May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

Aw Caitlin must be a little chunk compared to Izzy and Ashleigh, she weighed 11lb 3oz at her 6 week checkup and I think she's over 12lb now judging by standing on our scales with her!

How's everyone doing? Life becoming a bit more settled now? We're starting to get into a bit more of a routine now and have even started going to baby groups and going swimming. We've been swimming twice so far and the first time she seemed really unsure of it but the second time she was smiling away :) we only go for 15 mins at a time as she gets cold very quickly even with her wetsuit on but I love taking her!

We've been to sensory baby today. It's £55 for a 10 week course and I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to pay it but we went to the free taster session today and I have honestly never seen her so happy. She loved the puppet show and seemed to really enjoy the songs and feathers, etc. I made some new friends too which is great as none of my friends have babies and all work full time so I get very bored during the week!
Ok so today I discovered the hard way that my child is now mobile! I left her on her play gym while I went to the loo and when I came back she had somehow moved 6ft across the floor and got trapped down the side of the tv and was crying hysterically! I was literally out of the room for 2 minutes and have absolutely no idea how she managed to move so far. When I walked in the room and she wasn't on her mat my heart stopped - I thought someone had got into the house and had her. I could hear her but couldn't see her anywhere until I spotted her little foot waving about. Needless to say we are investing in a player tomorrow!
Wow. That must have been scary! I've seen Ashleigh wiggle about like a snake so I've seen her wiggle of the play mat. She can also roll on her side!!!

How dies she like the play mat? Before she gets bored I mean.

Anyone tried 'cheaper' own brand nappies?
It was terrifying! I dread to think what could have happened if I'd been out of the room longer as there were wires and all kinds down there. I knew she was wormy and I've seen her get onto her side too but I honestly didn't think she could get off the mat. I think she propelled herself with her feet!

She loves her playmat, can't get enough of it. Does ashleigh like hers?

I've used Tesco nappies and asda little angels. I quite like asda's but wasn't keen on tesco's. I found them a bit too thick and they were tighter on her little legs!
That must have been scary Nicola! You need eyes up your bum with them sometimes. I haven't tried cheaper nappies so can't comment there. Feeling awful recently, would be reaching for the pregnancy test again if I knew we hadn't been protected if you know what i mean. Feeling sick as a dog again, presumably its just post pregnancy hormones and hopefully once i come on it'll all sort itself out. Nearly a year of feeling like poo now :-( How's everyone else feeling? XxX
Yes I've tried cheaper nappies. Asda and Aldi are great.
First round of injections completed this afternoon without a hitch :) x
She was a brave little girl, took it all in her stride and hasn't been too unsettled at all, infact fast asleep at the moment. Just hoping I haven't spoken too soon about it all going without a hitch lol, so far so good :) x
Hi ladies!

Man it's been ages since I've managed to find time to post. I hope you are all doing good!

Aw Rose that's great Izzy got on good with her jags!

How is everyone?

We had the second lot of vaccinations last week, he was fine, only cried for a few seconds and then was back to his smiley self! Unlike his sister who glowered at the health visitors after she got hers at that age :haha:

We were still getting 12 hours sleep up until Tuesday this week where he has started waking at 3 for a feed. It's been a bit of a shock to the system but I can't complain really since he has been so good. Thought it might have been a delayed reaction to vaccines but now thinking it might be a growth spurt. Nicola did I see you put on fb that Caitlin had started waking too? That's what makes me think it's a developmental phase as we would be hitting them at the same time since our due dates were only a day apart. They go by due date rather than birth date. Hopefully it passes soon!

Nicola have you found out how Caitlin managed to move herself so far? You must have got such a fright!! Connor is almost rolling from back to front so I'm going to have to stop swaddling soon!

Hows the weight loss going with everyone? I have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks by eating healthily and have been doing a Jillian michaels fitness DVD everyday. It's only 20 minutes long to easy to fit into the day! Its so satisfying getting on the scales and seeing a difference. Determined to keep it up!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Hiya Suze, long time no see. Thats great about weight loss, mines awful. Lost a load at the beginning, got lower than before i got pregnant and started to fit into all my old clothes again. Last six weeks or so, piled it all back on :( Done nothing different and hoping its just due to water retention which will hopefully go when i get my periods back. So frustrating looking decent for a few weeks now barely being able to fit into jeans! I won't give up though.... XxX
Hi Rose

Hope you are good! Oh I know how that feels, last time I was down to just a few pounds over my pre pregnancy weight at my 6 week check. I started back on a different pill from then and I piled the weight back on! That's why this time I went and got the copper coil fitted instead so no hormones to make me put on weight! I am so happy with it and wish I had gone down that route years ago instead of the pill!
Hey Suze, good to hear from you! Yeah caitlin has been waking more and been more restless in her sleep over the last 2 nights. I'm definitely putting it down to the wonder week 12 development as she's showing all the signs. They say it happens between 11 and 13 weeks. She's 11 weeks today but would have been 13 weeks going by her due date. I bet it's a massive shock to you after Connor sleeping so well. It's got me exhausted already and it's only been 2 nights.

I've not figured out how she moved across the living room yet. She still can't quite get onto her tummy when she rolls so all I can think is she has pushed herself along on her back using her feet.

Well done on the weight loss! I really need to get my butt into get and start exercising. I've still got about a stone and a half to lose to get back to pre-Caitlin weight.

Have you found that Connor is sleeping more during the day with this development phase? Caitlin is only staying awake for about 45-60 mins at a time over the last couple of days and sleeping in 2 hour stretches.
Yes it is definitely a shock going from a full nights sleep to getting up. I suppose it's only once though and the tiredness in the morning is nothing a good strong coffee can't fix!

Connor is the opposite, he just has wee catnaps all day for maybe 30 minutes. He is definitely awake more than asleep and that is the way he has always been so haven't noticed a change in that. The longest he sleeps for is when we are in the car, he will sleep the whole time. Has Caitlin always slept lots in the day or is it a growth spurt thing too?

I've still got a stone to go to be the weight I was before this pregnancy but would like I lose another stone to get to my pre mummy weight!! I can totally recommend the DVD I have been using, it's fab!! It's interval training so when you are getting tired of cardio they swap to strength exercises and you get your breath back. I love that it's only 20 minutes too, I manage to fit it in in the morning after everyone has had breakfast and are all happy. The videos are actually on you tube too so you don't even need to get the DVD to start.
Hi ya suze.
Ashleigh has started waking again for the last few nights or
More. I feel like I have a hangover at this point! It started after her jabs but them it went back to normal but has re-appeared this week. The health visitor warned me to expect a growth spurt around 12 weeks so not to be suprised if she does start waking again.

The last few weeks have been horrible so maybe Ashleigh has picked up on the stress even. Not too sure. But I hope she gets back to normal soon
So sorry to hear about your friend Megan. What an absolutely awful thing to happen, I can't even begin to imagine what you are all going through :hugs:

I hope Ashleigh starts sleeping better for you, you must be exhausted. Take care of yourself hun xxx
We have progress!!! I've taken Ashleigh Moses basket out of the cot not last night but the one before. And ever since she has slept like a log. She only
Woke up twice yesterday which was an improvement trust me! Then only once last
Night! So now
My baby girl is a big girl
In her cot. She loves it :) maybe that was the problem?
Aw Megan that's fab! Maybe that was the problem, I think some babies get to a stage where they don't like feeling enclosed anymore so maybe she enjoys the extra room. We have had an improvement too, woke at half 5 yesterday morning and then went back down and this morning was 6. So it must have just been a wee growth spurt or something. You will be feeling much more refreshed this morning after a better sleep Megan.

Did everyone have a nice weekend? We had a pretty quiet one.
Had a busy day Saturday felt
Like I was driving all day! But yesterday was relaxed as went to a friends down the road. They have a swimming pool, which the kids love.

Can your babies roll? Ashleigh has rolled on her side for ages. But she can now roll to her front and back again!
Man these babies are growing up too quick! :(

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