*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Had my 29 week appointment! All is fine. She is breech but still time to turn. My MW was lovely so I'm so pleased!! No rushing either. Back in 3 weeks which will fly xx

What happened at your appointment? Am guessing the same as I will be having tomoro at my 28 weeks one - just want to know if OH will be missing out on anything as he can't go to it :( xx

OHHHH and btw - the house has been put on hold for us!! :happydance: just gotta go for the mortgage now and hope it all goes through ok!!!!! :D

I dont take my OH!! She just gave me my blood results, but you've probably had them back. She then took blood pressure and palpated baby and listened to her hearbeat for a minute. She also took more blood for iron!

Good news on the house!! :happydance::hugs:
Im booking in with new midwives next Wednesday at 10am 27+5 which is my '28 week' appointment too, had my bloods done yesterday though so that's out the way!

I sorted out all baby clothes today and have a good list now of exactly what I still need, also wrote out a list of what I need for hospital bag!!! Seems to be coming around way too fast now, I really need to start buying baby things!
Also how long does it take to get GTT results back?
I think the call you fairly quick if there is any issues. Otherwise I got mine today after it was done on 25th Jan x
Hows everyone feeling?? I am starting to become a little bit uncomfortable...I know its not as worse as it will get .... only a little bit more!!!
I'm SO happy that you guys are all for cloth diapers!!!! ALL of my friends except 2 think I'm absolutely insane and are telling me it's not worth it and just putting the whole idea down :( I think it would be SO much better for the baby AND save money... they compared it to a women using the same "washable PAD" every month for her period... I mean.. I don't think it's ANY different than using and washing your daily underware, and I definitely don't think it's ANYTHING like using the same pad or tampon every month.

I had a Prenatal appointment on Monday... they said my blood pressure is low again.. 90 over 65. Her heartrate was 156bpm, my fundal height was 26 weeks but she explained the reason for that.. Ryleigh's head is WAY below my pubic bone already.. she said she's never seen a baby's head so low like this. Could be why I'm having so much sciatic and hip pain. They tested my urine and said there was sugar in it :( Had to get my finger poked and bloodwork done.. then they gave me the GD test and said that came back on the high side too.. now I have to go next wednesday for ANOTHER drink test which is WAY sweeter than this was and if that comes back I for sure DO have Gestational Diabetes... as it is right now they are sending me to a dietitian because I have an "intolerance to sugar" I just hope they say it's not full blown GD.

Apparently the placenta has moved up enough that I can have a vaginal birth (*but my dr always changes her mind between visits so I'm checking with my OB from the Childrens Hospital this Friday when I go in)

Other than that I've been having HORRIBLE acid reflux... it's SO bad that I wake up in the middle of the night in SO much pain it feels like my stomach is going to burn a hole right through my skin :( Tums have been a daily thing for me.

I bought some new things for Ryleigh this week including my diaper bag!! If you're on my YouTube then go check it out!! SO many cute clothes!!
Hows everyone feeling?? I am starting to become a little bit uncomfortable...I know its not as worse as it will get .... only a little bit more!!!

I'm feeling GREAT! Some days I feel like my belly is HUGE and other days I feel like it's SO tiny to have an almost 3 pound baby in there lol. I LOVE being pregnant and am going to miss it SO badly! I'm just working on enjoying every min I have her inside of me <3

The only real issue I'm having at this point (*besides the sciatica) is when I'm cleaning the house and have to bend down to pick up the dirt in the broom tray or when my Chihuahua's need up on the bed.. (*they are too little to jump up!) then i really notice how much it hurts to bend down lol
But she's also SO low down past my pubic bone that it doesn't help.. I feel like I'm going to break her back or something when I bend over lol
Hows everyone feeling?? I am starting to become a little bit uncomfortable...I know its not as worse as it will get .... only a little bit more!!!

I'm feeling GREAT! Some days I feel like my belly is HUGE and other days I feel like it's SO tiny to have an almost 3 pound baby in there lol. I LOVE being pregnant and am going to miss it SO badly! I'm just working on enjoying every min I have her inside of me <3

The only real issue I'm having at this point (*besides the sciatica) is when I'm cleaning the house and have to bend down to pick up the dirt in the broom tray or when my Chihuahua's need up on the bed.. (*they are too little to jump up!) then i really notice how much it hurts to bend down lol
But she's also SO low down past my pubic bone that it doesn't help.. I feel like I'm going to break her back or something when I bend over lol

Isnt bending down the worst!!!!!!! Ugh how I hate it and grunt every time!!!!!!!!!!!
Having to sit on the floor and standing up afterwards is the worse. I work with little kids...
DianaM, I'm going in for my GD test in two weeks, hopefully everything will be fine. I hope yours is fine too.

Zombina, congrats on the house =D

Everything great here, nothing new to report =)
Kendra: If a baby is breastfed, their poop is completely safe to go into the wash. There are flushable liners that you can buy so that when you have a poopy diaper, you can just pull it off and flush it down the toilet...even if you live off the main sewage system and are on septic. There are also little sprayers that you can buy that you can hook up to your toilet water supply and just spray the poop into the toilet.

Other than that, you wash the diapers in the wash on a hot setting, and in the summer, line drying will get rid of any stains.

I've read so many positives about cloth, that I simply had to give it a try.

Diana: I hear it all the time, people who are so against cloth, but I just say, its worth a try....most of them have never tried it, and think its sooo much more complicated than it needs to be. They will talk about the amount of laundry, but its only an extra load every couple of days, one that takes MUCH less time to deal with than an average load. They forget about having to bundle up baby, go to the store to buy diapers, all the extra garbage, etc. With cloth, you never run out, and with the adjustables, you never have to buy more. So yeah its a little extra laundry, but better than a lot of extra garbage!
I dunno why I'm scared to use cloth diapers. How do you wash them? You throw them in the wash, poop and all? Just sounds gross LOL

Bumpin also answered this but I figured I'd say how we do ours too since I've been doing it (without a dryer in the house I might add) for almot 1.5yrs already! We wash every 2-3 days depending on how fast our pail fills up. It's standard in all bathrooms here that a hand shower is connected to the sink so it's really easy to rince the poo into the toilet. You can also use disposable liners but since we also use cloth wipes, I just cut up an IKEA fleece into liners and they work well. It is also so cheap that when they start to look gross (they do pick up stains from time to time) I just toss them. It doesn't happen often though. We put the diapers through one rince cycle to get most of the pee out and then wash on a 50°C cycle with an extra rince. They smell fresh and clean and dry really quickly. I also "stripwash" every couple months to help remove any extra soap build-up which can affect the absorbency. You usually only use 1/4-1/3 of the usually detergent amt with cloth to help with that. When I strip them, I use the full amt and send them through 4-5 rinces.

Also how long does it take to get GTT results back?

I called my midwife the next morning to get mine.

I'm SO happy that you guys are all for cloth diapers!!!! ALL of my friends except 2 think I'm absolutely insane and are telling me it's not worth it and just putting the whole idea down :( I think it would be SO much better for the baby AND save money... they compared it to a women using the same "washable PAD" every month for her period... I mean.. I don't think it's ANY different than using and washing your daily underware, and I definitely don't think it's ANYTHING like using the same pad or tampon every month.

I bought some new things for Ryleigh this week including my diaper bag!! If you're on my YouTube then go check it out!! SO many cute clothes!!

Boo for people being discouraging. :nope: It is totally worth it for so many reasons if you are interested and motivated to give it a try! You will save a lot of money and waste by using cloth, plus they are SUPER cute (also addictive so be careful!!)!! I bought most all of mine used also and they have help up very well for only a fraction of the cost.

We have a large series of childrens flea markets here in the Spring and Autumn every year. I've got several in March and one in April already on my calendar! Can't wait to get my son the next size up and replace a few of my least favorite smaller clothes for some cute stuff I like better for DS2! :happydance:

Kendra: If a baby is breastfed, their poop is completely safe to go into the wash. There are flushable liners that you can buy so that when you have a poopy diaper, you can just pull it off and flush it down the toilet...even if you live off the main sewage system and are on septic. There are also little sprayers that you can buy that you can hook up to your toilet water supply and just spray the poop into the toilet.

Other than that, you wash the diapers in the wash on a hot setting, and in the summer, line drying will get rid of any stains.

I've read so many positives about cloth, that I simply had to give it a try.

Diana: I hear it all the time, people who are so against cloth, but I just say, its worth a try....most of them have never tried it, and think its sooo much more complicated than it needs to be. They will talk about the amount of laundry, but its only an extra load every couple of days, one that takes MUCH less time to deal with than an average load. They forget about having to bundle up baby, go to the store to buy diapers, all the extra garbage, etc. With cloth, you never run out, and with the adjustables, you never have to buy more. So yeah its a little extra laundry, but better than a lot of extra garbage!

One of my biggest motivators is the environmental impact of disposables. I am sickened by how many we go through when we stay at the grandparents for example. I also find the smell far more repulsive than with cloth! Crazy, I know.

I def know cloth is a lifestyle choice though, so for all of you that aren't going to be using it, try to get brands of disposables with environmentally friendly labels and keep an open mind! :flower:
And reusables get easier once they are going through weaning, you can just flick the poo into the loo! My only bugbear was that the "birth to potty" nappies were too small for Jack and he's been back in sposies for 4 months or so. But he IS in age 2-3 clothes now, so probably would be potty training if he wasn't so young.

Also had a MW appt yesterday, Baby is fine, good HR, my BP is good and Baby is head down, although slightly back to back. My urine came back with glucose in it, so I have to have repeat bloods next week after a special breakfast. Not happy :(
Hi Ladies,

I was talking to my mum about cloth diapers. She had to do it with me because there were no disposables back then and she doesn't have very fond memories of them, hehe. But I do think that we've come a long way since those cloth diapers. My question is, though, does it leak onto the clothes?

I have the nastiest cold. I sent DH to get me some tylenol and gateorade. I had to call in sick today... :mad: Anyway, I've been trying to stay hydrated and I do have an appetite, so I don't think I am running a fever or anything. just very annoying, I couldn't breath at all last night, had to take a couple of showers just to feel better and I can't use the nasal spray. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow after resting all day today.
Nits, try boiling water with a lemon sqeezed into it. I found it to be the best thing when I had a cold...its sooting just to sit with it and inhale... oh and a tub of vicks vapo rub - Just hold it under your nose for a bit!
Hi ladies
I had my 30 week sono today (a little early bc my doc is going away) the tech thinks she saw a small gap in my baby girls spine and i have to go to a specialist tomorrow to rule out a neural tube defect. I am terrified and I am trying to stay positive. All my blood work , nuchal test and level II ultrasound at 20 weeks came back normal.

Anyone who can ease my fears?!
Nits, try boiling water with a lemon sqeezed into it. I found it to be the best thing when I had a cold...its sooting just to sit with it and inhale... oh and a tub of vicks vapo rub - Just hold it under your nose for a bit!

iooooh I hadn't thought of vick vaporub :dohh: so, instead of actually rubbing it on my chest, you think I just just smell it for a little bit? I have the most awful phlegm in my chest, it hurts when I cough and my nose is completely stuffed :growlmad:
To make matters worse, when I finally woke up today (I called in sick, coulnd't get out of bed until noon) I realized my toilet overflowed and half the house was flooded!!! We spent four hours just trying to get rid of he water. We had to have the door and the windows open. It was 20F outside. I was barefoot in the water trying to clean up. :nope: This has not been my day.
Luckily, there doesn't seem to be any water damage, but we had to emptu the bedroom right next to the bathroom and bring everything to the living room. It looks like a war zone now :nope:

Hi ladies
I had my 30 week sono today (a little early bc my doc is going away) the tech thinks she saw a small gap in my baby girls spine and i have to go to a specialist tomorrow to rule out a neural tube defect. I am terrified and I am trying to stay positive. All my blood work , nuchal test and level II ultrasound at 20 weeks came back normal.

Anyone who can ease my fears?!

Jules, did the actual radiologist look at the sono? It took them several tries to get a good view of my baby's spine, so u/s can be tricky sometimes. I am sure everything is ok :hugs: At least you don't have to wait weeks to see the specialist. Let us know what they say.
I don't think the techs are really supposed to make those calls, they are more non-medical observations... if the baby was super active then it would be hard to get a good look at the spine and what they think is gaps are just from the baby moving around. I hope that this is what it is.
Hi Ladies,

I was talking to my mum about cloth diapers. She had to do it with me because there were no disposables back then and she doesn't have very fond memories of them, hehe. But I do think that we've come a long way since those cloth diapers. My question is, though, does it leak onto the clothes?

Yeah cloth has come a LONG way since our parents used them! The different kinds are endless and you're sure to find some system to meet your needs. When you ask about leaking onto clothes, do you mean do they get more leaks than a disposable or does the liquid leak through the body of the diaper? I find that once baby's legs have enough fat around them then they contain better than disposables. The elastic at the back makes it more difficult for the poo to leak up the back. Of course you can have a major blowout with any diaper but my worst have been with disposables. The body of the diaper will either include a PUL layer (breathable but waterproof) or will require a wrap which is the same thing or can be a wool cover (wool is breathable and yet contains moisture in such a way that it doesn't get to the clothes - my son wears his night diaper for about 10hrs with a wool cover and it never leaks)

iooooh I hadn't thought of vick vaporub :dohh: so, instead of actually rubbing it on my chest, you think I just just smell it for a little bit?

Yep! It's a vapor bath. Last time I looked at my vicks rub jar, I recall actually seeing the directions for making one there. I've always just rubbed on my chest too but the vapor bath helps loosen phlegm for example.

I don't think the techs are really supposed to make those calls, they are more non-medical observations... if the baby was super active then it would be hard to get a good look at the spine and what they think is gaps are just from the baby moving around. I hope that this is what it is.

I think the same thing. Great that you will get in to see a specialist quickly and get it examined. More likely than not it was just a tricky ultrasound... as much as me rely on them, they really aren't terribly sophisticated and certainly not error-proof. Hang in there and let us know how it goes! Waiting is the worst part. :hugs:
:hugs: Jules I have no advice, but hopefully what the other girls say is right xx

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