May Mums with Toddlers in their Twos!

I'm ridiculously bloated! I know that you usually show earlier with a second pregnancy, but was not prepared to have the same sized bump at 5 weeks as I did at 5 months with my son! It's pretty much all bloat, plus a bit of extra weight I've been carrying around since my first pregnancy, hehe.

That's interesting about the placenta theory. I will have another scan at 7 weeks, maybe I should ask which side it's attached and we can see if they are right in 8 months time.
That's true Omi, I never really looked up the nub theory or anything either, even when I was last pregnant. (I actually only recently figured out what the nub theory IS, lol!)

Phoebe: The study didn't keep data on placenta location at 12 weeks, so I'm not sure that it would work. The placenta is much larger by that time, so I'm not sure you can tell exactly where it implanted. But maybe you could book a private scan and just ask them to tell you what side the placenta is on. It should be ok up to 8 weeks.

Khloeee: I'm going to ask at my next scan too. From what I can tell on my previous scans, both show the placenta on the right but I want to ask anyway. It'll be fun to see if it's right. We'll ask them to take a peek at the 20 week appt. too. I'm one of those people who wants to know the gender IMMEDIATELY. LOL I spend all pregnancy shopping so that when the baby arrives I just stay home staring at her/him.

I've always envied people who can wait to find out the gender. It must be so fun to wonder if it will be a boy or a girl up until you hear the doctor tell you! I'm just too Type-A for that. I admit, I am a total control freak. This pregnancy we aren't letting the cat out of the bag until I visit in December, which means we should be right near that 20 week gender scan. I am so excited to be able to not only tell my family to expect a baby, but to expect a boy or girl!

AFM, I have gained some weight I think. Although I am not sure if I gained it before the BFP or after. How awful is that?? I am up 10lbs from July, but I was eating terribly in August so I may have gained it before pregnancy was ever an issue. And now I am desperately trying not to gain any more, although I keep eating nachos, s'mores, hot chocolate, and honey so I'm not helping my cause any!
That's true Omi, I never really looked up the nub theory or anything either, even when I was last pregnant. (I actually only recently figured out what the nub theory IS, lol!)

Phoebe: The study didn't keep data on placenta location at 12 weeks, so I'm not sure that it would work. The placenta is much larger by that time, so I'm not sure you can tell exactly where it implanted. But maybe you could book a private scan and just ask them to tell you what side the placenta is on. It should be ok up to 8 weeks.

Khloeee: I'm going to ask at my next scan too. From what I can tell on my previous scans, both show the placenta on the right but I want to ask anyway. It'll be fun to see if it's right. We'll ask them to take a peek at the 20 week appt. too. I'm one of those people who wants to know the gender IMMEDIATELY. LOL I spend all pregnancy shopping so that when the baby arrives I just stay home staring at her/him.

I've always envied people who can wait to find out the gender. It must be so fun to wonder if it will be a boy or a girl up until you hear the doctor tell you! I'm just too Type-A for that. I admit, I am a total control freak. This pregnancy we aren't letting the cat out of the bag until I visit in December, which means we should be right near that 20 week gender scan. I am so excited to be able to not only tell my family to expect a baby, but to expect a boy or girl!

AFM, I have gained some weight I think. Although I am not sure if I gained it before the BFP or after. How awful is that?? I am up 10lbs from July, but I was eating terribly in August so I may have gained it before pregnancy was ever an issue. And now I am desperately trying not to gain any more, although I keep eating nachos, s'mores, hot chocolate, and honey so I'm not helping my cause any!

Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait until the 20 weeks or pay privately at 16 weeks plus. Not quite something I feel we can afford at £100 a pop when I can wait another 4 weeks.

I know how you feel with teh weight gain. I decided this morning I really need to be a bit more careful. Ate so much last night I was actually sick :dohh:

I felt awful and I know pregnancy isn't an excuse just to eat. had to work hard at losing it first time round so I really don't want to struggle second time!!
Yes, I really gained last time!! 3 stone! (Shhh, don't tell anyone! ;))

I am so desperate not to go there again. I want to be a skinny prego. By the end of my DD's pregnancy I was a WHALE.
Yes, I really gained last time!! 3 stone! (Shhh, don't tell anyone! ;))

I am so desperate not to go there again. I want to be a skinny prego. By the end of my DD's pregnancy I was a WHALE.

I was more than that!!! I figure I'm just never going to be one of those gorgeous pregnant women, whose legs stay the same and you can only tell from the front.

I weighed this morning 4lb up than 2 weeks ago.

I have been eating more but not stuffing myself full so Im feeling a bit crap with it just now.
I've been very nauseated and I've still gained 5lbs. Depressing! And when I try to eat the "good" foods they make me gag. It's not fair!
I am struggling to eat healthily. I normally like healthy food but not any more!

I am still feeling awful but now I am getting bad headaches too. How is everyone else doing?
Ive been okay.

have found myself a little emotional today at work but I'm tired so that will explain it.

Soooo bloated still and have been a little dizzy at time.

I think it's going to be harder this time to keep it quiet until I have my scan.

Have any of you ladies decided on what kind of birth you would like.

I was considering a home birth but I feel like I might put my bubba in danger if anything happens. I had no pain relief last time so I would like to stick to that again but who knows!!
I feel like it is more obvious this time too.

I had to have a planned c-section last time but am hoping for an natural of a VBAC that I can this time. I need to talk to a consultant about my options first though and manage a low-risk pregnancy this time. I wanted a home-birth last time but my pregnancy was high-risk.
I have been EXHAUSTED lately! Not like a little tired, I've been flat out done. I had my doctor's appointment this morning and couldn't muster the desire to go back to work. Instead I took a nap on the couch and figure if anyone asks I'll tell them I was feeling ill. Not exactly a lie, right?

My appointment went REALLY well! Saw Cole-Cat in there measuring 8+4, which is where I'm supposed to be! Got LOTS of pictures, need to figure out how to upload them! They let me hear the heartbeat again, 179bpm!! Wow! Then we talked about me going to a regular OB. My RE recommended a new practice next to his so I went over to interview them to see if they could be a match. It was quite lovely. A tray of chocolates at the reception window, and no patients waiting. The waiting area was very tranquil and had this mesmorizing meditation video playing. The doctor invited me back straight away and sat me down to tell me about his practice. It was so nice to be able to speak with him. And I never felt rushed or like he didn't have time for me, and I'm not even a patient yet! I'm definitely going over to his practice.

I have no idea what my birth plan is going to be. I'm a bit in the tin because I will be moving in March, so I'll need a new doctor/midwife/hospital. I'll probably have another hospital birth. I didn't plan on having any pain management last time, but then I buckled and asked for the epidural. Midwives aren't covered on my insurance anyway and they REALLY don't like homebirths. I wish I had the constitution to be able to do that by choice, but I think I would have to be in a spot where I couldn't get an epi to give birth without one.
Me too. I am going to bed at 8pm every night. No, that is not really much of a lie.

It sounds like your appointment went well.

I should be moving in January so I will be changing midwives too although I will still go to the same hospital.
I have been EXHAUSTED lately! Not like a little tired, I've been flat out done. I had my doctor's appointment this morning and couldn't muster the desire to go back to work. Instead I took a nap on the couch and figure if anyone asks I'll tell them I was feeling ill. Not exactly a lie, right?

My appointment went REALLY well! Saw Cole-Cat in there measuring 8+4, which is where I'm supposed to be! Got LOTS of pictures, need to figure out how to upload them! They let me hear the heartbeat again, 179bpm!! Wow! Then we talked about me going to a regular OB. My RE recommended a new practice next to his so I went over to interview them to see if they could be a match. It was quite lovely. A tray of chocolates at the reception window, and no patients waiting. The waiting area was very tranquil and had this mesmorizing meditation video playing. The doctor invited me back straight away and sat me down to tell me about his practice. It was so nice to be able to speak with him. And I never felt rushed or like he didn't have time for me, and I'm not even a patient yet! I'm definitely going over to his practice.

I have no idea what my birth plan is going to be. I'm a bit in the tin because I will be moving in March, so I'll need a new doctor/midwife/hospital. I'll probably have another hospital birth. I didn't plan on having any pain management last time, but then I buckled and asked for the epidural. Midwives aren't covered on my insurance anyway and they REALLY don't like homebirths. I wish I had the constitution to be able to do that by choice, but I think I would have to be in a spot where I couldn't get an epi to give birth without one.

Sounds like everything is going really well for you MightyMom.

I can't wait to hear little one's heart beat, hopefully I will get to listen at my first midwife appointmetn which is in a couple of weeks.

I love the idea that you can pick the doctor etc you go and see.

We don't get a choice at all. Our medical system is very different in the UK. We have a national health service so we have to register at the doctor surgery within a certain distance to our home. We are then allocated a midwife from our doctor practice.

I will have the same midwife I had last time and she was lovely so I have no complaints there.

How is everyone coping now?

I have had teriible mood swings and migraines over the weekend and I'm really finding it hard not to tell everyone!!!
Hi folks,

Sickness has kicked in and although it's not been that bad at all, staring at my computer of phone screen for too long makes it worse, so I've not been on BnB too much.

Had a straight forward birth last time round so am hoping for the same this time. Have mixed feelings about home birth, in one sense it would be brilliant, but I'm not sure how comfortable I would feel at home in labour - I'd rather make a mess somewhere else! Plus, if I had a pool, it would fill my whole living room so there would be no room to walk about, I walked about A LOT in my labour with my son. OH is set against a home birth at the moment anyway, so unless I persuade him we'll probably try for the birth centre attached to the local hospital.
I could never do a pool birth. I can't get over the idea of sitting in water I pooped in. :)
Yeah, last time I found the pool really great for pain relief during labour, but got out to give birth and not sure I'd want to give birth in a pool this time either.
Isn't it funny how when you are a first time mom no one tells you that you will do that?? I remember reading it beforehand, so I was prepared, but if I hadn't known about it I think I may have freaked out a bit. At our hospital they prepare for that though and just remove it and put down a new pad right away. I'm pretty sure I did that with DD, although I'd have to ask DH to be sure.

I don't know if I did that last time.

My labour was so quick that by the time I got from maternity ward to the labour room I had gone from 3cm to fully dilated and was pushing and little one had arrived in an hour!! I'm hoping its same this time too. It was so quick I don't remember much!

Any of you ladies have a strong feeling what you're having?

I just knew last time it was a girl. This time I'm certain it's a boy, not sure why as hubby and I said we would have girls but he's certain it's a boy too xx
No idea. I was certain last time that it was a boy and now this time I feel like it's another girl but I want a boy.
Sometimes I think boy and other times I think girl. I think it is going to be hard after 20 weeks when DH knows and I won't though.

I am feeling so ill at the moment, I am really looking forward to getting out of the first trimester.

I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on Wednesday. Anyone else got appointments coming up?
How did you get on OmiOmen at your booking appointment with the midwife?

I have mine next Friday.

i can't really remember from the last time but do you get to hear little one's heart beat at first booking appointment?

I just want my scan to come quickly now, finding it really hard not telling people and I'm sure some have guessed.

I just want to know the little one is doing well in there.

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