There is a hostel where I lived 3 times while trying to get back into some supported housing I had lived in before. I was shoved on the waiting list with a rough time of 3 months to get in, after a month the guy who I hung around with told me that his ex was about and I needed to lay low, the next day I found out that she had previously stabbed someone in the neck and was after me for "stealing her man" They had been broken up for 2 years and he was a friend to me, nothing more. my friend moved me to a safe spot 5 miles along the beach for the weekend when the day centre was closed (who decide admissions to the hostel) then on the monday he got me into the day centre about 30 mins before it opened, we told them the situation and they bumped me to the top of the list, I moved in that day, then 2 months later I finally got back into th supported housing, met OH and got this flat.
Fingers crossed your stalker stays away, lol @ your hubby, I hope the neighbors keep it down, I bet you can't wait to move!