward to not having to get up at 5am and lying in til whenever I want to! Soo going to spend all tomorrow sleeping lol. Cannot wait to get them back though! I miss teddys smell and his noises so much! :( x
I'm now convinced ash is going through a growth spurt. On Sunday she had 28oz of EBM in 24 hours and yesterday and today she's had 34oz in 24 hours. Does that sound like too much?? So glad my milk supply is good!!

nope - you can't overfeed a newborn so give her what she asks for :thumbup:

Boothh - in the past 24 hours Eddy drank 43oz of milk! This is going to cost us a blooming fortune lol :haha: Earl was on about 36oz at this point so not greatly dissimilar
I'm sorry ladies, but I just have to share!

I just pumped a full ounce from my left boob:happydance::happydance::happydance:

After weeks of only being able to get 5-10 mls, I may be able to increase my supply enough to convince Gabe back onto the boob!
I'm sorry ladies, but I just have to share!

I just pumped a full ounce from my left boob:happydance::happydance::happydance:

After weeks of only being able to get 5-10 mls, I may be able to increase my supply enough to convince Gabe back onto the boob!

Becki, hope you enjoyed your night by yourselves :)

I'm sorry ladies, but I just have to share!

I just pumped a full ounce from my left boob:happydance::happydance::happydance:

After weeks of only being able to get 5-10 mls, I may be able to increase my supply enough to convince Gabe back onto the boob!


We are moving in two weeks! Our house is so small, I am looking forward to all the extra space we'll have. There's even room for a kitchen table :haha:

I am also signing up for two classes for the fall semester. I am working towards my masters in education.

Aaaaalso, I decided I'm signing up for weight watchers. They have special "mom and me" meetings and they make accommodations for breast feeding. I will wait until Amy is two months old, though, so that my milk supply is more established.

What is really miss is going to the gym. There's one with day care near our new house, but I don't know how much the monthly fee is. I think for the rest of the summer I'll just take walks with Amy.
Becki: hope your night to yourselves was quiet and restful!

Ana: I don't think I could do 2 classes...lol...what are you taking your masters in?
I started going back to the gym last week. I hardly went while pregnant as I felt too ill. I can't believe how out of shape I have gotten! I'm winded doing things I hardly broke a sweat over before, and yoga is painful!
Special Ed :)

I got tired just from shopping yesterday. Me legs really hurt. My mom says I'm still recovering from the csection. It may be true, my incision feels swollen and a bit aches now
Special Ed :)

I got tired just from shopping yesterday. Me legs really hurt. My mom says I'm still recovering from the csection. It may be true, my incision feels swollen and a bit aches now

Mine hurt from all the standing on Tuesday! And because I havnt done anything for 6 weeks, my calves are killing from the walk to and from jesses new school yesterday (up and down steep hills) and its only a 5 minute walk!

Found jesses red book yesterday and he was so big compared to ted!
At 5weeks 3days teddy was 8lbs 7oz at 5 weeks exactly jess was 12lbs 10oz haha!

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