May Mummy's 2012

It is a shame we don't live closer, could be a good babygroup!

Logan's sleep is still good. Do any of your babies get sore in their neck? Logan has it closed up so tightly that it's constantly sore and he screams when I try to look at it or put anything on it. Last night he got so upset while we were trying to to clean it that I had to rock him to sleep, poor baby. Horrible to see as he's usually such a happy baby.

Guess I'm the only non-creative one here! Feel so lazy compared to all you ladies that are making your millions! I'm getting a bit nervous about surviving the last 3 months with no pay at all.

Chloe, how did Johnny sleep last night? Bet you're looking forward to a lay in tomorrow, anything after 6.30am is considered a lay in now!

Hope you're all having a good weekend! xxx
Be glad none of you are here, so much snow last night :( too early for my liking!! Goes well with the 'my first Xmas' top I bought lexi the other day ready and waiting lol

I'm not making millions sadly, but ill hopefully be better off thanks to the CSA confirming her dad is finally working!

Being back at work is exhausting! Doesn't help lexi woke up for the day at 4! Only been on reception so far unless I'm helping the trainees but once I'm back in surgery ill be even more tired no doubt, oh the joys! Lol

Hope everyone's slept well!
Have they said how much lexis dad will have to pay? At least they'll back date it for you! I couldn't imagine working full time at the moment, no idea how you & other people do it.

worried about the clocks changing now that sleep has just become good again! Back to half 5 wake ups I'm thinking!
Johnnys sleep is still just terrible, I cannot imagine waking up and going to work at the moment. I'd be a danger to the public!!

Halloween was so good but looking after a baby hungover is not something I'm rushing to do again :haha:

Brilliant news about Lexi's dad, it's only right that he contributes. I've been looking at the xmas stuff too, Tescos have the cutest boy stuff. Johnny has 3 halloween outfits, it's ridiculous.

What's everyone up to? I'm sitting at home avoiding house work and town cos it's half term and so busy. xoxo
I forgot it was half term and went shopping!

I'm currently amusing myself & Logan by having a screaming contest with him, he thinks I'm so funny! I know I'm going to regret this in a couple of years though when he's still doing it!
Glad you had a good night Chloe, i still haven't had anything more than one bottle of beer or one glass of wine because of bf
Sound like hard work Sara I know how it feels I did it with my youngest as soon as the mat leave ran out I went straight back to work full time, I still can't decide to go back to work or not, I do have a good job, it's not far from home and only 20 hours per week, before maternity my son went to the nursery at work but they no longer take babies. I would need to fork out £40 a day for Taylor in nursery and then after school club and then school holidays! I get no tax credits either because we were overpaid last year ahhhh! I love the embroidering but it doesn't pay my wages lol!
Oh and my kids were off last week and now we've all come down with tummy bug! Oh the joys lol x
Ah sarah that sucks! Really hope you start feeling better soon! I know the embrodiary might not pay a full salary but after your childcare costs etc are taken off would it be worthwhile? You could always expand into ebay etc?

Since the change in tax credits, we don't get any either. Last year we would have received £200pm! I don't think we should get them but it does make me mad that I get comments saying how lucky we are to have good jobs in this "economy crisis" from people that aren't working and claiming complete benefits. They don't seem to appreciate that Russ has to commute 4 hours every day, works 9 days running on his shift and doesn't see Logan at all during this time! That's a rant over!

Logan woke up screaming last night, he'd scratched his cheek so badly that it was bleeding! :-( he went back to sleep as soon as I picked him up but I felt awful. Apart from that his sleeping is still amazing so I'm enjoying it while it lasts. Hope everyone elses nights were okay? xx

Sarah, tummy bugs aren't pleasant, hope you are all better soon.

Chloe, how are your nights. Our last two have been a bit better, she has done a longer stratch between 10 and 3 am, which is bliss in comparison with the last couple of weeks.

We are the same Tay with the tax credits! and my pension has just been severely affected by the public sector cuts.

I really am not looking forward to going back to work this time, but I have to. It kind of helps that there are no if or buts because I have to make ends meet.

Hope you all have a lovely day x
Vicky, what do you work as? My SIL & BIL are in the police force & theirs has been cut massively! (It's still much better than mine but when you expect it, it's different!) I got a statement through for my pension stating that at this rate it will be worth £150pm!! I started it at 26 so it's not like I started late! Worthless.

I will be going back to work after a year but hopefully only long enough to gain maternity before getting pregnant again! Not sure what we'll do after that when we have 2, childcare costs are awful!
Hope you feel better Sarah. It's horrible, seems everything is going around atm.

Feeling so alive today haha, Bill is a saint and did the night feeds cos he saw how tired I was and was probably shocked at the lack of housework I'd done (I'm usually so anal about the house work) and I ordered take away last night too, he must of caught on just how tired I was. I've literally done all my house work already, it's amazing how a full nights sleep can make you feel.

Tax credits etc are so unfair, working parents should be getting more tax breaks and help. I don't think I'm going back to work because child care would take all of my wage pretty much so it makes more sense for me to try and make some money from home. We're lucky and we do get working tax credits, sounds like it's all changing in the next few years though so I don't know how long it'll last.

Oh Tay, poor Logan! Johnny is always scratching himself, babies nails are so sharp. It's great that he's sleeping, hopefully he'll stick with it!
The government have got it all wrong! I remember your post not so long back ray about the tax credits abd uproar where you live, it really is shocking, I don't want anything for free but it's annoying!!! Chloe you need to make one direction bag tags and necklaces I've tried eBay Facebook everywhere, it's Morgan's birthday dec 10th and I can't wait to give her her one direction tickets she keeps looking on eBay lol :)
Vicky do you express? I expressed with both of my others but I just can't do it this time it's crazy!!!!
I do wonder if it's because I had c section?
How is Logan's neck now tay? He must have a chubby little neck lol! Taylor has quite a long thin neck so it never really rubs, he's always too busy sticking it out being nosey lol!
The embroidery will keep us going but it doesn't bring in as much as you would think, there are loads of extras which I buy every month, well I enjoy it anyway so it's better than nothing x
Guess where I'm off to tomorrow- baby massage now my tummys better lol! I'm really looking forward to it :)
Have a good Halloween xxxx
I'm the same Sarah, I don't expect to get anything, it's just frustrating when I see what others are getting. A close friend of mine lives in a lovely council house & has 3 kids. She's just split with her hubby and I asked how she'll cope money wise, she's going to be better off as now she doesn't have to pay rent, council tax etc! Oh well!

His neck is so much better now. Have to make sure it's really dry after bathtime and a bit of sudocream has really helped. he really does have a chubby neck! I tried expressing, had 3 LCs helping me try and nothing! I got 1oz manually but that's it, wonder why some ladies can?

Enjoy baby massage!! Logan enjoyed it and we still do it every night before bed. xx
Lol @ my predictive txt! Tay your new name is ray lol!
It was all paper work and skin tests we also hand massaged each other which was a bit uncomfortable as we had only just met each other! Looking forward to next week though :) anyone off to a bonfire? We went tonight Taylor didn't know what to make of the fireworks lol!
I love your predictive text! No fireworks for us, got 2 dogs that go nuts with the noise!

I'm glad we didn't do any of the hand massage etc, I would have found that too weird!

Logan's gone a bit backwards the last couple of nights & has started waking up again! He woke up crying 6 times, I'm so tired! One was hunger and the others were just to be cuddled. Hope you ladies got more sleep.
Hi everyone!

I have a sore throat from hell and feeling very sorry for myself. Petrified, Will or Ava will catch it from me. Can't even take much because of the bfing either.

No expressing here, expressed loads for Will who then completely refused it, so decided from the start that I wouldn't bother stressing myself about it.

Tay gutted for your rubbish night, fingers crossed for a better one tonight! I went to bed at 8:30 last night and Ava had been doing much better, but no so great last night, typical! I had been shhhing her to sleep and found she was doing much better but last two nights she's been so tired, she's fed to sleep. I've tried to put her down roughly (IYKWIM) but she doesn't wake, can't put her down for toffee in the day - typical!

Our dog goes mental over the fireworks too, not great for sleeping babies! We have Tarr Barrels here on Monday and a cannon goes off at sunrise so thinking that'll be an early one.

Hope you are all ok xx
Ah Vicky I'm sorry you're sick! Hope you start feeling better soon. Is your hubby working this weekend or is he there to help? Good to hear that Ava's settling a bit better, hopefully we'll both get a good nights sleep! Logan's actually going down really well, just lay him down and he's off. Doesn't always work during the day though! xx
Get well soon vicky it's so hard being I'll with kids!
I've decided to try and wean Taylor off the boob slowly now so I can actually go out abd have a drink lol! (my idea of going out and drinking is going to the German market in Birmingham and drinking a few beers lol) I just can't go anywhere for longer than 3 hours, I've tried him in a bottle twice but he's having non of it! I had the same with my son too so I will just keep trying, going to see the health visitor tomorrow too for advice on baby led weaning as I've never done it that way :) oh and to get him weighed!
Hope your dogs are ok tonight. We lost my do once on bonfire night, she managed somehow to get inside one of our kitchen cupboards and close the door after her, poor little thing, she's not with us anymore :(
Here's to a good night sleep for us all! Taylor keeps waking in the night for a feed and for cuddles the little monkeys x
there's a German market in Birmingham?! We thought we'd have to go to the Hyde Park one. I used to live in Vienna and before Logan was born i would take Russ back twice a year to see the summer and the christmas markets, gutted I'm missing this year but it's too cold for Logan (we actually got engaged over there!)

Logans sleep is fantastic now, can't complain at all! He goes in his crib at around 7pm and wakes between 6am-6.30am. Hope Taylor slept a bit better last night. I have to say I think you & Vicky are amazing for continuing to bf for this long, I have no idea how you did it.

I have to go in for surgery today :-( Getting the carple tunnel sorted out. I chose to have it done under local though to come home with Logan, not sure if that's such a good idea but we'll see! Hope you've all got much better days planned xxx
Hope you're feeling better now Vicky, it is awful looking after LO when you're not well and the added worry of them getting sick too isn't nice.

Good luck weaning Taylor off the boob! I agree with Tay, you both have done amazing with the BF'ing! I hope I can do it for longer if we have another!

How did the surgery go? Is OH off work to help you with Logan today? Hope you're resting!! Fantastic about Logans sleep, he sounds perfect!

We stayed in for bonfire night, we wasn't sure what Johnny would make of it plus it's bloody freezing haha. We have now been completely dummy free for 3 days and Johnny has been sleeping sooo much better without it. He goes down around 8 then wakes at 11 for a feed and again between 2-3 then he's up at 7 which is such a big improvement. I'm hoping those night feeds will be gone in a month or two when he's on follow on milk and night time milk when he's 6 months.

Can you believe how quick Christmas has come around? It's crazy! We've pretty much got Johnny his presents now. What is everyone getting their LO's? xo

Thanks Chloe and Tay, I kind of feel the bf is laziness though, can't be sterilising lol! Sarah tried expressing for Will but he refused to take it from a bottle, he and I got a bit stressed, so this time I threw the stuff away and thought I'd not even worry about it. I fed him up to a year and stressed about going back to work and feeding but that all fell into place so going to take it as it comes again this time.

Tay really hope your op went well and you are resting up. Well done Logan for sleeping so well!! Vienna sounds amazing!!

Chloe, well done for ditching the dummy, Will was exactly the same and has been a good sleeper since. Ava started off better but isn't so good now. I really need to work on it. How are you getting him to sleep now?? Kind of wonder if I should have pushed her with the dummy then taken it away......

I'm feeling so much better today, not needed to take any painkillers at all today and the antibiotics have really kicked in. I'd got a strep throat infection, just praying Will and Ava don't get it. Being so ill was a nightmare with the two of them, my Mum came up on Sunday to help thankfully. I've booked in for a flu jab as a result, not sure I'd cope if I ended up with the flu.

We have Tar Barrels here on Bonfire night, which is a bit of a spectacle. Took Will to see the first one, they fire cannons to start and he was petrified, so we went straight home and had some sparklers, which he loved.

Hope you've all had a good day xx

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