WOW we are still at lots of slobber stage with no signs of anything!Well We have tooth number two!!!
What does your boobie juice have in it please share lol thats Fab you must be so proudhey girls. injections here too. she screamed and screamed bless herat 18 weeks shes 17lb 13 oz
little chubba. thats almost 10lbs more than she was born . good olde boobie juice eh?
Started my diet big time today been slacking a bit but oh and I went to see the vicar last night and weve arranged a date for our wedding so im over the moon28th may 2011 so Scarlett will be just 2.
Oh wow Isobelle will lift her head and wiggle her bum no where near Isobels level she will be crawling away before you know itLook at what Isobel can do!!!
Im like that getting total cabin fever, we go a dif mums and tots group mon-thurs and we swim on a fri get me out the house for a am/pm works wonders!We have a tooty peg popping through today (bottom front) i noticed a white bit when he smiled and when i had a feel, there it is, its only peeking but still its there
Oh maaaan i am so bored lately, I'm sick of doing the same things every day, my life feels like ground hog day lol I need to find a mummy group to go to or something or get an evening job for a little while, i'm turning into a social ****** pmsl xx
CONGRATS I love wedding talk so chat away on hereYayyy!! We got officially engaged yesterdayso I'll be becoming a wedding bore as well as a baby bore to my mates now! lol
Congrats on the engagements!
Erica still doesnt sleep through. im using good night milk, and its an improvement than without, I know its supposed to be 6 months plus but desperate times eh!!
Shes well established with food now and packs away twice what i would expect. The only trouble i have is she doesnt like her formula milk much and cries with every bottle. But if i give her diluted fresh fruit juice or the good night milks shes happy!
Its hard getting that pint of formula into her!
oohhh loads to catch up on!
We started Alex on rice 2 days ago, he turned 5 months on the 23rd and hes been off his morning bottle for ages so we decided to start him off with some brekkie![]()
oohhh loads to catch up on!
We started Alex on rice 2 days ago, he turned 5 months on the 23rd and hes been off his morning bottle for ages so we decided to start him off with some brekkie![]()
Hows he doing with breakkie??
Just a quick weight update from us. 13lb 6oz at 16+3.
Not been on much, it's hard to get a chance when the computer is shared by everyone! Plus I just can't be bothered sometimes. I'm on a high dose of iron just now cause I'm severely anaemic and my hair is falling out and everythingI'm sooo tired all the time! Hopefully the iron will kick in soon and I'll be feeling like myself again!
Dexter's good too. He's now munching on veggie purees rather than rice, and gets brekkie as well as dinner. He has a rusk with fruit puree mixed in for his brekkie (his favourite is mango) and a nice warm veggie jar for dinner. He's also alot more talkative now, and screams excitedly at the tv. He especially loves Wonderpets and Go Diego Go!
Anyway, we're off out this morning, in the hopes that some fresh air will wake me up a bit!
Congrats on the engagements!
Erica still doesnt sleep through. im using good night milk, and its an improvement than without, I know its supposed to be 6 months plus but desperate times eh!!
Shes well established with food now and packs away twice what i would expect. The only trouble i have is she doesnt like her formula milk much and cries with every bottle. But if i give her diluted fresh fruit juice or the good night milks shes happy!
Its hard getting that pint of formula into her!
We're having the same problem. Isobel was night waking again, and spoke to HV and upped her solids to 7tsps a meal. She has 4 savory, then 3 sweet. Thats an extra 6 tsps over the days and she sleeps through again. She also hates her milk. I now run her milk separately to her solids, and she tends to take more then. But we do have a 30min break in between, she loves using her sippy cup to have diluted apple juice. Fingers crossed it's worked for the last four days.. Apparently it is normal for babies until 7months old to wake in the night for a feed, until the protein in well established in their diets.. after that it's a habit.
Good to see you Monkeh
How extreme is your tiredness? Ive been the same latley and im wondering if i have the same prob or ive just become lazy![]()