I hope everyone feels better soon
I had a bad day friday Isobelle did nothing but winge and make horrible growl noises i was in tears all day and ended up ringing hubby to come home early from work which thank god he did he took her out and she was smiles and giggles he said which made me worse!
Isobelle is full of snot again today
she was up every 2.5hrs last night to have her dummy back in i think she was waking herself up by with her blocked nose and couldnt settle i had just let her go sleep on me tonight
she was just crying and sounded so congested
Im like that with friends as well i find myself either at my parents or oh's parents at least 2ce a week just to get out and see someone we go to 4 dif baby groups but its just not the same as chatting to someone you know i guess im lucky as Ohs mum doesnt work and my mum has just been signed off sick well not lucky for her but you know what i mean
OH seems to of lost all interest in me but not in Isobelle i feel so i guess the word is rejected

I had a bad day friday Isobelle did nothing but winge and make horrible growl noises i was in tears all day and ended up ringing hubby to come home early from work which thank god he did he took her out and she was smiles and giggles he said which made me worse!
Isobelle is full of snot again today

Im like that with friends as well i find myself either at my parents or oh's parents at least 2ce a week just to get out and see someone we go to 4 dif baby groups but its just not the same as chatting to someone you know i guess im lucky as Ohs mum doesnt work and my mum has just been signed off sick well not lucky for her but you know what i mean
OH seems to of lost all interest in me but not in Isobelle i feel so i guess the word is rejected