May Mums with Toddlers in their Twos!


Mum of TWO amazing babes!
Oct 14, 2011
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Hey ladies!

Pregnancy is exhausting, exciting, overwhelming, and full of joy and pain. :)

I wanted to start a group for us ladies who are dealing with not only pregnancy, but a wee one in their twos.

Maybe we can help each other get through the next 7-8 months dealing with a toddler demanding more attention and needing more independence while also experiencing all the fun of pregnancy!

I'm 29 (30 soon!) and DH is 36. DD turned 2 May 17th. I am due May 7th! I guess 7 is my lucky number. So far we haven't told DD about the baby because I want to get past 12 weeks and because I'm not sure she would understand yet. Also she is gearing up for potty training and I don't want to pull her off track.

Anyone else want to join?
Hey ladies!

Pregnancy is exhausting, exciting, overwhelming, and full of joy and pain. :)

I wanted to start a group for us ladies who are dealing with not only pregnancy, but a wee one in their twos.

Maybe we can help each other get through the next 7-8 months dealing with a toddler demanding more attention and needing more independence while also experiencing all the fun of pregnancy!

I'm 29 (30 soon!) and DH is 36. DD turned 2 May 17th. I am due May 7th! I guess 7 is my lucky number. So far we haven't told DD about the baby because I want to get past 12 weeks and because I'm not sure she would understand yet. Also she is gearing up for potty training and I don't want to pull her off track.

Anyone else want to join?

Hey, well Id love to join!!

I'm in a very similar position to you.

Lo turned 2 on 7th July, I turn 30 on 7th January!! 7th is our lucky number too hehe!!

Haven't had scan yet but bubba due approx 19th may.

We're also straying to attempt potty training. Only thing about being a mum I'm not that keen on!! Xx
:yipee: Yay! Welcome!! Fun how similar our situations are! When is your first scan scheduled?
First midwife appointment is 19th October and first scan is 8th November, seems so long to wait!!

Just want to know everything is ok with little one and then be able to tell everyone.

When is yours? I take it youre in the UK?

My sisters birthday is 7th too so it wouldn't surprise me if lo was born then!! In fact it would be nice.

Harder this time around I think. Not much time to think about it and relax hehe xx
I'm in the states actually. :) I try to sound British when I can on BnB, but I think my yank comes through a little strong. ;)

I had an appointment last week to check for viability and I am having another one tomorrow as a follow up. I'm not sure when my reproductive endocrinologist (RE) will release me to a regular OB, but I am happy to have the high tech scans while he gets comfortable. :)

That would be so fun if your LO was born on the 7th too! I want mine born on the 7th, but that's just because it would make it easy for everyone to remember his/her birthday. My brother's family was all born on the 30th of the autumn months, so it's easy for me to remember to send a gift for everyone. Niece-30 Aug, Nephew-30 Sept, Brother-30 Oct, SIL-30 Nov. But we can't all be so lucky!
Oh! I meant to mention something else! Your anniversary is 5 June, 2009 and we were married 4 July 2009! It's like we're milestone buddies!

we really are quite close in terms of milestones arent we!!

I'm in Scotland and we do things very differently over here compared with you, I'm not sure what all your appointments are actually!!

We only see a midwife (usually every month until 3rd trimester) and we get two scans, one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks unless something is wrong.

We also don't always find out if it is a boy or girl at 20 week scan. You can ask but they don't always tell you.

We found out first time though, and will hopefully find out again if the sonographer is being kind and wants to tell us!!

What about you? Any preference this time around? Any names for you yet?
We have had names picked out for quite a while. :)
:blue: Colton Jacob
:pink: Catherine Ruth

I haven't been referred to a general OB yet, but I believe that I will get a 12 week scan, a 20 week scan, and then at 28 or 32 weeks they want you to come in weekly to see if you are dialated and effaced. They always check the heartbeat with a doppler too.

Until I am referred, I am seeing my RE who scanned me last week, again today, and a final time two weeks from now. We're just making sure this is a viable pregnancy before sending me to a regular OB. My scan today went GREAT! I saw a heartbeat and the baby has grown since last week! Honestly I think it would be easier to just get a first scan at 12 weeks. It is nerve wracking going back over and over again for scans and wondering if I will still see a heartbeat.

Do you have any names in mind?
All sounds good!

I wish we got a first scan just for viability as it's hard to wiat until 12 weeks but I'm just counting down the days.

Can't believe no-one has joined us yet!! Hope we get some more buddies hehe.

Love your names. We have a few but husband isn't 100% on them so we will see.

We have Eden for a girl and Deacon for a boy. The names we had for boys last time have become really popular and I don't really want a name that's extremely common.
It's always so hard with names because even if you choose a name that isn't that common, some book may be published the day the baby is born and suddenly EVERYONE is naming your child what was (when you chose it) a less common name. We decided we would look for something that wasn't in the top 10, but beyond that we aren't going to worry so much.

Can you imagine how popular William and Kate are right now? Or Pippa? I feel bad for people who used those names before the royal wedding. Now they are peaking in popularity.
Can I join? I will actually be due on around the 1st of June so I am just out of May...although if I fail to get my VBAC and need another planned c-section then I will be in the end of May. My son is two and a half.
Welcome Omi!! When did you get your BFP?
Just yesterday at 12dpo. I could see a line when tipping it in the light at 9dp and 11dpo but I was not sure if it was an evap or really faint positive but then I got a nice and clear but faint ish positive yesterday. I could see it without tipping it in the light and it was definitely pink that time. So it is all settling in a bit still.

I will make sure I get a nice dark line on Monday and then call my doctors to see about getting booked in with the midwife.

We have names picked out and they are statistically conman but they are the only names me and DH can remotely agree one. :shrug:

How were your past pregnancies?
It's always so hard with names because even if you choose a name that isn't that common, some book may be published the day the baby is born and suddenly EVERYONE is naming your child what was (when you chose it) a less common name. We decided we would look for something that wasn't in the top 10, but beyond that we aren't going to worry so much.

Can you imagine how popular William and Kate are right now? Or Pippa? I feel bad for people who used those names before the royal wedding. Now they are peaking in popularity.

Oh I know, names seem to come in and out of fashion so much that it's hard.

My only wish is that our children don't go to school and have 3 or 4 others in the class with the same name but that's probably not likely!
Hi Omi

That's what happened to us. we were trying but I genuinely didn't think it was our month then I did a test and threw it away thinking it would be negative at 9po. something made me go back and look and there was a very faint line. We did a few more tests that day and all faint and I wondered about evap!! Bought digital and the next day did one with fmu and it was a :bfp:

My last pregnancy was good. No morning sickness, just nausiousness.

I had spd though and was given crutches towards the end. I also had placenta previa so had another scan at 36 weeks to determine whether I would need a c section or not but thankfully it had moved. I was induced but had a relatively easy 5 hour labour with no pain relief!!

what about you? x
I had really bad 'morning' sickness for the first 4 months and could hardly eat and when I did threw it back up so lost quite a bit of weight in the start but I could keep water down so was not hospitalised for it. In the 4th/5th month it seemed like I had SPD but then it suddenly stopped, I read if you get it then it does not go but my midwife said sometimes the baby it trapping nerves and that can cause the same sort of pain. From the end of the 5th month/start if the 6th my pregnancy became high-risk. At 6 months they thought I was in early labour, I did not think I was but it was still scary, especially a since the early labour test made me bleed. I had pregnancy induced hypertension which eventually turned into pre-eclampsia. The hypertension caused worried about the placenta quality. I also had strep-B and a breach position. I had to have a minimum of 2 midwife check-up's a week at which point they always sent me to hospital for more tests and I had to have a lot of overnight stays and a couple of extra scans. Unsurprisingly I had to have a planned c-section. I am normally healthy so did not really expect all that. However I had a MMC followed by a D&C and then a natural MC before I had DS so I can not really complain about the high-risk pregnancy since I got my amazing little guy from it.

It is fair to say that that I really want a boring pregnancy this time. :haha: I mostly do not want lots of overnight hospital stays because I do not want to be away from DS. I am also really hoping for a VBAC.
Hi ladies - techincally my son is not two for another three weeks, but he will be two for the majority of my pregnancy so thought I'd join you if that's OK.

I had an early scan this week (too early to see much apart from pregnancy sac and yolk), and will have another scan in two weeks time to asess for viability, as I've had a few losses in recent months whilst trying to conceive number 2.

Starting to get the all day nausea and am already so tired. Didn't get any of these sypmtoms with my son until past 7 weeks - it's going to be a fun couple of months!

Congrats on your BFPs! It will be lovely to chat with others around the same stage of pregnancy and with toddlers.
Welcome Khloeee! I'm excited for your next scan. :) Hopefully the MS is a good sign.

Omi: My last pregnancy I didn't have any MS. I was tired in the 1st tri, but generally pregnancy was a fun experience. I had a SCH at 14 weeks that was very scary, but after a month of bedrest everything turned out fine.

This pregnancy is VERY different. I am nauseated all day. I managed to calm it down with some pimento stuffed olives last night, but mostly every time I look at food I immediately lose my appetite. I'm really hoping that this is a boring pregnancy too and that the most I have to deal with is loss of appetite and being tired. :haha:
I am currently just tiered, my appetite is a little off and I feel very mildly sick at very strong smells like perfume. I am eating a little less but when I do eat all I seem to want is carbs with cheese and I normally eat fine an love fruit and vegetables. With any luck I if I get morning sickness it will not be too bad.

Oh I am bloated too. Anyone else? I am struggling to find trousers to fit like I did with DS from the start. Maternity trousers would be far too big but normal ones are too small and pinch.
I'm not bloated at all. I didn't pop until 23 weeks last time, I doubt I will see a bump before 20 weeks this time either.

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