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May mummies 2009 - a place to keep in touch

Wow, Zach is doing really well! What a star! Sounds like he is being a busy little bee. Hows mummy doing? x
Is anybody else breastfeeding and finding thier little ones aren't going through the night very well? x
Hi SNETTY B, any chance you can add Benjamin to the names and birthdays.......he was born 030609....LATE!....weighing in at 7 pounds 13 oz. Thank you! x
today we have had him rolling over, sitting up unaided, standing up holding onto the sofa and drinking out of his sippy cup himself!!! WOW

wow he's really going for it now!

Is anybody else breastfeeding and finding thier little ones aren't going through the night very well? x

were now on combi feed through the week as im at work and not expressing enough, and bf evenings and weekends. we've also introduced some puree's during the day. were still really hit and miss with sleeping through, some nights he will some nights he'll wake 2-3 times. it tends to be if he's not taken much in the day he wakes up more at night.
he can also clap his hands now. and does it on command....where has my lil baba gone?
Hi SNETTY B, any chance you can add Benjamin to the names and birthdays.......he was born 030609....LATE!....weighing in at 7 pounds 13 oz. Thank you! x

Yeah no probs hunny, i'm gonna do all the updating on friday xx
I'm still EBF and Saf still wakes through the night. The longest she will go between feeds is 3 hours and that's rare, it's usually 2 hours.YAWN!!!!!! :)
Is anybody else breastfeeding and finding thier little ones aren't going through the night very well? x

I started weaning Patrick this weekend and previously he was EBF but since he turned 4 months his sleeping has been all over the place. We have been traveling though (visited the UK for a month and now back here in Thailand for a week) so he has been way out of his comfort zone. He is really erratic, he can sleep up to 8 hours straight but rarely does this - most frequent pattern is 4 or 5 hours sleep and then feeding every 2-3 thereafter, sometimes he wakes 30 mins or so after going to bed and refuses to go to sleep for another hour+. He's not hungry as refuses to feed and is clearly very tired. I am hoping that once his routine settles down so will he (keeps everything crossed).

from 6 weeks to 4 months he reliably slept at least 7 hours every night and sometimes 8 or 9 (ho hum).

On a brighter note he was legendary at his swimming class today. he knew to close his eyes all on on his own before going under the water (we blow on their faces before a dunking which makes them close their eyes and mouth and he closed his eyes before this) and even took a deep breath before going under several times today which he never did before. He was also laughing and grinning away while going barmy splashing and kicking. This was his first class since we got home (so in over a month) so I am really glad that he has settled right back into it :happydance:.
hi everyone, i am soooooo slack at coming in here!:blush: i cant believe the ernmonster is 6months old on saturday-where on earth have those 6 months gone:wacko::wacko::wacko:

we have started blw with him,and he has taken to it really well. he isnt doing much rolling over yet because he wont be put down for long enough, but hell get there in his own sweet time:flower: he can sit up on his own for short periods tho .

proud mummy moment- 6 months old today and tommy signed his first word. he signed it twice to his daddy in the day and twice to me since 5 o'clock. the word... boobie/milk :happydance:
Oh my god...i really should come in here more often. Now that I'm on facebook, I got addicted to it.

The LO's are doing really well....

Theo has only just figured how to roll from back to front. Not much progress elsewhere
:-( Apart from the fact he has found his voice, sings away at his dummy xx

Hey all, I am a May mummy, just never got round to coming in here! Freya was born on the 10th May and weighed 14lb 4oz at 26 weeks (haven't been since).

I will try to come in here more often and get to know your babies better!

Kirsten and Freya xx
Wow our little ones really are starting to grow up :cry:

Isobelle was 6months on saturday and she cut her 1st tooth! no signs of it coming it was just there :happydance:
At 26 weeks she was 14lb 14oz :happydance:
She now sits for short periods of time and rolls from tummy to back but i think thats an accident when shes trying to put her bum in the air (only sign of crawling)

I have started to introduce formula into Isobelles diet 1 7oz bottle at 10.30pm ready for when i go back to work on the 4th Jan :( Shes doing really well with solids 3 meals a day and puddings at lunch!!! still getting 4 Breast feeds in a day as well well 2 feeds and 2 drinks really
Shes drinking from a cup now free flow so shes soaked when she gets hold of it lol
I have started to introduce formula into Isobelles diet 1 7oz bottle at 10.30pm ready for when i go back to work on the 4th Jan :( Shes doing really well with solids 3 meals a day and puddings at lunch!!! still getting 4 Breast feeds in a day as well well 2 feeds and 2 drinks really
Shes drinking from a cup now free flow so shes soaked when she gets hold of it lol

wow, sounds like your doing really well. Oh is giving tommy 3-4 formula feeds a day now im at work but he'll only take 3oz at a time. he's also having lots of puree'd fruit and veg, but only has about a table spoon at a time. maybe its time to up it for him.

weight update- 26+5wk 17lbs 15oz, loss of 2 oz. HV says its normal as he's constantly on the move, but i reckon its a mix of that and the change from boobie to formula.
Wahay, Archie is now rolling back to front, then screams his head off when he cant go back and ends up doing a sky diver impression with his arms hahaha
I'm debating wether to give benjamin 3 meals a day now....he has been on 2 meals a day for 3 weeks (breakfast and lunch), but now I am thinking of introducing tea as he is waking up so much in the night. He is teething at the moment which could be a reason he wakes but he is showing that he is hungry.......he feeds on me and takes plenty of milk, so surely that means he is hungry, he isn;t just comfort sucking. What would you do?

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