Em its like clomid here are some success stories
I'm feeling much better today, thankfully. We had a nice day and went shopping for my mom's wedding on Saturday and went out to eat. Some nice family time.
But everyone on my facebook has managed to give birth this past week it seems and im super broody!
Oh good luck for insemination Brandi! Keep us posted.
My Facebook is the same, one of my school friends was due last week and another had her baby 2 days ago....so many baby pictures.
I'm still waiting for AF! 2 days late now and still no sign tested this morning but I knocked my fmu over so only had the tiniest amount to test with so I oculdnt decided if I saw a very faint positive or indent. I'd have thought for 13dpo it would be stronger than a faint so I'm not hopeful.
I'm frustrated. I would love to have a BFP for my 26th birthday (May 12) but I'm not feeling very optimistic about this cycle. Trying not to let myself get down about it but not succeeding very well.
Hello! Can you put me down for testing May 10th. That is Mother's Day here and I should either be a day or 2 late or about 11 dpo depending on when I ovulate. Thank you!
Oh good luck for insemination Brandi! Keep us posted.
My Facebook is the same, one of my school friends was due last week and another had her baby 2 days ago....so many baby pictures.
I'm still waiting for AF! 2 days late now and still no sign tested this morning but I knocked my fmu over so only had the tiniest amount to test with so I oculdnt decided if I saw a very faint positive or indent. I'd have thought for 13dpo it would be stronger than a faint so I'm not hopeful.
Sometimes implantation doesn't occur until 12 dpo so I wouldn't count yourself out just yet. I'd wait a few days and retest unless af shows b4 then.
Hi Ladies,
Can you please add me for testing on May 9? I have short cycles, so I could probably test as early as May 6, but I am trying to hold out until after AF is due this month to save some money on tests .
This is my third cycle of TTC, hopefully the third time's the charm! I'm really hoping to try to get pregnant before ball season starts here, that way I can give my team time to find a replacement player. Good luck to everyone
I'm frustrated. I would love to have a BFP for my 26th birthday (May 12) but I'm not feeling very optimistic about this cycle. Trying not to let myself get down about it but not succeeding very well.
I wanted a positive for my birthday April 10th I got the witch on the 9th.