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May mummies 2009 - a place to keep in touch

Also we have 2 teeth and very sore boobs!! :lol: Had a bit of bf struggle when he bit me quite deep, but after a day or so, it's healing and I can bf with only some pain. I've invested in nipple shields incase he does it again!

thats one thing im really worried about. fortunately no signs yet! i'm hoping he'll have weaned himself off by the time the arrive.

Patrick has bitten me a few times (he has his 2 front bottom teeth), each time at the end of a feed when he is sort of "playing". No major harm done yet other than me looking very panicky much to DH's amusement. Nip = swift removal of boob so hope he learns that not much to be gained by it.
Yeah I'm mostly getting nips now, and he gets taken off swiftly! Thankfully no more deep bites, and the first one has healed up now so we're back on track :)
i've had him clamping down and really squeezing nipple between his gums before. each time i've screamed or yelled out and he's cried! :wacko:

do any of you guys go baby groups with LO's yet? i'm trying to get shawn to take thomas to some while i'm at work to get them both out the house and socialising a bit. just not sure whats suitable as didn't know if thomas was to young for mum n toddler groups. i'm sending them to local surestart in morning to get some ideas of whats on
I take Sapphire to Mum and Baby group and there are lots of little ones their age. She loves it. Although they're a bit young for actually playing with other babies,she seems to enjoy the company and playing with the toys of course. We also go to 'Baby Bounce' at the library. It's just a half hour of singing and action rhymes. She really enjoys it. They do it at all the libraries in my area but I don't know if they have them anywhere else.

We definitely have a toothy peg on its way! I can feel it in the gum and Saf's been a little groucher all day!! lol
I was planning on starting a gymboree class with Patrick this week (but scuppered because of his cold) which is for 6 months - walking. I have been taking him to swimming since he was 3 1/2 months but not sure that counts as mum and baby (although there are lots of mums and babies!)
Oh Monkeh, Dexter's looking so cute!! I must get an up to date pic of Saf on here.
Just quick update as iv not posted in here for a while..

....Archie has a toothy peg just about to pop through, i can feel it and see the blue line on his gum where its bruised through :)

Hope everyone else and the LO's are doing well
Hi Everyone are you all sorted for christmas?
We are getting there not got Isobelle much as she is getting lots of toys from family so we decided clothes are the way to go this year, I have just got all the decs out of the loft while she was asleep (hubby will kill me when he gets back from work) will start to put them up tomorrow night while he is at the football just dont tell him that he said not till Saturday!

Well we have 2 teeth that came with no problems what so ever but since then she has been slobbering and chewing on toys but no signs of any others yet
We have started to introduce stage 2 foods into her diet which she spits straight back at whoever is feeding her! when i do my own food though she eats it no problems and i wouldnt say there is that much difference in texture! she must just like home cooking :winkwink:
Isobelle HATES her tummy she will roll straight over no matter what i try to do to entertain her straight onto her back so no crawling for us yet so the trees will be safe for now....
were sorted for xmas. got thomas 2 lill toys and thats it. gonna get him a car seat, but will wait for the sales for that. m-i-l has gone crazy present buying that we've asked everyone else to get him clothes if they're buying. she's got him two big bags stuffed full and she's holding others back for his birthday.
thomas has decided he's big enough to stand up now and been practicing all weekend. he's doing it without holding onto anything, just squating then standing up, then getting excited about his success and loosing his balance before falling over!
Bought P a few Christmas things but not too much - toys are all double the price here than in the uk (if you want things to a proper safety standard anyway).

Exciting news though - P started properly crawling yesterday!! He has been commando creeping for a few weeks but yesterday we had a proper crawl. He's already trying to climb up onto the sofa - am glad we have no stairs.
quick update from Lucy! 18 pounds exactly as of last weds :))) no teeth yet, still waiting! Lucy was flower girl to her mummy and daddys wedding on saturday she was such a little dream! entertained the guests by eating mummys bouquet! mummy is 19 weeks now and having 20 week scan next monday woohoo!

love and kisses to everyone and LO'S,.:) :)
hello ladies it has been sooo long since I have been on here, just slack....

well only 4 days till xmas and I am sooo excited.... got a few small things for chelsea from santa...

Chelsea still has no sign of any teeth yet, which is fine by me, but is comando crawling everywhere and has done so for about 2 weeks now.. have had to start putting lil socks on her feet (even though its 35degress outside lol) to stop the blisters that have started forming on her big toes...
She is also sitting well by herself now and has been doing this for quite some time now as well...

glad to have read through quickly and seen how alot of may bubba's that have grown...

and Conagrts Taurus on the pregnancy.. didnt know you were preggers again... Game lady.. I get too sick (MS) to have such a small gap between bubs, although it would be nice....

Anyways I better go and get these kiddies ready fro a morning of shopping with nanny who is visiting... I need to go and buy some gates to stop lil miss getting into her big brothers room and finding his lego and also outta the cat litter in the laundry lol

bye bye and I promise to stay in touch more often then we have been...

Skye & Chelsea
quick update from Lucy! 18 pounds exactly as of last weds :))) no teeth yet, still waiting! Lucy was flower girl to her mummy and daddys wedding on saturday she was such a little dream! entertained the guests by eating mummys bouquet! mummy is 19 weeks now and having 20 week scan next monday woohoo!

love and kisses to everyone and LO'S,.:) :)

are you finding out what you are having or you staying on team yellow??

Santa photo of my kiddies... Green Ben 10 shirt is Jakk (7) red xmas shirt is Braydon (10) and Chelsea

Taken last week at 7months old.. Sitting Pretty !!

Going from a sitting position to crawling.. she does that so well now... down pat!!

Take Care Ladies xx
lovely pics holden_babez, i was gonna ask if the kiddies were freezing in the santa piccy then i noticed where your from!

I'm so excited for xmas now. the neighbours have just been round to drop off a pressie for Thomas, which was a really nice surprise as we don't really know them and only speak to say hello. Spare grandma (hubbies step mum) and grandad came to deliver their pressies the other day. one wasn't wrapped as they wanted to see him play with it... a ride-on baby walker. went to visit my parents last weekend. Thomas loved beating up the cat and chasing it. They gave us some pressies for Thomas, my dad told me the big one was a baby walker. Visited my grandma while we were up that way. She had a present for Thomas which she told me what it was, a baby walker... m-i-l has a big pile of presents for Thomas, so of which she has set aside for his birthday as she went a bit overboard. one of which included a baby walker.
Noticing a theme? Thing is when all of them asked us what to get him we said he has loads of toys and enough clothes until he is 2, as several people at work has passed on their kids old stuff, so we asked them not to bother or for money to go into his trust fund for this year at least. they gave us money aswell. The only one that didn't ask was my grandma so we expected the others to know better! Guess he's gonna be walking soon.
Thomas has aready tried to get into a few pressies, the ones for other people who we haven't visited yet!

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