Well im thinking of starting Isobelle on solids tomorrow but im sure i will prob put it off again
She has been waking in the night after sleeping though for so long at 1st i thought it was a cold she had (i guess it still was) so was waking 2ce a night and having a feed which i put down to the cold and not taking enough during the day the week after the cold shes still waking but not taking a huge feed more like a drink? then back off sometimes a dummy will keep her quite im so confused what to do how did you all know when your LO was ready?
Had a lovely holiday and he loved his swimming most of the time just in my arms or me holding him like he should be swimming, and licked my pizza crust, I was eating in papa johns and he was crying so i was holding him while eating looked away then looked back to find him licking the crustOh and in the club kept grabbing hold of beer glasses and the beer jug