*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

i wonder if they'll change my dates tomorrow?
I've become quite attched to 9th May! lol
wouldn't say there are any cons to having a vaginal delivery....a c-section is major surgery.....it is not natural and only an option when it is safer for Mum and/or baby...that is my opinion....I will wait to be shot! :haha:
Yay for everyones good news!! I also got some good news today!! My ultrasound to find out the gender is finally booked!!! We go in December 6th at 10:00am!!! I'm SO excited!! Although I'm positive it's a girl lol. Guess we'll have to wait and see!!
Congrats on the great scans, xxx

I thought since having my LO (always been told) that I would have to have c section this time, but now iv been told and reassured they are happy fr me to gonaturally if I want to!! I am so happy and relieved! Labour is made out to be alot worse than it is! The pushing was the only bit that hurt me really! Im really looking forward to be in labour ad giving birth I'm so excited to do it again! It was an amazing experience!
Hello May bluebells!! :hugs:

I haven't been on in a while, but I just read through so many posts to catch up!!! I especially love the Beautiful scan pics!!

My due date changed from May 6th to May 1st!!!

I have a feeling my baby is going to be a big baby, he/she is measuring ahead of dates... I know exactly when I ovulated because I'm obsessive (I am sure you ALL know what that is like when TTC):haha: and on top of that my husband was a 12lb baby!!!!!!! yikes!

Can we discuss vaginal delivery verse a C-section? I have so many embarassing questions to ask about vaginal delivery. If anyone is willing to give me some details/pros/cons please let me know. :hugs::kiss: Happy,
healthy pregnancy's to everyone!!!!!!!!!

Ask away! I had lots of questions when I was pregnant with my son too. I was only 17 and scared shitless of labour! I had just turned 18 when I had him and had a vaginal delivery. It for sure wasn't as bad as they make it out to be. My son was a premie but a very large one! At 32 weeks when he was born he was 5lbs 15oz. Honestly I have a friend who went for c-sections for all 5 of her children and was in so much pain for weeks after. Of course it's not the most fun for labour but recovery time for me was a walk in the park compared to all of my friends who had surgery. Plus as SOON as I saw my baby ALL pain disappeared. I would totally go for a natural birth over a c-section. Plus they do have awesome pain meds if it gets really bad :) I didn't have a choice they made me get an epidural because they wanted to stop labour but ended up turning it off when they knew I was going to have him the next day anyways so I felt everything.
Thanks for the info!!

DianaM you said ask away so here goes:haha: after vaginal delivery does everything go back to looking normal down there? Is sex the same? I am so scared of tearing or getting "loose" <---sorry TMI after vaginal delivery and not enjoying sex with my husband or vice versa.

What is the baby is to big, do they always have to cut you (episiotomy?) On a scale of 1-10 how painful is vaginal delivery? I have so many questions this is my first pregnancy!! Thank you in advance!!!!!!!! :flower:
Hello ladies, feel like I haven't been on here in ages!

So excited to make it past the 12 week mark. Also super duper excited for my appointment on Thursday. I am starting to get round ligament pains (I think?) which is irritating but it makes me feel better as I can't feel my uterus yet since I had a lot of belly weight to begin with.

Thanks for starting the topic about vaginal delivery- I have a lot of questions too- I will probably go over to the third tri or whatever and read threads there too.
Thanks for the info!!

DianaM you said ask away so here goes:haha: after vaginal delivery does everything go back to looking normal down there? Is sex the same? I am so scared of tearing or getting "loose" <---sorry TMI after vaginal delivery and not enjoying sex with my husband or vice versa.

What is the baby is to big, do they always have to cut you (episiotomy?) On a scale of 1-10 how painful is vaginal delivery? I have so many questions this is my first pregnancy!! Thank you in advance!!!!!!!! :flower:

I had a vaginal delivery where I ended up needing an episiotomy but I tore after that (had to go to surgery after) and the baby was birthed using a suction cup! I can speak a bit about that and after and answer some of your questions based on my own experience.

As for the 1-10 question, the answers you get will run the gamut I'm sure. The individual pain tolerance, baby size, mother size, pain medicine, etc will all make everyone's experience 100% different! My birth was kind of hellish (9?) but, TBH, I'm kind of looking forward to this next birth. It really MUST go better than the last one!

If they need to make a cut, I don't really think it's a super big deal. It is cleaner and easier to sew up. I was really worried about it too but I must say, when they told me they were doing it (it was necessary), I just wanted that baby out! My baby's head and shoulders were about the same width so unfortunately he didn't just slip out once I got the head part over with. The shoulders are what caused some tearing... a lot actually. The tearing went down to the anus and partially through from the vagina to the anus. I wound up with stitches inside and from the bottom of the vagina all the way down and partially around the anus.

Did that make any sense. Hope so... anyway, the recovery after that was a little longer than with a vaginal birth without tearing of course. We didn't try to have sex until about 7 weeks after the birth. I actually found that I was too tight and it hurt inside! I didn't enjoy it. :cry: It takes some time for tissue that has been sewn to become softer and flexible again. I was really worried and asked about it with my doctor too. Before the birth, my DH and I were a perfect fit. Now I couldn't take him and that really bothered me. We didn't try too often but I would say that about 4-5 months after the birth, things started changing. The tissue gave way more and the inside (which in my case had also tore a bit) became less sore and I started enjoying again. It was slow though and I only liked certain positions. By 6-8 months we were having normal sex and I felt the same size again.

Everyone's case will be her own of course but I hear that a lot of woman find that they feel even tighter after birth, the opposite of the problem you're worrying about! Birth is a huge deal for the body and it naturally takes time to get back to normal. I recall reading something about it taking a full year after birth before your body will return to the state it was before pregnancy, just to keep things in perspective.

Oh, and because I imagine someone will ask at some point about this too, yeah, I totally pooped while pushing. :haha: You won't care. The nurses will probably clean it so fast that your won't even notice!
My son was a forceps delivery, and when the epidural finally worked it wasn't bad, but obviously painful afterwards and he had huge bruises down his face for a few days! But I much preferred it as an option to c-section!

However in longer term view, think it has affected him he hates his head being in tight spaces or feeling trapped and reacts badly, we put it down to a residual memory of being "stuck"!
I *think* we're all updated!!
I've had 2 vagainal births and would never choose a section without some serious medical reason. There would be no way I could look after a child, a toddler, a newborn and hubby and dog after major abdominal surgery!!!!!
All my bits and bobs are fine after 2 births, no worries there!! :) xx
I'm gonna try for a natural birth this time. Got an open mind though, and will do whatever necessary to get this baby out safely!
Yay for everyones good news!! I also got some good news today!! My ultrasound to find out the gender is finally booked!!! We go in December 6th at 10:00am!!! I'm SO excited!! Although I'm positive it's a girl lol. Guess we'll have to wait and see!!

Mine is on the 5th @ 6pm.. where are you going for yours ?
Thanks for the info!!

DianaM you said ask away so here goes:haha: after vaginal delivery does everything go back to looking normal down there? Is sex the same? I am so scared of tearing or getting "loose" <---sorry TMI after vaginal delivery and not enjoying sex with my husband or vice versa.

What is the baby is to big, do they always have to cut you (episiotomy?) On a scale of 1-10 how painful is vaginal delivery? I have so many questions this is my first pregnancy!! Thank you in advance!!!!!!!! :flower:

I have had four vaginal deliveries ( my first I had stitches because they had to use forcepts , she had the cord around her neck and needed to get out fast)
I went right back to normal afterwards..I am a firm beleiver in "kegal" excersises. They helped me alot before and after delivery.
As for the pain..god gave me this wonderful ability to " forgive and forget" about the pain of labour.. I have always looked at it as a pain with a purpose..and a great gift in the end.
Hi girls - can I join you lot as well please. Im due May 17th. Got my first scan on Monday and it really cant come quick enough!!!
Hi girls - can I join you lot as well please. Im due May 17th. Got my first scan on Monday and it really cant come quick enough!!!

Congratulations & welcome!x
Had scan this morning, baby all looking good and healthy.
I was measuring 13+4 so have changed due date to 5th May and have booked 20 week scan for 20th December.
Will try and take photo of pic later and post.
Hope everyones ok, and welcome anti! xxx
I *think* we're all updated!!
I've had 2 vagainal births and would never choose a section without some serious medical reason. There would be no way I could look after a child, a toddler, a newborn and hubby and dog after major abdominal surgery!!!!!
All my bits and bobs are fine after 2 births, no worries there!! :) xx

Sorry to be a pain but would you be able to change me to 5th May!
Thanks hun :hugs:
ooo, just looked and i'm the only one on our thread for the 5th!
Had scan this morning, baby all looking good and healthy.
I was measuring 13+4 so have changed due date to 5th May and have booked 20 week scan for 20th December.
Will try and take photo of pic later and post.
Hope everyones ok, and welcome anti! xxx

Glad everything went well!!
You're a day ahead of me now!!

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