That's true Omi, I never really looked up the nub theory or anything either, even when I was last pregnant. (I actually only recently figured out what the nub theory IS, lol!)
Phoebe: The study didn't keep data on placenta location at 12 weeks, so I'm not sure that it would work. The placenta is much larger by that time, so I'm not sure you can tell exactly where it implanted. But maybe you could book a private scan and just ask them to tell you what side the placenta is on. It should be ok up to 8 weeks.
Khloeee: I'm going to ask at my next scan too. From what I can tell on my previous scans, both show the placenta on the right but I want to ask anyway. It'll be fun to see if it's right. We'll ask them to take a peek at the 20 week appt. too. I'm one of those people who wants to know the gender IMMEDIATELY. LOL I spend all pregnancy shopping so that when the baby arrives I just stay home staring at her/him.
I've always envied people who can wait to find out the gender. It must be so fun to wonder if it will be a boy or a girl up until you hear the doctor tell you! I'm just too Type-A for that. I admit, I am a total control freak. This pregnancy we aren't letting the cat out of the bag until I visit in December, which means we should be right near that 20 week gender scan. I am so excited to be able to not only tell my family to expect a baby, but to expect a boy or girl!
AFM, I have gained some weight I think. Although I am not sure if I gained it before the BFP or after. How awful is that?? I am up 10lbs from July, but I was eating terribly in August so I may have gained it before pregnancy was ever an issue. And now I am desperately trying not to gain any more, although I keep eating nachos, s'mores, hot chocolate, and honey so I'm not helping my cause any!